WORMWEIRD Tarot anyone?


I love your idea to add some green splashes to the edges. If one does the edges in black first though, lighter dyes like the Twisted Citron won't show up. Whenever two dyes overlap, the darker one wins. But a pigment ink or better yet a paint pen will show over a darker dye.

Ahhhhh...you are very right...hmmm...((((MG makes note--pigment ink or paint pen))))

agviz said:
You'e inspired me and I may give it a go at some point. If I do, I'll be sure to post an image!

i will be looking forward to seeing what you do, agviz! i know you have that artistic magic touch...;)


This is a fabulous deck. A sort of freak show, victorian, absinthe-induced stage set. It really is very original - and so authentically "staged" (not photoshopped) that it ends up looking eerily stilted.

However, I never read with it. Too loaded for me as a reading deck, but I do like its visuals

Funny, I was thinking of going to ask you how it had settled for you through time. Now I know.