Will I ever meet my Love?


I think in a situation like that one I would advise the querant to ask:

'What needs to happen in my life in order for me to meet my true love?' OR
'What can I do to bring love into my life?'

Stops it being quite so passive.


Sulis xx


for sure...

The problem stems back to preconceptions that tarot readers can not only foresee the future...but change it too...

I had to remind a client the other day(she is also a friend so I felt free enough to say it this way) that I was not a witch...I did not practice Wicca...and did not use spells... I offered to help her find someone as I don't disbelieve, its just not something I am. She stopped and looked at me...then smiled huge and said. "I keep forgetting that it's not you telling me these things...its the cards."

Anyway...helping the client...the querent...even if its ourselves...to find a way to be more responsible for the things we are questioning about helps everyone feel more satisfied in the reading....an active rather than passive approach as Sulis said...



Thanks everybody for helping to form my thoughts on this. It is all very much appreciated.

Sometimes you come accross a querent who is so desperate, sad and tired about a certain issue that all they want is to hear from the reader that it is going to end soon and that everything is going to be just fine. And yes, the one and only Love you have been waiting for is on his/her way, you will find this person very very soon.

Does'nt work like that... It is up to me how to guide such a querent, and how to look for another appraoch and help this querent to re-formulate the question and bring it out of its passivenes AND fortune tellerish atmosphere.

I found that when a querent is so desperate and sad like that, something else is bothering them. There is some void in there inner being, which so easily can be filled with another person in the form of a "True Love". Well, that is what they think is the solution...

Again, thanks all to help form my thoughts about this and my actions.


Sulis said:
I think in a situation like that one I would advise the querant to ask:

'What needs to happen in my life in order for me to meet my true love?' OR
'What can I do to bring love into my life?'

Stops it being quite so passive.


Sulis xx

Yes! This is a much better way to phrase the question.


soo true Yoga

I have been there...still am sometimes...we all need direction. I also so thankful to the people on this forum who understand our uniqueness in that although we read tarot or can see in other forms, sometimes seeing for ourself...or how to handle something just does not come easily. I am very appreciative to everyone here who is helping me in either answering questions like this...or giving me readings...or even the ones I can feel just thinking good thoughts of me.

This is a very safe place...we are so blessed...we need to bless those around us that don't feel as safe. I am so proud of you Yoga for being sensitive to this person....give her a huge hug from me if you can.



Another problem that I find is that some people think that there is a perfect person out there, who will be everything they desire, and who will fufill every need they have.

And this is the 'person' they always ask about.

The problem is that this person does not exist.
They are a construct of that persons imagination.

There will be someone out here (many somebodys, probably) with whom they can live a happy and fulfilled life. But that person will have faults and flaws that the questioner will not like, just as the questioner has their own faults and flaws.

Because, of course, the person they might get together with will be real, not some imaginary perfect person.
And every relation ship has to be worked at and compromises have to be made.

The people who seem to do this most often are young women who have not yet been in a serious relationship, who believe in some kind of romantically perfect 'soul mate'.

I have a hard time with this sometimes, because the person they are asking about does not exist, and sometimes, when they have met someone, and he turns out to be less than perfect, their answer is not 'well, it has to be worked at, we have to compromise, etc...' but rather 'he was not the one, I need to look elsewhere...'

Yeah, I have trouble with it.
Sometimes I have been asked the 'Will I meet Mr. Right?' question, and have answered 'No, you will meet Mr. Ok, but he will fart in bed and laugh about it, and much of the time you will irritate each other. But if you work at it you will be happy together.'

Somehow they don't seem to want that answer.



What you write is so true, the Perfect One does not exist. We all have our flaws and faults. And so often we set the standard and expectations too high.

This brings me to the core of ourselves. I truly believe we all have a beautiful inner core, from which our strength and love emanates. I believe it is all in us and it is "whole". Yet so often we, ourselves, do not fully understand and believe that it is "whole" and need not to be filled with someone else.

Clutter, Sadness, Bad Experiences or whatever is out there that keeps us from not seeing and not believing and fully understand that we have this 'wholeness' ...

So often I want to say: "Can't you see that you are beautiful and you have all that is inside of you to be content and satisfied? Whatever void you feel is inside of you, needs to be filled with you. Not with someone else. You are seeking in a direction in which you will find none. Or whatever caused that made you feel that void needs to be addressed first before looking for another person. Because this person cannot and will not fill that void for you..."



And yes, Tieduptinkerbell, we all need directions. Especially when the outer and inner world are clouded and not transparant at all.

In times like that some guidance, some insight, some coordinates to help us on our way is so much appreciated...

BTW, everytime I read your name I have the urge to untie you! ;)

I will make sure your hug will be give to my querent...
Thank you,


Sulis said:
I think in a situation like that one I would advise the querant to ask:

'What needs to happen in my life in order for me to meet my true love?' OR
'What can I do to bring love into my life?'

Stops it being quite so passive.


Sulis xx

Most emphatically agree with this approach. Whilst sometimes as readers we may be able to see other things that may need to happen before a client 'meets' a potential love interest, that person needs to understand self-responsibility for the circumstances & the reality in the life. & that a reader canna create a desired future nor make things happen.

Amongst the most interesting & humbling reading experiences were those that occurred with a client/friend for whom I read since we were children. I always did general readings as I see those tend to provide the most information into various areas of the life including potential relationships.

From her teens & through her twenties, within the context of a general reading, I saw that that 'There is someone out there' (which sounds very trite but that was what I saw). I relocated hundreds of miles away but she remained a client. The readings always related to her relationships with family & friends; her career. The personal relationship prospect changed to 'Some time involved before meeting this person.' Then it changed to 'Later in life' despite any then relationship. The last reading in her forties indicated that 'A special person would be met under unusual circumstances'. Though I am sure that none of that was what she wanted to hear, & I had serious doubts about my ability to read for her, she never disputed anything I told her because everything else turned out to be accurate. She promised me, however, that she would invite me to the wedding if that day ever came. I agreed even as I knew I would be unable to attend at that time though had no explanation for the strong feeling.

In her late 40's, she met someone via the internet on the opposite coast(the 'Later in life' & the 'unusual circumstances').

Her wedding day was set for after her 50th birthday (again, the 'Later in life').

The date on the same day my daughter graduated from university (which explained why I would not be able to attend).

I felt terrible to not be able to see her marry, but glad she was finally getting what she wanted for so long.

Btw: she refers her friends to me.


There is also a potential problem with this, one that I have been a victim of.

Doing a reading for someone and the cards turn out to be quite positive, then it turns out quite the opposite, so this gets chucked back in your face "But you said...". Never even considering that they might be the one at fault, no, it is person who did the reading and the cards are wrong.

PS Not necessarily relating to "Will I ever meet my Love?" but something quite similar.
