New Lenoracle next month - Postcards From My Lover

seven stars

You I'm making these it's occurring to me that the stamps are so dern cute that they would make a cute mini deck, just the stamps. I think Imma do a poker size and the mini decks will be the stamps alone. Yup, that's where we're goin with this....


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    mini stamp.png
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seven stars

Hahaha ok, I'm thinking of doing something just to mess with EVERYONE....I'm not going to put the stamps on ALL the cards. So, the deck will have some cards with borders, some cards without borders, some cards with numbers, some without, some with reference to the inserts....if you have OCD, back away slowly!

seven stars

38 The Butterfly

38 - This is what I think when I see the butterfly. As with the Bridge, the Butterfly is also about transformations but on a more personal level - as in, a metamorphesis, or evolution. Sometimes we are with people who change who we are as a person - we blossom into something wonderful. Sometimes this personal growth happens without a significant other. The Butterfly can also refer to a relationship in general - the way sometimes something we have evolves into something beautiful.

There is also a freedom in butterflies (if you love it, set it free...). I think sometimes we have to do just that - trust the other person to be themselves. Trust ourselves as well.

Again - please feel free to add thoughts & additional interpretations.


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    38 The Butterfly.jpg
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This deck is going to be sweeeeeeeeet..

Oh! And i love those mini stamps!

seven stars

39: The Train

UGH I gotta redo the Lily card....I don't know why I just realized it's not "white".


EXTRA CARD #39 is The Train. This is another card that can be taken two ways. Like the 8 of wands, when one is in love everything seems like it's speeded up. Love could be coming quickly & strong, like a freight train.

But the other aspect of this card for me oddly enough would have to do with trust. I have often compared allowing yourself to fall in love with someone is like letting someone blindfold you & lead you to a railroad track & telling you the sound of the approaching train is not a train, but angels singing. It takes so long to get to really know someone well enough to trust them that much. To trust too soon often leads to getting cremated by that train. And, I think all of us have been train wrecks at one point or another.

So, that's a rather elusive description for this card, but that is the general sentiment I infer from this image. I hope it's not too poorly defined. It makes sense to me, anyway.


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    39 The Train.jpg
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I especially like that you have the train just finishing crossing a adds a sense of commitment, no going back,wisely or not.

seven stars

I especially like that you have the train just finishing crossing a adds a sense of commitment, no going back,wisely or not.

Oh that is a very wise point - I hope you keep commenting on these cards, you have excellent insight!

seven stars

40 - The Cage

Not to be confused with the Birds, the Cage is about being trapped in a situation. Only a bird in a guilded cage, so to speak. This card is about things that confine & restrict you in a relationship whether physically or emotionally (prisoner of love). There is a strong desire to be free & fly away but something is happening in your environment that you can't seem to escape.


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    40 The Cage.jpg
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Interesting that both birds are in the cage....and the cage is small for them. Was that deliberate?

seven stars

Interesting that both birds are in the cage....and the cage is small for them. Was that deliberate?

You know, that's a good point - do you think I should change the graphic to one caged bird? That would make more sense, wouldn't it.