What's your make-or-break card?


Just for fun and out of curiosity, do you have a card that you look at first and/or foremost in deciding if you want to buy a deck (or at least in deciding whether you like it or not)? For example, for me it's the Fool and the Empress. If I'm turned off by either of these it's a dealbreaker. But the Chariot, eh, don't really care about how that one looks.

Which card do you look for first?


I don't have one card in particular, I have three. 9 of Pents, the Hermit & the Magician. Although, there have been other cards that make or break a deck for me; the Sun in LS Celtic for instance - I just can't wrap my head around the blood & gore.


4 of Pentacles

The people I read for have a lot of base chakra issues. The 4 of P isn't about money for them, but issues of safety and belonging. I don't like money or miser focused 4 of P cards.


Oftentimes the back!


Strength. I don't care for domineering strength cards. I prefer the ones that show power with, rather than power over.


I always had to see the Knight of Swords galloping into action.


Death. I will still buy the deck, probably (I am hopeless.... :|) But it is THE card that resonates, has to resonate, for me.


2 of swords every time.


Death and the High Priestess. I'm so goth ;)

hunter said:
...The 4 of P isn't about money for them, but issues of safety and belonging.
Hunter, this is fantastic! You just aided me in my understanding of the breadth this card's meaning woo-hoo! I also dislike the miserly versions - too limiting.


I also look at the court cards. In some decks they all look kind of the same, and I like them to be distinct in appearance, to be able to see aspects of their personality in the image.