WS clones – similar meanings or different?


Even in WS-derived decks, images can differ markedly from those that Pamela Colman Smith drew.

So I have a question. In working with these decks, do you generally try to use the same overarching theme in your meanings (modified somewhat to take account of the specifics of the image), or do you come up with completely separate meanings that may have nothing to do with those you use for the WS?

For myself, I have tended to use the overarching theme method; coming up with completely different meanings only for those decks that for me represent different traditions (the Thoth, the TdM, oracle decks, etc.)

How does everyone else deal with this?


I use a combination of the two, but the RWS meanings are kind of like mood music playing in the background, if that makes sense.

Came back to add that I don't use decks based on Thoth or other systems. At least not yet. If I did, I don't think RWS meanings would even apply at all.

The one deck I use that's not RWS based is Waking the Wild Spirit. That one I read mostly intuitively.


For me, it usually depends on the card, the difference between that image and the RWS version of the image, and the overall mood of the card.

A lot of RWS clones share basic symbolism and imagery with the RWS deck, so you kind of have to stick with the RWS meanings on some level....but traditional meanings don't always fit. I do keep them in mind (I like Lyric's suggestion of the RWS meanings being mood music in the backround), but as I read primarily with intuition, if I get a different feeling from the card, I usually go with that, only using the RWS meaning if I need extra depth, a trigger, or more information to shape what I want to say.

That said, even with the RWS deck itself, I don't stick with "RWS meanings". With every deck, I try to see what I can get out of the cards, before resorting to "keywords" and "traditional meanings." After all, those are just traditional meanings, and there's only so far you can go with those. So...perhaps my methodology of using/not using "RWS meanings" has nothing to do with the fact that the other decks are not the real thing.


Not sure of the process, but likely the RWS associations present in the background; like an unconscious melody.

Generally, rely on the first impressions based on the particular imagery, which can be markedly different despite derivation from RWS. Also, depends on what portion of the imagery catches the eye first. Colours, numbers & anything 'heard' also influence. With the last, sometimes hear a song, a poem, or a portion of either. Sometimes, see other imagery than that in the cards.

Sorry, not sure any of this is helpful.