Which Card... It’s just no fun anymore!


4 of cups and 7 of pentacles, 9 of wands.


The Moon, definitely. Don't know where you're going and can't find your way out.


Ask the decks...

Morgan-Greer: Queen of Swords, smiling quite wickedly to herself (Lorena Bobbit comes to mind, but I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that my copy is rather psychotic)

Avalon Tarot: The Devil (he has a lot of piercings: been there, done that, bought the tee-shirt)

Sharman-Caselli: The Chariot (Love will tear us apart again - chafing at the bit)

Goddess Tarot: Strength (Men? Who needs 'em!)

Tarot Nova (miniature version): Five of Wands (Constant bickering - time to call a halt I think. The image is man v woman as well).

OK, so this is probably from a female point of view, but heck, I'm a woman.