What would you say is the scariest/creepiest Tarot deck?


Ludy Lescott is not real.

About the Ludy Lescott tarot. It's not designed by a New Orleans tarot reader with a tortured soul. Ludy Lescott is a fictional character. The dead babies etc. aren't reflecting "her" imagination and feelings because there is no "her."

Here ya go: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/ludy-lescot/review.shtml

Have any of you seen the Ludy Lescot Tarot?

It really creeps me out - some fairly horrific imagery within the deck mixed with very sexual undertones. As I understand it, the author (Ludy Lescot) designed the deck whilst going through a very dark time in her life.

The three of swords is particularly disturbing:


I'm surprised to find myself saying that the Crowley Thoth is pretty darn near the top of my list. I even like the artwork. Yet it always seems unwholesome.


Although I liked many of the images, the back of 'Haindl' freaked me out and that 'Kali' card made my stomach chrn. The rest of the deck is okay though. I put it in me local British Heart Foundation donation box as it just creeped me out.

Liber T is a deck that I like the colouring of, but on the 10 of Cups there is a donkey on top of woman doing her doggy style... no thanks....way too creepy and highly illegal as well.



I was not too keen on the artwork in The Enochian Tarot either but for some reason, I like it in The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot. Yes some of the cards crackle with a kind of dark energy but I find it befitting that tarot deck. I actually find the artwork in Ludy Lescot Tarot hauntingly eeriely beautiful in parts if quite dark.....that dead babies card though is a little over the top...a dealbreaker for me.

I don't know if this deck is scary or creepy in so much as I think I would not know what to think of the Reader who turned to it as his or her deck of choice......who is this Deck catering to?



One deck that I have that is creepy/scary is the Doll Tarot by Michael Kutzer. The dolls are seriously creepy. The Tarocchi Sine Requie is also creepy. And the Luciferian. But I am stilll keeping them, because they also kinda appeal to me somehow.

Two decks I really find very scary are the Savage Tarot scary and the Wordweird. Which is why I sold one and never buy the other one. It just really doesn't appeal to me. Oh, and I also got rid of the Tarot de Vetrate from Scapini, because the Death card seriously creeped me out.


Oh, and I also got rid of the Tarot de Vetrate from Scapini, because the Death card seriously creeped me out.

I had to look it up--anything that creeps out one of the all-time great tarot collectors stirs my curiosity.

So here's Scapini's seriously creepy death card.


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I had to look it up--anything that creeps out one of the all-time great tarot collectors stirs my curiosity.

Well, I didn't have that many decks yet when I got my hands on that deck and was totally creeped out. Now that I see it, I think.. ok, maybe it is not that bad, but I still find it creepy. Too much insides showing...


I was not too keen on the artwork in The Enochian Tarot either but for some reason, I like it in The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot. Yes some of the cards crackle with a kind of dark energy but I find it befitting that tarot deck. I actually find the artwork in Ludy Lescot Tarot hauntingly eeriely beautiful in parts if quite dark.....that dead babies card though is a little over the top...a dealbreaker for me.

I don't know if this deck is scary or creepy in so much as I think I would not know what to think of the Reader who turned to it as his or her deck of choice......who is this Deck catering to?


I am a lot like you...I really like the images of the NOVT but really didn't understand them in the Enochian.

Looking at that link...I find that deck puzzling...but interesting. Religious imagery that is slightly twisted always catches my interest...but I agree, I'm not sure who actually reads with this sort of deck!


So, a deck I'll add to one of the creepiest...the Dark Carnival, which I just got for the holidays. (Nothing says Happy Holidays like evil clowns, LOL.)

It's cool, but has very twisted and scary clowns. The creator is a Juggalette, and the clowns and other images are based on people she knows and imagery from The Insane Clown Posse family, aka Juggalos.

Which of course sent me to look for information about them, since I didn't know much. I even watched the documentary made at the yearly gathering. I found it really interesting, although I personally wouldn't want to go, or join the group. However I am looking for a place to buy Faygo in Washington. :p

Clowns really creep me out, in general.


This deck totally creeps me out:



It's not really the artwork, or at least i think it's not, I actually liked it when I got it. The deck just feels evil and every time I read with it I get a negative result. This might be because I'm not used to read with reversals. I actually posted about this on a forum at one point, if a tarot deck can be inherently evil :). This deck lies at the bottom of a drawer and every time I look at it I get a bad feeling.


I don't own many decks but out of the ones I have, "Deviant Moon" is the one that scares me a bit.
Its quite disturbing.