Which Card are you...and Why?


I'm sure this question has been asked more than once, but couldn't find it in a search, so here we are.

Which card are you, the one you identify with the most, from which deck and why?

I am definitely Queen of Swords, swords is my suit (well, I am an air sign) and the image I have most identified with of that card would be the Queen of Swords from the Silent Tarot with her sword across her lap. I am more head over heart (but only to a point, I care about many things, I just don't wear my heart on my sleeve), very rational, independent. I can remain calm when others aren't (I thought seriously of becoming a grief and loss counselor as I can maintain my cool while giving comfort). I look over all options and then come to a reasonable decision. I don't let my emotions rule especially when they shouldn't.


The Devil, from almost any deck that shows a Christian Devil. (Although the Devil as Set in the Ancient Egyptian deck is appealing as well.) In a Christian paradigm I have far more sympathy for the Devil, particularly as more of a Promethean character. Did the Devil commit genocide by drowning the world? No.That was done by the other side. It also represents ignoring what society deems to be evil. Who is society to tell me my most primal urges are wrong or evil? Embrace (or reverse) the Devil and you set yourself free. So I much prefer to make friends and get to know the Devil, than live with a wall of denial saying 'that's not me!" It is me. Really it is. (Or perhaps it's because Capricorn is supposed to be my perfect match.)


If we're talking court-card characteristics, I'm the King of Cups inside-and-out, and my wife is absolutely the Queen of Swords. They also fit perfectly from an astrological perspective: I'm heavily Cancer/Scorpio and she is strongly Gemini/Libra (sometimes I wonder how we've made it 33 years together . . . so far :)). If we consider trumps, she would say I'm the Hermit and I would say she is the Dominat . . . umm, High Priestess (heheh, wrong thread, I was thinking "shadow" trump).

ETA: We are both Thoth devotees.


What a lovely question! I don't identify with any one card but am always interested to see what aspect of myself or life generally that the Universe thinks I'm reflecting or need to hold in mind.

Some cards always evoke joy. The Star card in the Crone deck is one. It's aspirational and definitely happy. :)


The King of Pentacles rules from 20° Aries to 20° Taurus. The Kt/P fits my everyday persona very well (as might be expected for an April 19th Aries/Taurus cusper).

However, always lurking beneath the surface veneer is Trump XV, one of the most misunderstood cards in the deck. Most people are so adamantly (and, alas, simplistically) determined to blame each and every instance of man's inhumanity to man on the Devil ("the Devil made me do it" mentality) that they miss not only the crucial necessity and vital importance of the archetype, but also the humor with which it is depicted in the majority of decks, including TdM, RWS, and Thoth. (Take note, ye intuitive readers.) *End of rant.*


interesting choices!

I see SweetIsTheTruth and LRichard both chose the Devil and I really liked your reasons behind that choice. That's why I didn't just ask which card, but why? MUCH more interesting that way, right?
BarleyWine, you cracked me up! Interesting your wife and I are both air signs and I identify with the QOS and you identified your wife as the QOS!
MomentaryLight, I'm so glad you liked the question and I found your comment really interesting about yourself or your life is reflecting at the moment.


Queen of Swords. Thus my avatar. :)


Color me so surprised, Aquarian Sister :)

Yes, Carla, we are QOS'S! :))

Sword King

I'm not sure about this one at all - I need to give it some thought. ;)


LOL - Sword King; is that perhaps an example of your 'sharp' wit? :grin:

I am the Queen of Cups. I am very introspective and empathic. I like to use my creative skills to express myself; writing, making jewelry, creating hand-made cards or scrapbooks to name a few. To me it's all about the fun in life. If it's not fun, I try to make it fun!