Why does the Tarot have a bad rap?

Girl Archer

Recently, I was in college and looking at my new cards ( not even doing a reading!) and the stupid guard just shooed me out of the canteen. It was a very embarrassing experience, and I have had similar experiences in other places too... Most people too treat it like it is the work of the devil or something anti- God and stuff like that... Why the bad rap? Has the Church condemned readers as well to be burned at the stake ;) (though I understand it is no laughing matter that so many women were just persecuted) because they are threatened by readers in some fashion that I don't understand? Weren't the Tarot cards just used for playing games back then? Isn't the divination/fortune telling aspect pretty recent?


Recently, I was in college and looking at my new cards ( not even doing a reading!) and the stupid guard just shooed me out of the canteen. It was a very embarrassing experience, and I have had similar experiences in other places too... Most people too treat it like it is the work of the devil or something anti- God and stuff like that... Why the bad rap? Has the Church condemned readers as well to be burned at the stake ;) (though I understand it is no laughing matter that so many women were just persecuted) because they are threatened by readers in some fashion that I don't understand? Weren't the Tarot cards just used for playing games back then? Isn't the divination/fortune telling aspect pretty recent?

Yes, Girl Archer, the divination aspect of Tarot cards is relatively recent, probably stemming from an inspiration by Etteilla, already an 18th century French fortune teller, when he first saw a Tarot deck.

For me, the reason there is a prejudice against any fortune tellers, is that clever and manipulative readers can extort vast amounts of money from those who can least afford it. Their unfortunate victims are searching for some hope in their lives, usually in the areas of love, health or money. They are often so despairing that they will cling to any little piece of hope a reader throws to them.

There is an excellent example of this on YouTube, where a Romanian Tarot card reader creates dependence by telling her querents that a spell has been cast against the querent, and only by paying more money to the reader can that spell be lifted.


The college guard might have thought you were about to do the same thing amongst the students for whom he carried some responsibility.

The cards are ink and cardboard, and the truth lies in the heart of the querent, to be found by suggestions given by the reader when interpreting the spread.

How many querents, or well-meaning but mis-guided readers, actually understand this?


I know that I live in the Bible Belt and a good number of the people I know believe divination is wrong. Some verses I've had quoted at me are "When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord." "A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them." There are also multiple references to "false prophets" and the Anti-Christ.

My ex-husband and his family were constantly lecturing me about my crystals, Reiki and my cards. These same people had affairs, swore like sailors, and were incredibly prejudiced. I am cautious in where and when I will pull out my cards.


You'll find quite a few threads on Christianity and Tarot here:

There are also a lot of threads on this subject. I don't take my cards out in public places or share my Tarot interest freely with others. If people weren't judgemental and prejudiced we'd all be holding hands and singing Kumbaya;)


Some verses I've had quoted at me are ...There shall not be found among you anyone .. . who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens

Once again, these laws, in the form of the Torah, part of the Bible, were all established in ancient times because unfortunately human nature is such that unscrupulous fortune tellers, finding how easy the financial gain is, can manipulate their vulnerable querents to pay more and more for their useless services.

And, having done my stint more than a decade ago of reading Tarot cards at village fairs, I do know just how easily that money does pour in, and how easy it would be to manipulate unfortunate clients who seek any thread of hope in their lives.

It's important to remember that Tarot divination is a game - no more - that can sometimes be helpful in triggering personal truths in the mind of the querent.


"When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord." There are also multiple references to "false prophets".

If anyone is really curious, and has access to a digital bible (whatever translation), you can search the word prophesy, and you'll find numerous references to the beliefs of that time. My understanding is it was forbidden because people who were supposedly already divinely guided were listening to the guidance of fortune-tellers and sorcerers who claimed to be given messages directly from God, but were not really true prophets.

There are many references to the words divination, sorcerers, spells, fortune-tellers, incantations, mediums, psychics etc. (all in relation to seeking guidance from those who claim to be spoken to directly from God). There are also scriptures that state the way to tell a true prophet (not a self-proclaimed one); is whether their prophecies ever manifest.

Of all the seeking i've done on this topic, one verse that makes it clearest for my personal understanding is in 2 Peter chapters 20-21.
See Here: http://bible.cc/2_peter/1-21.htm

I suppose it ultimately boils down to what one defines divination as, and if you unequivocally state who told you the future you are telling. Maybe that would classify as an abomination according to those standards. But that's a whole different topic, and one that would probably end up in angry debates... Good Luck to ya if ya go there :)

So to answer your question,IMO, it is for all the reasons already stated (manipulating people's vulnerabilities as well as various religious interpretations). Many people on the forum struggle with reconciling this issue with the fact that the tarot has been beneficial in many ways to them. It's a very personal thing.

We each have our own opinions of what the tarot is, where the knowledge comes from, and how it works, and even though people often speak with certainty and conviction about all of that, the truth is noone, noone, noone knows how any of this stuff works. For that reason some people fear it, and that adds to the "bad rap".

Hope that helps!


there are a lot of people who are afraid of any form of divination because they do not understand it. people fear what they cannot understand. it's a sad thing that they do not give it a try, and test it for themselves, with a level headedness. but then this is the nature of man.

I wouldn't take it too personally. But, I would be careful as to when and where I used the cards. I'm careful to where and when I use it and to whom I tell about my abilities. I have to fear the Catholic church, because as a practicing Catholic, I could be instantly excommunicated from the church and no longer able to receive the sacraments. I'm not the best practicing Catholic--truly, but I not want to be excommunicated, as I do still go to church now and again and wish to receive the sacraments.

I do not think that any form of divination is the act of the devil. it is a gift given to us by God--(or, depending on your belief, Goddess/the Universe, ect). For every quote found by man in the bible to speak of its ill, there is one that will support the fact that these abilities of some of us is a gift from the Holy Spirit and God himself.

In the bible, Abraham was about to sacrifice his son--luckily an angel came to stop him--but why wasn't he considered an abomination? first of all for the wanting to sacrificing of his son, and then for confessing that an angel came at the last moment to save the son! both would speak of Abraham being tied to devils work, if you listen to such people.

even some of our saints and people alive today are considered good holy people and they have extraordinary abilities. One famous one is Padre Pio. he was known to levitate and could 'read souls' as well as bi-locate. he was also a healer. so, was he this holy man? or was all this the work of the devil? true, the Church didn't quite know what to think of him at first and did their best to hide him. A past priest of mine from years ago had met him a few times--and thought he was a fake. But, Padre Pio became very famous and made a saint. he is very much revered today.

it use to be a sin for women to wear pants. even frowned upon if we cut our hair short. for men to wear jewelry, such as earrings. for women to smoke, drive, or be out alone without a male escort. to dance, alcohol was the devils work and sloth. now pretty much the norm in today's world. :p perhaps in time, divination as we know it today will become more acceptable. only time can tell. meanwhile, just be careful where, when and whom you share with.


I believe there is a verse in the Old Testament that condemns all psychics and fortune tellers to death, and Divinition is against God's words according to them.

Like Celticnoodle also mention, people tend to fear and lash out at what they don't understand


Recently, I was in college and looking at my new cards ( not even doing a reading!) and the stupid guard just shooed me out of the canteen. It was a very embarrassing experience, and I have had similar experiences in other places too... Most people too treat it like it is the work of the devil or something anti- God and stuff like that... Why the bad rap? Has the Church condemned readers as well to be burned at the stake ;) (though I understand it is no laughing matter that so many women were just persecuted) because they are threatened by readers in some fashion that I don't understand? Weren't the Tarot cards just used for playing games back then? Isn't the divination/fortune telling aspect pretty recent?

I am not sure about divination in general, but the reason the church was so against tarot cards was because of gambling, which is what the games led to. There were no issues about the devil or the cards being inherently evil in a paranormal sense. (though I suppose the devil was blamed as the cause for a lot of bad behavior back then.) A lot of people, including the religious, don't know this, though, and still think the cards were banned because they were evil.

Though a lot of these prejudices remain, I don't think most people, outside of the very religious, really care if someone reads tarot or not - but many may come to some different assumptions about the type of person you are if you do.

CN, as for being thrown out of the catholic church for reading tarot.... I don't see that happening. I've know Italian readers who are strict catholics, and have known a few who were also professional readers. It might be on the law books of the church, but I can't see anyone actually following thru to have a person excommunicated for it.


Though a lot of these prejudices remain, I don't think most people, outside of the very religious, really care if someone reads tarot or not - but many may come to some different assumptions about the type of person you are if you do.

Boy isn't that the truth!
I once had someone, who was a teacher (though not mine), tell me that I was a very bright young girl who he'd love to have in his class, but it was such a shame and I was foolish for believing in Tarot and giving out cold readings.

Little does he know...