Would you like to see Tarot on the Wii?

Glass Owl

Over at EA, they have a posting up asking for input on what games they should have for the Wii.

I know that there is a Japanese Nintendo DS game for learning Tarot but I'd love to see Tarot turn up on a Wii game. I'd like either a learning Tarot style game or even if Tarot was somehow incorporated into a mystery/adventure style game. I'd like to mention it on EA but I don't know if it is something they would even consider. What do you think? Would you buy a Wii game it is included Tarot?

By the way, if you are interested in sharing your thoughts with EA, you can do so here.


I'm a gamer, but I wouldn't be inclined to buy a "Let's Tarot" style game on Wii.

I would consider a mystery/adventure game that utilized tarot as a plot point, provided it wasn't one of those dumbed-down games. Or a glitzy-but-shallow production, which is EA's forte. :D


I don't know, I guess I'm either a snob or a staunch traditionalist or something when it comes to Tarot but I think Tarot for the Wii would be horrific and slightly offensive. The cards are tools, sacred, special tools that in my opinion shouldn't be turned into something like a video game. The cards aren't a game, they aren't a toy. To learn Tarot, explore Tarot, I don't understand why you wouldn't work with the cards themselves, or study books like those before us have. Working with Tarot with the Wii...*shakes head*
That's not to say that I object to ipod/iphone apps like the Touchstone app for example, because with that there is a respect there, a love there, and that I doubt a video game would convey that and I further doubt a profit driven company like EA games would really care. The last thing we need in the Tarot world is Tarot for the Wii. Absolutely not. Where on earth is the benefit of working with the cards electronically????!!!!!
I'm sorry Glass Owl, don't take it personal ;) but I would truly be horrified if this happened, lol.

Scorpio Kitten

I may be in the minority here but I would totally buy a Wii game based on tarot! I think that many of the titles Nintendo has released for the Wii aren't so much "games" as they are learning tools. I think if it was done in this style it would be excellent as a learning aid. But of course, I don't think there's any substitute for the real thing.


I would totally buy a Tarot wii game whether it be a learning one or a full on adventure...Ideally full on adventure that you could learn something in the process...


No I wouldn't like a Tarot game on the Wii. I don't think the idea suits a standard console.
They would probably add other elements to pad in out into a game which would just make the experience cheesy IMO.

I think it does suit the DS which is why I wish the creators of the Japanese Let's Tarot would translate it but I suspect they don't think it would come over well to a Western audience; mainly the US market as judging by other Japanese products that are remade for the US they always try to sanitise it too much and end up killing what was interesting about it in the first place.
They don't take European gamers seriously enough to warrant making it just for us. We're small potatoes.

As for EA doing a tarot game on any console. No thank you.
That's like asking McDonalds to make actual decent food. Looks good but leaves you feeling kinda empty afterwards. :p


Tarot reading sims for consoles

I'm avoiding the word "game" here, because there are already traditional games played with Tarot cards. A divination sim would not be a real game in the conventional sense of the term. I believe the real reason the old Taboo "game" failed was that it wasn't really a game and also because one could buy a couple of Tarot decks and related books for the same price and have a more satisfying Tarot experience than what could be provided by that cartridge. As a Tarot game player, it would be good to see the French Tarot or Austrian Tarock games for a console game, but here there are also problems from a commercial persepective. As a gaming or divination tool, nobody has a trademark or copyright on it. Tarot is not like Mario or Zelda. Nintendo cannot own it and must compete with resources already on the internet and also in real life. This is why I believe Chess and other traditional games are poorly suited for consoles. The PC is a better medium for non-proprietory games or activities. However, there are good commercial possibilities for incorporating Tarot cards into a fantasy RPG type game. If some treasure is hidden in a tower in a game world, I can see how the Tower card could be used as clue for example.


Mabuse said:
This is why I believe Chess and other traditional games are poorly suited for consoles. The PC is a better medium for non-proprietory games or activities.
There's a pretty good chess game on the old Game Boy and some of the Solitaire collections are good. ;)


Actually - no. Debases it, somehow.

I don't have a Wii anyway,but even if I did....


catbaloo said:
There's a pretty good chess game on the old Game Boy and some of the Solitaire collections are good. ;)
I wouldn't say the GameBoy Chess game is good as a Chess opponent. The Artificial Intelligence played horribly.