When in doubt...


...do you trust your own readings on a situation or would you put more trust in another reader? I don't want this to turn into another thread about the pitfalls of reading for yourself; I'm well aware of those. It's just that I seem to trust my own readings more than I used to, and I think the reason is that the cards are in tune with my intuition. They seem to confirm what my intuition is telling me. Whether or not my intuition is off is another matter...


I do like to read for myself but I'm aware that most of the times what I get is the reason I did the reading in the first place, its my fears and doubts reflected in the cards so I have to ignore those readings, but this also happens with others reading for me
but when I know my reading is correct even if it's not what I wanted to see, I trust it over other people's


I agree with Filipa...when I (used to) read for myself, the cards reflected my fears and doubts back at me...
I don't do it anymore. I am scared and doubtful enough ;)

ana luisa

Both and sometimes, neither. When the situation is very serious, I usually KNOW what has to be done. No need for cards. Mind you, this knowledge is rarely comfortable but it is always there...


ana luisa said:
When the situation is very serious, I usually KNOW what has to be done. No need for cards. Mind you, this knowledge is rarely comfortable but it is always there...
Ditto. :) Otherwise I tend to read my own first,and then I like to get an outsider to do my cards,and that usually confirms what I'd originally read myself anyway.;)


BrightEye said:
...do you trust your own readings on a situation or would you put more trust in another reader? I don't want this to turn into another thread about the pitfalls of reading for yourself; I'm well aware of those. It's just that I seem to trust my own readings more than I used to, and I think the reason is that the cards are in tune with my intuition. They seem to confirm what my intuition is telling me. Whether or not my intuition is off is another matter...

I trust other readers more...well, depending on who the reader is...

Briar Rose

I feel like I would trust my own interpretation of the cards more. And that is because being the person asking the questions, I would already know the situation well.

I feel that sometimes our vibrations are so strong, that in a reading, it could come up that we are feeling a certain way, or seeing things a certain way, or we did this thing.... which could be very wrong because the cards could have picked up on a very strong vibration we had, or were involved in. Thus, we know our-own-situations best.


another reader could pick up on things we might not want to be aware of.


I couldn't possibly trust anyone's reading, my own or anyone else's.

It can shed light on a situation, it can make me see stuff that I couldn't see before and put other perspectives, but to rely on a tarot reading, to trust it to be true and right...


There is no way I could possibly ever do that.

For myself, I get some readings so amazingly right it's bizarre.
Others I get wrong.

How could I possibly trust something that I cannot trust to be right every time?


Hmmm a great question. I would say that if your reading says go left and their reading says go right... and you respect their abilities as a reader... go right. They have less skin in the game and might be more objective.

Or... do a third reading with a new question based on info you received from your reading and theirs... which I suppose is actually just going back to your own reading isn't it?

I'm waffling so I will stick with my original stance. Go right. Especially if this is a love reading we are talking about in which case go right IMMEDIATELY even if you have to cut across three lanes of traffic.

Briar Rose

If we don't trust in readers, then who are we to read the cards? Does this mean we shouldn't trust ourselves? Should we only read for ourselves?