"Medieval Chihuahua Tarot" ...completed...


Changed the Emperor...

:heart::) I have just changed the Emperor card...which one do you like best?

:heart: HUGS


  • EMPEROR.jpg
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  • EMPEROR.2.jpg
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  • EMPEROR.3.jpg
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tarotlyn, this is a funny yet elegant deck - sure to take off, I think, in wild success. This is the first time I glanced at this thread, so I will answer your very last question (though I did look at loads of other pages!). I like your 3rd emperor, the one with the blue sky :) he's pretty classy looking! The other one you posted looks too much like Hierophant, to me.

So I am gueesing that is almost sure guarantee that you will put in pic 1 as Emp and not pic 3 lol! :) you seem to ask and then go against the grain! lol...you are sweet, TL, and it's a freaking awesome deck! What a great imagination you have! :) wayyyyyy to go! :D


I like the third Emporer too! He looks really regal. :)


Hmm...I like the first 2 emperors. #3 looks more like a Page to me. The first 2 just look more official, more emperorish. I love #3, though - great card. Just doesn't say emperor to me.


...that's how my ears got really flat! LOL) and 'designed' a new type of dog wee wee 'sling'
for my naughty Chi, Taco!!! (oh yeah, I made it out of a very soft sock...LOL) the funny part is
that he loves it too!!! Makes him feel like 'the man!' Ha Ha and it works too!

I just flattened out an (angora type) long soft sock and cut it down the center starting at
the top and cut it all the way into the toe area except for about 2 inches (so it looks like a
little jock strap for a Chi :p )

So then I put a piece of 'light day's pad' down into the sock toe...pee pee holder...LOL
...and the split sides work for 'ties.' I put the padded toe (pee pee holder) thingy in place,
then loosely tied the ties (one time) across his little back then brought up the loose end of
each tie and put it under his neck and fastened the ends together.

It is so soft and doesn't hurt his neck or rub anywhere on his body. It works so well that I
could make a fortune with this thing on ebay! :laugh:

He used to be so potty trained, but when Tiger Boy passed (He was the leader of the Chi pack at my house!),
well, since then, Taco has little mistakes from time to time! So he has now been SOCKED...(Jocked?) LOL
...couldn't resist sharing that with other Chi owners.

AND... ah, I have soft socks in many different colors! Now he can make a fashion statement while he pees! Ha Ha :laugh:

Hey, I am not laughing. Anyone who has one of these little male dogs who feels he has to "mark" the whole world as his territory to compensate for his short stature feels your pain. My little Peppy is one of these dogs. He knows he isn't supposed to do it, but he is just so driven to do it, he can't stop himself. My mom calls him PeePee instead of Peppy. She also calls him "Pee-the-Pants" and "that little $#!^" (obviously she is not happy when I bring Pep for a visit)

Just recently I found he was getting up in the middle of the night and peeing somewhere in the house, so now I have to leash him to me when I am sleeping. I have this funny feeling that somewhere down the road, when I get a new man in my life, this is going to be an issue.

I am having trouble understanding your diaper diagram...will have to study more closely.


tarotlyn, this is a funny yet elegant deck - sure to take off, I think, in wild success. This is the first time I glanced at this thread, so I will answer your very last question (though I did look at loads of other pages!). I like your 3rd emperor, the one with the blue sky :) he's pretty classy looking! The other one you posted looks too much like Hierophant, to me.

So I am gueesing that is almost sure guarantee that you will put in pic 1 as Emp and not pic 3 lol! :) you seem to ask and then go against the grain! lol...you are sweet, TL, and it's a freaking awesome deck! What a great imagination you have! :) wayyyyyy to go! :D
:heart::) Thanks for joining us, Lotus Padma, it is so good to have you commenting here :heart:

Gosh, I hope I have listened to everyone here and made the changes that they suggested, although
I have put some cards to a vote several times....just to be sure.

With the Emperor card, I am torn between 'traditional' or just 'looks'...so since getting
divided opinions so far, maybe I'll just include '2' Emperor cards. So I just need to know
which of the first two (traditional) looking Emperors I should choose...the one with the 'red' crown,
or the one with the more 'metallic' crown?
:heart: Thanks for posting and for liking my deck!

I like the third Emporer too! He looks really regal. :)
:heart: I really love that one too, Quester, although he is not as traditional as the other one.
Might have to keep both :) Thank you for posting.

Hey, I am not laughing. Anyone who has one of these little male dogs who feels he has to "mark" the whole world as his territory to compensate for his short stature feels your pain. My little Peppy is one of these dogs. He knows he isn't supposed to do it, but he is just so driven to do it, he can't stop himself. My mom calls him PeePee instead of Peppy. She also calls him "Pee-the-Pants" and "that little $#!^" (obviously she is not happy when I bring Pep for a visit)

Just recently I found he was getting up in the middle of the night and peeing somewhere in the house, so now I have to leash him to me when I am sleeping. I have this funny feeling that somewhere down the road, when I get a new man in my life, this is going to be an issue.

I am having trouble understanding your diaper diagram...will have to study more closely.
:heart: Wow, Bhavana, 'leashing Peppy to you' at night...that is an idea :laugh: ...especially if it works!
Hopefully your future 'new man' will have a Chihuhahua or at least will understand about Peppy! :bugeyed:


:heart:@ everyone
1. So, which of the 'first two' Emperors (in post #211) do you like best?... Version 1 OR version 2 ?(in post #211)

(will probably keep version #3 Emperor (post 211) as a 'second' Emperor in the deck)

2. ...am still wondering which of the two Tower cards do you like best? (in post #177)?

...getting ready for my daily walk...be back later..
:heart: HUGS...


:heart::) I just loaded some of the cards (I think all of them to date are 24 done! :) ) on facebook,
if you want to and are able to access facebook...here is the link to my album:

(Note: Sorry gregory, and anyone else that can't access this facebook link :( )


(Note: Just click on each image and it will open larger. Oh, and once you open an image,
you can mouse over the right side of the image frame border and a white arrow will appear
and you just click on that to bring up the next images)

It is kind of neat to see them all together and next to each other. I am still trying to figure
out Facebook's new layout and editing options, etc...

Debra, the reason Pinto's card is last in the album is because I had him first but had to delete
it because it was the smaller version, so after deleting, I added the large version (for clarity)
and FB put it as last...and I haven't figured out how to move the images to a different position yet! ) or IF you even can?

I think I just got a new perspective on the deck, as a whole, after looking at them there all
next to each other.

Tomorrow is my shopping and paying bills day :bugeyed:...the weather report says 'rain' AGAIN!!! yikes!!!

I will see you all later in the evening...
:heart: HUGS


Hey Lyn,
Just saw my little boy Harley on Facebook along with all the other good looking Chi's. Boy are they going to be famous. They might need their own FB page by the time you get this finished. I love every single one of these pix's.
Keep up the great work.
Love them!!!!!


i don't do facebook, either, sorry Lynnie! :heart:


:heart::) I have just changed the Emperor card...which one do you like best?

:heart: HUGS

i like the 3rd Emperor much, much better! :love: The first 2 remind me more of a Hierophant kind of energy. The 3rd one looks very self assured and regal. :heart: