Writing with the Faeries


Some of us in the 3rd Traveling Faeries thread decided we needed a "writing with the faeries" thread.

We started talking about picking a faerie card - from any faery deck - and writing. Writing anything you are called to write - a story, a poem, anything that particular faery tells you to write. Just go crazy! The faeries will love it and we'll have fun too!

My faeries are jumping up and down. They can't wait to start, but my brain is on overload right now so they'll just have to wait. LOL They're pouting now!! Actually they can't pout long before they begin laughing again!! :party:


I will be here with bells on almost everyday... I can feel it... I will be starting this evening after my meeting.


hmph, what a coincidence or should I say... a very interesting synchronistic event :D

I shall try this out ;)


bershka said:
hmph, what a coincidence or should I say... a very interesting synchronistic event :D

I shall try this out ;)

I figured you would like this too!!


Faeries in General

This is really old... but it will get us started...

Faeries flying
Freely about
Chasing raindrops
From flower to flower

Watch them
Remember a time
When you too
Chased the rain.

Bring them closer
They are your friends
Giving life
Giving energy



Oh how wonderful faerylvr!!

I love that!! Thank you for passing it on to us!!


faunabay said:
Oh how wonderful faerylvr!!

I love that!! Thank you for passing it on to us!!

LOL you are toooo funny. That is forever old... and I was just thinking how simple it seemed... I am way deeper than that unfortunately... but I am glad you liked it.. it seemed like a good one to get us started off.


Another... poetry is my thing, but I am going to work on a story I think... I can feel it niggling...

We play and watch
Seeing if you can decipher
What we are trying to say and do
Sitting here, yet in constant motion
We are in the front, the back
Peeking through the arms of others
Looking for you to understand

We juggle the pearls
Are they the pearls of wisdom
Waiting to see which of us
And which of the pearls
You choose to focus on
Will it be just one that catches you
Or do you need to see us all

Can we bring you to the point
Where you can see beyond
To why it is important
To take us all at once and yet
To take us one at a time
For after all we are simply
Undressing of a Salad.


OK, I'm going to take a try with this. Now everyone please realize I have truely just begun writing only two weeks ago. I've been asked quite a few times in readings and other types of divination "when are you going to start writing?" but some type of fear was keeping me from it....until now. So we'll just have to see what happens. :)

I decided to just draw a card from my Das Elfen Orakel because I havne't played with these guys for a LONG time! I'm just going to talk to Nightingale and see what he has to say.

Nightingale says his true name is Rolf. He just let them put a title (nightingale) instead of his name on the card for safety and ease of others accessing his information. :) And the title nightingale explains his energy quite well. He loves the quiet light of dusk and moves with easy confidence as he walks through the trees and bushes. Animals, especially the nightingale bird of course, are completely at ease with him. They know he respects and appreciates everything they do. They, in turn, love him in return.

Rolf asks humans to live with this same respect and appreciation for the world we live in. But he also wants us to know there are many different dimensions all around us, that we, in our closedmindedness, have shut off our access to. It has been our own choice that this has happened and it can be our own choice to open ourselves back up to them!! There are amazing other experiences we can have if we only open ourselves back up. Many different plants and animals have gone into other dimensions where humans cannot go because of our mistreatment of them. If they had stayed here we (as a human race) might have hunted them to extinction. And they could not (would not) allow that.

But when you live with a completely open mind in love and true appeciation the world around you "changes". Everything you have in your heart is what you will have in your life!!

So keep awareness of what you allow in your heart. Is there fear of what may be in the future? Or is there worry about how you're going to pay your bills? These are thoughts not brought about by love and confidence. If this is what you are giving energy to, this is what you will bring into your life. Rolf asks humans to give their energy ONLY to love and have quiet confidence that everything is possible. So allowing no room for fear and worry - only have love and confidence in your heart!!!

Rolf thanks you all for listening!! :)


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    Elf nightingale-2.jpg
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WOW! Fauanabay that was incredible!!! You are a natural at this writing thing. Seriously (see, no LOL's or laughing faces). That was beautiful and deep and actually something I needed to hear. Thank you Rolf!

Faerylvr, I loved both of your poems, but specially the second one. Reminds me of when I was sort of afraid of letting my husband know I trully believed and faeries. No sure why, but it does.

Well here is my stab at this, I call it "An Ode to T'a' Om" ... this is coming to me freestyle as I write so if it does not make sense its not my fault *LOL*

Why do you sit so still and quiet my dear friend?
What is the contemplative look on your face?
I see your eyes and a sadness touches my heart,
but you are not sad you are thoughful.

What do you want me to understand?
I still don't understand why I feel you are sad?
I want to see what you are looking at,
or are you looking at me when I am asleep.

I do seem to puzzle you I believe,
but trust me my long eared froggy friend,
not as much as you baffle me.

If I can tell you what I see,
I see you in the land I want to be,
a place not here, where often do not belong,
but a place of magic foreign from my own.

Then again now I understand,
the sadness in your eyes is all about me!
About me not being happy of where I am.

Your message, dear friend, has come through,
I will hide my fins and done my legs.
This does not mean that I am not Jewel,
it simply means I that I will honor where I am.

Well that was sort of depressing! *LOL*. Perhaps I should put Ta' Om back in his bag ~giggles~