When a reading just doesn't inspire you...


Sun, I agree with you there, and if it's an important reading, what I have gotten into the habit of doing is writing down the first cards in a notebook, and then on the opposite page, writing down the next cards, and comparing the two at a later date when I'm maybe more with it to interpret the messages of the cards. And it tends to be 50/50 with me, which draw makes more sense and is more accurate.


I agree with the last two posts, when that happens to me, I record the cards and revisit them at a later time. Usually when I do that the cards are still in the back of my mind (because I can't seem to let something go that I don't get!) and eventually I have an 'ah ha" moment. I assume that my guides are waiting until I am ready to get the gist of it all or until I am open enough to receive the message.


SkadisPhoenix said:
I have whole days like that at times, so I just put aside the deck, and do something else, whether it's tarot related or not (usually it involves playing computer games. :p)

I can relate. The deck has days when the energy around me is tranquil. So I just put them away and go off and read or draw.:love:


Yellow_Munky said:
when i "force" myself to do a reading, i know that the outcome of the reading will be very inaccurate and horrible. BUT, when i feel in the mood, like last night, the reading tends to be pretty accurate.
Absolutely! Mental fatigue could also be also a factor... I am starting to realize it more and more.
SunChariot said:
Well if the question felt important enough to me (or the the querent) to do a reading on, then it is important to find out the answer. That, for me, is where the inspiration comes for.
Incentive right there! Albeit, sometimes some questions are asked without much consideritation. ( I could be judgemental... Sorry).

I like the conscensus about keeping note of the cards and getting back to them later for further 'examination'.

Thank you all sooo much for your inputs. I will keep in mind in the future.

Maggie :)