Wheel of Fortune Clarified by The Tower


I just did a spread for myself on a very recent, and new, health issue. I saw my GP today and have to see a specialist next week (so this is not being used instead of professional opinion)

Using the Golden Tarot, no reversals, I drew 5 cards and a clarifier.

How will this area of my health be in the near future ? Wheel of Fortune clarified by The Tower

How will I feel in this situation ? 5 of Coins

I pulled the clarifier to really get a feel for the position that the wheel might have found itself in here; on the up or down swing. To be honest the Tower didn't help me much. I could read this combo as : Your health takes a turn for the better and you feel liberated OR it takes a turn for the worse as something unpleasant is uncovered.

Hence my asking the next question . The Five of coins suggests I will feel like despairing over this one, it might be expensive, will impact negatively on my SO (we are meant to be moving country in 6 weeks time) and I will be *sick* into the bargain.

The five really set the tone here for me. And therefore things are not looking rosy.

Any other way of looking at these ?


Yours looks the same as i was thinking, that you are in a period of recovering from a situation (sick?) and the Wheel is pointing down. The Tower marks that bottom. There is only way for the Wheel to go from this point, and that direction is "up."


Thanks. No way around this one then .


Did you add up the values of all the cards drawn in the throw and otherwise calculate the quint card? IF so, did the meaning of the quint appear to be negative or positive?

& Did you check the shadow card to see what the undercurrent of the situation was?

Also as far as calculating the quint goes, (if you kept track of the cards drawn), why don't you try calculating it without including the value of the clarifer (tower), and then check this quints meaning. The reason i mention this last, is because i generally calculate the quint and consider its meaning in relation to the throw, before I draw a clarifier.

Whatever, each to there own, but maybe there would be something in these other cards that would shed more light.


I agree on the Wheel of Fortune...at bottom coming up. The Tower is actually a good card here. To me, it is the thunderstorm card. Big storm comes through. When it is gone things look messy but are actually cleaned out. Though the storm brings down a few branches and trees the smell in the air is clean and new.

That is a good thing for a health reading. A big storm but if you use common sense you end up better for it.


I think The Wheel and The Tower are telling you that you'll be pleasantly surprised and enlightened about the situation. The Five of Pentacles says you'll feel that you need to take the journey on your own, but that there are people who can give you the support that you need.

I see the Five of Pentacles not so much as being broke or downtrodden, but having a lack mentality. The fact that you are going to a specialist means that there is help for you. And I'm sure there are other organizations that could help you as well. They may even be able to assist you with the medical expenses.

That could also be what the Wheel and the Tower are pointing to -- getting a bit of good luck in a way that shatters your assumptions that medical treatment will be too expensive, and that you need to do everything on your own.

Best of luck to you!


I do agree with you on your reading of the combination, Anyway you add up these cards, you are not going to get the news you expected, and will be felling let down. Wish you the best :heart:


I started typing my reply, but I realized two things:

1) This is getting way too long for a forum post (in my opinion)
2) This would make a great blog post.

So I turned my reply into a blog post. You can read it here, if you like: http://adanawtn.com/the-tower-aint-so-bad/

But because to the matter at hand...

I don't think you'll necessarily be let down or disappointed, since The Tower is only clarifying The Wheel of Fortune. I think you could be pleasantly surprised by a fortuitous turn of events, and this could cause you to examine the negative beliefs that you're harboring about the situation.


Apologies to the last people who responded! I thought Firecat was my first and last response and this slidding down the page into oblivion !


Did you add up the values of all the cards drawn in the throw and otherwise calculate the quint card? IF so, did the meaning of the quint appear to be negative or positive?

& Did you check the shadow card to see what the undercurrent of the situation was?

Also as far as calculating the quint goes, (if you kept track of the cards drawn), why don't you try calculating it without including the value of the clarifer (tower), and then check this quints meaning. The reason i mention this last, is because i generally calculate the quint and consider its meaning in relation to the throw, before I draw a clarifier.

Whatever, each to there own, but maybe there would be something in these other cards that would shed more light.

I do sometimes add up to get a quintessential card, and did this time. I didn't add it here as I thought I would be breaking the half the cards in a draw rule. I realise it's not a drawn card as such but still thought I might be *over the limit* in another way. Same for the shadow card (which I do always refer to)

I'll see if I can get clarification on these two points.