Ye Olde Relationship spread :)


Hi All, I've taken a long sabbatical but hello again :)

So I've done my own spread for a potential relationship where the guy and myself appear to really, really like each other very much (in a life-changing, Holy Crap kind of way) but he's very busy and we haven't been able to get together for one reason or another. I wanted to see how things were from his POV.

7 card spread:

How he sees us (in terms of potential) - Page of Wands

How he feels about us (especially in the context of us not having been able to get together) - Ace of Pentacles

His emotions about us - Eight of Pentacles

What he wants to happen with us - Hanged Man

What he DOES NOT want to happen with us - Emperor

His intended actions regarding Us - Devil

Significator (overall energy/outlook/vibe kind of thing) - Strength

I think that the spread might be saying that he
- Page of Wands, Sees Us as a new exciting path;
- Ace of Pents, Feels the viability of the energy of a new opportunity still being present between us (rather than him having given up on the possibility)
- Eight of Pentacles, His emotions are invested and diligently/purposeful

...Here's where it gets more foggy for me:
- Hanged Man, Wants us to surrender to the experience OR wait until we can see each other (rather than give up on the possibilities of awesomeness between us) or both

- Emperor, DOES NOT want us to rest on the facts that we have been unable to see each other and to not accept that fact as material proof that we should just go our separate ways OR does not want to force the issue (this last possible interpretation being an odd one in the context of my interpretation of the other cards)

- Devil, plans to...allow a type of psychological bondage to take hold or remain (for both of us) to keep the possibilities alive OR keep me in his pocket until such a time as we can move forward together??? This is a stumping card in this position.

- Strength as overall vibe etc. - Controlling the situation between two disparate but extremely complimentary entities to make them work out together and offer the best that they can to each other???

I really like this guy and I think he likes me but I should think that two people could get together if they really wanted to...the circumstances are relatively extenuating, though not insurmountable at the moment (both parties are experiencing some pretty strong transitional life circumstances). So, Guys, what do you say? Comment on as many or as few cards as strike you, please :) Brutal Honesty is welcome.


Silverbells, No need for brutality. :)

I'll cover the 3 majors that end your spread. The Devil is the first one that grabs attention. Fortunately, you're not letting it freak you out. Right now it stands for the fact that you're a distraction to work that he simply must get done. His head (the Emperor) is ruling his heart here. The good news is that you are a distraction, a big one, and only clear work imperatives are keeping him away. The AP reinforces the idea that he sees a lot of potential for your relationship.

The Emperor is what is doesn't want ‒ another work commitment, something he has to do whether he wants to or not. He wants and needs a counterbalance to work, something fun and spontaneous (the Fool, the Emperor's opposite), and right now that's impossible for him to achieve.

The Hanged Man is where he is: waiting for work to ease up so he can live like a human being again. And see you. And have fun with you.

Patience is called for. Exactly the sort of thing that Strength represents.


HI all,
I agree that Strength is the patience required.
But could the Devil not be sexual intentions? Mad, passionate lovemaking?

that was the first thing that came to my mind.



The Emperor is what is doesn't want ‒ another work commitment, something he has to do whether he wants to or not. He wants and needs a counterbalance to work, something fun and spontaneous (the Fool, the Emperor's opposite), and right now that's impossible for him to achieve.

The Hanged Man is where he is: waiting for work to ease up so he can live like a human being again. And see you. And have fun with you.

Patience is called for. Exactly the sort of thing that Strength represents.

Thank you for your response, Sentient. What you've said is exactly what he's expressed to me. Especially the waiting for work to ease up. And the "live like a human being again" struck a significant chord on the vibe. I'm unsure about where he and I stand with each other but the feelings/vibes etc are so strong that I can't help but to both give into, and doubt it...Thank you for your interpretation

The Emperor as NOT wanting more responsibilities/heavier workload...That's a good one. I was having trouble seeing the Emperor in this position but, yes, The Emperor in his "negative" - what he doesn't want" - would be more things to oversee and be responsible for (especially in this case). I actually thought about the Fool as a comparison to the Emperor when I did the spread but I couldn't figure out the differences to distill the meaning of the Emperor. I see it now, though.
Perhaps though, I need to (as I definitely have, lately) put less "pressure" on him because maybe the connection between us had started feeling like another responsibility.

For Strength: I often got it in a prediction spread, AND during a relationship that was kind of abusive and the guy was a bit of a brute, honestly. So even though I always liked the card on its own, I always have in the back of my mind, from that experience, the bad side: that one of the parties will become dominating and overplay their "strengths."

Maybe in retrospect: what that past relationship needed was some patience on my side instead of pushing the other person to exceed their boundaries so quickly that they felt the need to fight back; and conversely my ex-partner needed to have realized that a mature relationship required him to develop certain qualities that had never before been required of him. So, yes, I probably do need to look at my passions and see where they may be encroaching on another person's personal abilities at the moment, and see that the other person may be coming from a different thought process/place than myself and have more patience with BOTH of us.

Thank you so much, Sentient :)


Silverbells, No need for brutality. :)

The Devil is the first one that grabs attention. Fortunately, you're not letting it freak you out. Right now it stands for the fact that you're a distraction to work that he simply must get done. His head (the Emperor) is ruling his heart here. The good news is that you are a distraction, a big one, and only clear work imperatives are keeping him away. The AP reinforces the idea that he sees a lot of potential for your relationship.

This is the ideal: That I'm "disrupting." Let us hope and believe that we live in an ideal world :)



I should certainly hope that those intentions are on the list and would greatly appreciate them...

I like the Devil card, and all of the Material/Earth-ness connotations that it suggests to me; I would just hope that in this situation, there is also included My Spiritual outlook on the Material (which is "mad" and "passionate") and that there is not just the nihilistic view of Sex that many associate with the Devil card. But given the rest of the spread and the circumstances, I doubt that would be the case. :) Thank You :)