Wheeee, happy dance! First online chat reading


I never did a chat reading on Liveperson.com (formerly Kasamba) before tonight.

It was kind of neat. I like it -- I'm sorry I waited this long to try it out.

I just thought I'd share this wee milestone. :)


congratulations! did you do it via IM? what was that like?


<smile> well done. Our firsts are always special, aren't they.


well done to breaking the seal:)


Congrats!! I have thought about doing chat readings via google chat or skype or something. Not sure how it would work out. Did you feel connected enough to the sitter?


Thanks! :)

It was via liveperson.com's version of IM, which took a little bit of getting used to for me. I didn't expect all my text to stay in one section of the window and all the client's text to stay in a different section.

That's a good design feature, though, because I was typing a mile a minute and had the client interjected a question in the interim, it might have scrolled right off the screen without my noticing.

I did feel connected enough to do the reading, but it probably helps that I've done readings by email in the past. Plus, when my friends and I first started to work with Tarot, back when we were in High School, we practiced by doing readings on news stories, celebrities, and even fictional book characters.

I was pretty satisfied with how I handled the reading process, and I guess the client was OK with how I did. I got 3 out of 5 stars even though I didn't have the most, er, optimistic outlook to present regarding the relationship question I was asked. Too bad there weren't any happily-ever-after cards to interpret; maybe I'd have had a 4- or 5-star review. ;)

Maybe I'll have better luck next time getting happy-happy-joy-joy cards in response to a question. Then again, the people who are already happy with how things are going in their lives are probably not the ones who are going to be asking relationship/money questions of Tarot readers. So my ability to present sobering information in an honest and tactful manner will probably get quite the workout with these online readings.
I'm profoundly grateful for my typing skills, BTW. Not that I was typo-free, but I do type fast (85 wpm) and I feel I was able to get a generous amount of info into those 11 minutes of the reading.

I'll use a smaller spread next time, though. I was caught off guard by the arrival of a reading request, and I fell back on one of my old standby spreads: 2 cards each for Past, Present. Future. Next time, I'll just do a 3-card P/P/F to start with. That will be easier on my brain cells and typing fingers, and probably will be easier for the client to digest the amount of info coming their way.


shelikes2read said:
I was pretty satisfied with how I handled the reading process, and I guess the client was OK with how I did. I got 3 out of 5 stars even though I didn't have the most, er, optimistic outlook to present regarding the relationship question I was asked. Too bad there weren't any happily-ever-after cards to interpret; maybe I'd have had a 4- or 5-star review.
That sux. It sounds as if you were penalized stars because the seeker didn't hear what she wanted to hear...when, in fact, you could have been very close to completely accurate in everything you told her. Such is life. I just wish that others could understand that the rating system might reflect things other than how well you actually read the cards.

I have never read cards via a venue like this...thank you for sharing your experience!