what's the difference after the tarot enter to your life?


AuthenticJoy said:
One thing I noticed after a few weeks of card study and still makes me smile to this day, is picking out details in everyday views. What is on someone's counter, or the wall of a restaurant, or in an advert...which way feet are pointing, birds, what's in the pictures...Looking at little details that perhaps a non-tarotist may never notice at all.

the world becomes a series of enormous tarot cards full of interesting details!

That's just beautiful!!! :grin:




I feel like I have a new level of clarity in my life that I never had through any other spiritual or emotional experience before. Tarot is a dear friend that speaks the truth and does not judge. Tarot is patient, beautiful and a powerful tool that helps me look at things through a different perspective. :)


valeria said:
Even when "bad" cards come up, I am thankful because I would much rather know what is coming and prepare, than to go in blind and be faced with something nasty as a surprise.

I :love: :love: :love: Tarot!

Me too, to all of your post! And me too, I am glad for the "bad" cards too. I don't want to have it hit me blind either, and just because you don't do a reading on it does not mean it won't happen. In fact the only way to change thing and prepare is to do the reading and know.

My way though is not so much to prepare as to see what I can do to avoid it. I.e if something I don't want it in my future, I ask how I can change that future to a positive one, then I take the advice....See my romantic reading above. When I first saw that we would get together, but would fight and break but (when the cards first came up), I was seriously upset. I really love the guy. I did not want to go on with the reading. But I forced myself to see what future we were heading towards, then asked why we were heading in that direction, and how I could change that....and now they are predicting such a postiive future. I was overjoyed when I say it. Hey I changed my future from a negative to a positive one!!!

Althought there are times, it's true when you can't change things, but still the cards are great at helping you prepare for what is come and to deal with it better,



Thank all of you for sharing these wonderful experiences ! They are so amazing ! I really expect that I will have the similar experiences very soon! I hope I can catch the messages from tarot progressively . I have to admit I 'm not sure what it is talking about exactly! There are many misunderstanding between us now. But all of you really encourage me to pursue this path! Thank you !


I was very touched by your replies SunChariot. How very wonderful and it opened doors to me that I had not thought about.

As to my experience with Tarot and what it means to me is from a different perspective than you but I think valuable in its own way.

To make a longer story shorter, I have led a fairly long life already and if I may be honest here, I can say my life from day one has been filled with guidance from above. I did not know it of course at the time but my development included many, many areas of growth. I have seen miracles, I kid you not, and a myriad of things that were glowingly unexplainable.
Do I believe in the paranormal ? Unequivocally, Yes !!

My path has led me through "mysticism", understanding as much as I could and understanding on some levels. There is always more no matter how much you become aware , it is just a shadow of what is there.

So Tarot to me has come in the culmination of my life since my full study of it has only been about 3 years although I was aware and dabbled a bit many years ago. It is like a book, written down on paper, only in pictures for me to see. The symbology of it is stunning and it is like an ever changing picture.
To see, review, understand, search and become aware.

It has made me aware how much the Archetypal Symbols are reflected in each of us and this knowledge has come down through the ages in our unconscious subconscious. (Not sure that is right way to express the term).
We are all connected even through the races and peoples who are so different from each of us. My vocabulary is not sufficient to explain it.
But it is on a deeper level than just every day.

I do not know how much longer I will go on as no one does. I figure I am good for another 20 years maybe and intend to pursue my knowledge through Tarot and watch the fascinating unfoldment of what is to come.

Tarot is like a polished jewel waiting to be cherished and used. It has been much maligned but in our new age of becoming more aware maybe it will be more accepted or maybe it is for those who are called to it as so many other things in life are.

Thank you for the thread Rosemaryh, you will have wonderful experiences.
Just keep you eyes open and look and search. Your life will be full of things that matter.... Dorothy


rosemaryh said:
Thank all of you for sharing these wonderful experiences ! They are so amazing ! I really expect that I will have the similar experiences very soon! I hope I can catch the messages from tarot progressively . I have to admit I 'm not sure what it is talking about exactly! There are many misunderstanding between us now. But all of you really encourage me to pursue this path! Thank you !

Well of course. Tarot is like any skill: you get better with practice. I have kept every last one of my readings. And the early ones were certainly not as well done as the later ones. And I fully expect to be better years from now than I am now as well.

It took me a lot of reading to get to where I am now. I know I have read pover 30 books on Tarot by now and tons or Internet articles and tons of AT posts too. :grin:

And of course there are so many methods of reading. It takes some trial and error to find the methods that work best for you, and to learn to discard what doesn't.

I can certainly tell you that my first reading (which was for myself) was a disaster and full of misunderstandings. I asked about the future of a relationship, and the Death card came up. It half scared me out of my mind, as I did not understand the cards well enough to get it. I thought one of use was going to die. I just literally ran out of the room. LOL Later I came back and put the cards away, having first marked down which cards had come up where. I thought I should quit Tarot right then and there. LOL

It was a while later till I worked up the courage to pull out the cards and see what they really meant. And of course the Death card has nothing to do with actual death. It had just predicted the breakup of the relationship, which has 100% accurate btw. It did break up soon after.

I had a lot to learn, one of the things was that there ARE no bad cards in Tarot. They are all there to improve our lives, and if we let the cards do so, they will do just that.

Hang in there, we all learn from practise and experience. :grin:

I am sure you will have the same kinds of beautiful expereinces we have had too. My advice for today is don't be afraid to try new things. You can ask literally anything you want to and it will answer. Questions on the nature of the universe, what you are here of earth to accomplish during this lifetime....those kinds can be some of my favourites. I have even had an unusual idea for a reading I will soon try out. Someone here put the idea in my head. :grin: About watching a bird flying outside and asking how he feels when he flies...I think it would be fascinating to ask about the feelings of animals...

But the point is there is no limit to what you can ask. And the more creative you can get sometimes, the more you might expand your view of the universe. Don't be afraid to be curious and investigate. You have one of the greatest tools for finding truth ever in your hands now. :heart:

Oh, one last piece of advice. If you can find this book it's great for someone starting out:

"Complete Illustrated Guide to Tarot, by Rachel Pollack"

But one last piece of advice, reading many books helps, as there are many ways to do things in Tarot and many books just contradict each other. In the end you will have to feel inside you which ways are part of your path....


PS and thanks so much memries. Your stories and memories are beautiful too. I loved reading your post :heart:


Tarot makes me stop. And think.



I asked my spirit guides for an answer to help me with my spiritual quest. I meditate and have strong intuitive abilities that I recognize and strentghen, but I had this nagging feeling of wanting something more. Tarot, kept popping up in my thoughts. I pushed it aside and couldn't imagine it would hold an interest for me. It wasn't something I had ever considered or was interested in. I thought it wasn't spiritual enough and phony, even though I knew nothing about it. I kept asking and it kept coming. I looked it up on line and thought, UUGGHH!, I would have to study that, it seemed to complicated to learn. After many months of ignoring my guides and inner self, I bought my first deck. It was the best thing I have done for myself in a while. I use my cards daily, read about Tarot or am here sharing information and learning from others that have this passion. I also belong to another on line group. I love Tarot and what it has given me.


Tarot makes me more playful