Your favorite card backs?


If a thread like this already exists out there, I apologize! It's not easy to search for/find. Or maybe I'm just an idiot.

Do you guys have favorite card backs? I definitely do!

1. The Paulina Tarot
2. ISIS Tarot de Marseille
3. ORWS (white lilies back)
4. Anna K
5. Thoth (the Rose Cross is lovely and inspiring, though I don't necessarily find it one of my very top favorites as a back.)

Runners up: Morgan-Greer (that blue!) and the Tarot Illuminati

All stick out to me for having wonderful backs that actually encourage me to use the cards--besides the ORWS, which I unfortunately have never actually owned. Truly, this aesthetic touch does matter quite a bit to me!

I also admire Seven Stars' many gorgeous alternate card backs, and would love to be able to get a DotB someday with a prime choice back :)

Let's hear your top 3 or 5 favorites!


I love Paulina's and Anna K's too, Feynrir !

My favorite backs so far, are :
1. Golden Tarot of Klimt
2. Margarete Petersen
3. Silver Witchcraft Tarot


I've always liked the backs on the Robert Lichodziejewski Tarot.


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Here's another I like - Baroque Bohemian Cat's Tarot.


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Oooh yes the Paulina Tarot would make my list too! So elegant. Also...
Daniloff (it's just so lovely)
Cosmic Tarot (beautiful and also made a cameo in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Morgan Greer (1970's stars)
Aquarian (pretty waves, reminds me of Japanese art)


The Original Bohemian Gothic (really all the backs on all editions are great, I just have the first ed currently)
The PCS Commemorative..favorite RWS back
The Anna. K
The Universal Waite Belgian edition love the starry backs
The Vampire Tarot by Place


The Glastonbury Tarot - gorgeous backs...


Deck/s of the Bastard - fabulous backs!
Prisma Visions, now.

There are more, but I'm not really awake...

Dan S

I think all of the Baba decks' backs are fantastic - the Tarot of Prague, the Fantastic Menagerie, all editions of the VR, BG and BBC decks, and the Alice standard deck, which may be my favorite!

Laura Borealis

I really love the backs for the Wizard's Tarot, though the fronts don't grab me.


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