See how YOU scry # three


X lover communicate with me?

I see a woman in water. There are two faces - like looking at an optical illusion - an older face and then another face that's somewhat hidden and I see that she's younger, wearing a beautiful head piece or crown. It's very elegant looking and abundantly, bejeweled.

She faces left. She's looking at someone...a man...or a figure who looks like a Hindu god (with four arms). He holds a sword in his right hand and I see another two men...with helmets on. On the right, I see another man, smaller version, again with a helmet on..reminds me of a Roman. He's looking up but she doesn't notice him. He's too "small" and she seems to be focused on other matters. I see a little fairy behind the woman, too..again, looking up at her...but, still, she doesn't notice. Behind this woman, to the right of the ball, is an ocean of depth...a place she's never really been to or explored, a place she doesn't even know really exists. It's filled with richness and mystery...with secrets, too. So much stirs under the surface. Where the men are, there is light, bright truth is shining or trying to shine in dark places. Could this ocean represent her heart? Could these men be facets of "the" man? Does he represent her "everything"? Her "world"?

There's a difference to me between the "god" and the other men. Maybe, it's Lord Vishnu...(for instance) who comes to restore peace and order...or when "darker" energies are getting the upper hand. And, he's the only one standing directly in front of the woman, the only one who seems to want to help?

She is sad. She's hoping someone comes around. She's hoping she hears from "him."

These men look cold and guarded...they are all armored in some way. But, she has an ocean of depth behind her and she doesn't see her own strength...her own beauty. It's as if these figures cannot penetrate, cannot reach what and who she is. At the same time, she can't get past them. She's too vulnerable. There's a feeling of desperation radiating from her. She needs to turn around and focus on herself (her "depths" and all that entails). Her world is currently being dominated or consumed by someone else's world.

I see a black chain tied to her head with a canon ball on the end of it. It defies gravity because this ball isn't coming down, isn't sinking, perhaps isn't "dragging her down"...yet. It seems to be floating up like it has a mind of its own. It's pulling her up, maybe towards the surface of the water? I can't make out whether or not it's trying to alert her to something she needs to pay attention to. Maybe, it represents a need to "get to the bottom of" whatever's troubling her?? It also seems to be growing some tentacles, rooting itself in her "space." In any case, this ball feels heavy and out place. It stands out to me like a sore thumb.

Her happiness seems to be contingent upon whether he contacts her or not. The overall impression I get is the need for her to take care of herself, to put herself first, to not make him or this situation her absolute. She needs to recognize her own power and see she is the center of her own world...that she IS the WORLD. ;)

I'm sorry if this got too "deep"...but, when there's water around, it's bound to happen...;) And, I'm also aware that it doesn't answer your question, directly. I find yes/no questions too, I hope you find some meaning in this reading. :heart:


Gorgeous ball!!

Career choice
I looked into the ball and all I could see was circles and rings and circles and rings. Whatever you end up doing is going to be about coming full circle for you. I think you know what that means. I also saw a heart, so it will be a follow your heart sort of situation. Finally I saw the leaves of the tree parting to make way for something. I think if you can tap into it, the universe will kind of clear away all obstacles. You just have to identify what you want and allow it to happen.



porcupines - Career Choice

I am more than certain that what I saw has nothing to do with your career choice. The nature of the symbols I saw are even harder for me to interpret though, because of their popularity.

1. Edward Cullen
2. Bella Swan
3. Archangel playing a Flute/Fife

I am not extremely familiar with the Twilight series, but I have seen parts of the first movie when a friend had it on at their house, and I know that it is a vampire love story that gets made fun of a lot (I was just watching a Family Guy episode the other day where they had a character jumping off a cliff, making fun of Bella I assumed, as this character happily exclaimed on her way down that this was how she was going to get a

So anyway, I had to look it up online to get the full synopsis... the thing that stuck out the most to me was the concept that, essentially the same energy that so strongly attracts us to someone is the same energy that can make us want to kill them too. LOL I think it's important to note that Edward cannot read Bella's thoughts because of her strong mind, even though he normally has that gift with everyone else. It could be some indication for you that you are difficult to understand in relationships and hard to "read". I also thought it was a bit odd when in this story it was described that these two characters were negotiating on exactly how to live their lives together... but then ultimately gave in to what each other wanted... it seems more or less an indication that each person just wants their side to be heard.

Anyway, that's what stuck out to me about the storyline, but perhaps there is something about this story that stands out to you and is more personally meaningful; I'm finding it difficult to interpret simply because of it's popularity among people and how it could mean so many different things.

In general, vampires symbolize "...seduction and sensuality, as well as fear and death." It represents, "...contrasting images of civilized nobility and aggression/ferocity. "Charm may prove to be harmful" though that doesn't seem to be the ultimate case for Edward and Bella... but then again, she chooses an eternal life on the "dark" side for love. Could be indicating a co-dependent or obsessive, "Devil" kind of relationship. The vampire meaning says clearly, "Deep down inside, you know this person is bad for you, yet you are still drawn to her or him" and that seemed to be the case for Edward and Bella...

I thought the angel was an actual one, and the fact that he was playing a flute or fife now reminds me even more of Pan, or the Devil... music and revelry, good times. However, it had a good feeling when I first noticed it, and it was above Bella's head. Edward was off to the side, looking down on her.

Angels symbolize, "...goodness, purity, protection, comfort and consolation" and they serve " a guide toward greater fulfillment and happiness..." and I assume the fife/flute is the intended message for you since that is what I was shown with the angel. Flutes indicate "harmony" in your life and things going "smoothly" for you. Hearing the sound of a flute may suggest "sorrow and longing" but I did not hear it, I only saw it. A flute could indicate experiencing a "...spectrum of emotions" and it has "masculine" connections to the phallus.

Overall and taking it all in, I would say that you are being advised to watch out for these kinds of passionate emotions, as they can surely lead you to trouble and sorrow... the angel is guiding you towards more harmony and peace... perhaps in your next relationship you can work on developing things at other levels while keeping these more passionate/sexual energies on the sidelines.


cutiecutie – What makes me attractive?

1. Pope/Holy Man
2. Dancer (Clairaudient song-phrase attached: “Put your hands in the air like you just don’t care!”)
3. Ewok (A Handsome Man jumped in here)

A pope represents “…spiritual guidance, beliefs, and spiritual Self…” while more negatively it could indicate something about “…self-righteousness, narrow-mindedness, and holier-than-thou attitudes.” He felt neutral to me when I saw him, so my interpretation of him comes more from integrating the following symbol that I saw… Maybe you are coming across better than you think you are, but perhaps a bit “stuffy” like you are trying too hard to present a certain image to others and they notice this. Seeing someone dancing and hearing the song-phrase, “Put your hands in the air like you just don’t care” made me think that people find you most attractive when you are just ‘letting it all hang out’ and being yourself and having a good time and not being so concerned with how you come across.

Interestingly, I thought that’s all I was going to see because that message above seemed complete, but then I noticed an Ewok (from Star Wars, if you’re not familiar), and I thought to myself, “What the hell is this Ewok doing here?” LOL Immediately upon thinking that, a very Handsome Man grabbed my attention, and he was attached to the Ewok – the Ewok was directly behind the man’s shoulder, almost like a guide or shadow. My immediate response was that of overwhelming excitement, and my internal emotional dialogue was, “Oh! Oh! There he is! There he is!” He felt like…(drumroll)… -The One- :D He looked like a king, so chiseled and put together, and I decided that the nature of the Ewok must be describing some of his finer traits. Ewok’s are “…curious individuals…” and “…quick learners…” More specifically it says, “They are extremely skilled in forest survival and in the construction of primitive technology like gliders and catapults.” In the movie, these creatures allied with the good guys and helped them win a battle. My thinking is that this Handsome Man of yours was involved in some noble cause, perhaps a part of the military, involved with inventing things, weaponry and/or very outdoors-y.

I don’t seem to be strictly following the questions here, but this is what I saw! :)


Ethereal – Info regarding ex-lover and communication

1. Carrot Top Zombie
2. Puddle – Clear Blue Water
3. Suffering Woman

Carrot Top is the “King of Prop Comedy”. After going to his website, I realized just how diversified his career portfolio really is; he seems very involved with making things happen for himself…very driven. Carrots in general symbolize “…abundance and fertility.” Zombies indicate a “…physical or emotional detachment from people and situations”, feeling “out of touch” and “dead inside”, while maybe “going through the motions” in daily life. I would say that perhaps this is characterizing your ex.

Puddles represent “…feelings that have been downplayed or overlooked” and since the water was blue, the feelings it prompted within me were very clear, honest and true.

The Suffering Woman that I saw was very actively upset. Her mouth was open in a cry/scream. Her head was mostly straight-forward, but tilted back slightly. I couldn’t really see both of her eyes, as it seemed that her hair was covering up nearly half her face, so I only saw part of one eye, nose and mouth. Her hair was straight and dark and she had a V-neck shirt on that was also dark; I could see her bare skin/neck… which made me feel vulnerable. I think this is probably characterizing you.

Based on this, I would say that your ex may be too self-involved to contact you; it seems to me that this “downplaying” of emotions towards you makes you “suffer”, but it is not really him downplaying the emotions, it’s really how he is, and that makes you feel badly not just for yourself, but for him also… so perhaps you also are downplaying emotions of how bothersome this is to you because your feelings were honest and true, but he simply overlooks them because he is much more focused on obtaining things like wealth or success rather than what is really important, like love.


What makes me attractive.

Okay, cutiecutie, I'm going to try and scry for you tonight. I am pretty tired, so if I don't feel like its a good scrying session, I'll wait and try again tomorrow.

So, I concentrated on your question and and looking into the ball, I can see a face to the left upper side of the ball that shows a bright, happy smile and bright eyes. I think you are just a happy go lucky kind of girl that shines brilliantly and people can 'feel' this when they are around you. Its a good energy, which reflects back on you, making you very attractive.

Do you have dark hair, as this face seems to have darker colored hair--maybe not black hair--but not bleach blonde for sure. And, perhaps light colored--perhaps blue eyes? Whatever color your eyes are, I feel they are bright and happy eyes.

I am also seeing another face in the same general area and this face is quite blue--light blue, not dark. This gives a feeling of confidence and I think that others perhaps see this in your personality. It also gives a sense of practicality and responsibility. Which makes people feel comforted, because they may feel that they can trust you, which also will make you attractive to them.

Blues are also cooling and comforting. Its a motherly color, (I am thinking of the Blessed Mother, who is often depicted wearing blue). So, I think you are a very comforting person who people are attracted to because you make them feel comfortable and at ease too.

I have to also say that my first glance at this picture/ball I also notice the two tips of the fingers holding this small ball. I have noticed it before, but it really seems to stand out to me more so now, reading for you. I just can't help thinking of this phrase, "You got the whole wide world in your hands!" I'm sure you know that phrase--and heard the song. I feel like people look at you and see you in your confident and comfortable self and feel that you have it all together and do have the whole world in your hands. People are drawn to others who are like this.

And, this, I think is why you are so attractive.

Well, it went much easier then I first expected. I hope you feel this is accurate. :) thank you for participating! :)



what makes you beautiful?

First I saw a figure, standing over a lake, her arms raised up. Her image was reflecting back up from the lake. The sun was shining directly down from above.

I'm feeling here like this represents you, when you are spending time outside, possibly even swimming or around water. A time when you are self - confident enough that you don't worry about beauty, you just are. You are at your most beautiful at these times.

The crystal ball then sort of swirled around and focused on some shapes in the middle. The harder I tried to sort of focus in on them, the harder they became to see. I think there's an issue here of not being able to see your own beauty because you are analyzing details too much. This is reinforced by a large ring encircling the entire ball. Telling you to look at the "whole picture", it is your entire self that makes you beautiful.

Finally, all the colors in the ball stood out. I think this is about your "flair". The things you do to make yourself beautiful, wearing colors (I got lots and lots of color), putting on makeup, styling your hair. These outward things aren't superficial, they really help you shine from the inside out. People see you. You stand out. You really know how to accentuate your beauty.



Ethereal - here is what I see regarding your ex lover:

My eyes were drawn to the outside of the ball, all the places where the light is reflecting off. The fact that the ball almost has a force field around it, and finally the fingers holding on.

I see your ex reaching out to contact you. However, I see some resistance from you to receiving their attempts at contact. It's possible that by that time you will not be interested in hearing from them.

I saw two hands, reaching toward each other and not touching.

The other possibility is that something external will keep them from being successful in their attempt to contact you.

I see a basket at the bottom holding the contents of the ball.

I think you will become very "self contained", you are in the process of building up walls, afraid of being hurt again.

I hope that helps.


cutie-cutie: what makes me attractive?

I got the feeling of a tropical paradise. I saw white sandy area on the ground; like a tropical beach. got the feeling of warmth; breezes blowing, mildly. all around the white sand was a deep green lushness. trees, flora and fauna. water going into the wooded area. not an ocean, more like a tropical spring feed-off. bright white sunshine flooded the ground in the sandy area. then, above the skies turned darker. deep midnite blue. starry night above. like evening in a tropical paradise. there was a tunnel in the wooded area .in the trees I saw a green-eyed owl.

I feel what makes you beautiful Is your warmth. there is an attractiveness in you , you draw people to you because of this warmth. not overpowering; because your're just cool enough to not overtake or overpower people; come on to strong. the tunnel that appeared in the lush green area indicates that you are deep; not shallow.perhaps you have deepness in you that others find attractive, and also indicates you welcome others if they need time to retreat ...they go to you. you make others feel relaxed around you. yet you maintain your cool; indicated by the water on the sand, (by the entrance to the tunnel in the wooded area). and, by the deep blue of the midnite skies above. your wise..very , very wise. indicated by the green-eyed owl. I think people find they can go to you for advice , if needed.

that's what I got, here.


1 Big post for all 3

I'm just going to come back and edit this post when I do the other readings...but I'm going to post this for now... :)

I'm so Glad you've put this thread up Celtic! Awesome timing too :) Thank you for this exorcise. I really love the image you took of your beautiful... so full of life...

SORRY didn't realize you have changed your question from the one on the list... I hope you don't mind my leaving this for now.. I may come back and try again .. :)
My Reading what I saw for : Porcupines
1. porcupines, What can you see about a long term commitment for porcupines?
I saw a woman staring off into the distance to the right
with her back turned...
*Behind her I saw a man on a steed of some kind... didn't really get what it was about ...
then it looked like the man was climbing.... still didn't get what it was about
*Mind you the man is behind the woman's back, on the right side of the crystal.
*Then I look at the 2 picture together and I see you on the top of a mountain, I feel that you set yourself off from the "game" ... It is not intentional isolation ...but it it is what it is for the sake of circumstances.
-I see the aforementioned man in the background.. and I see him climbing it up too... a man to will have to work for your affection.
-I think also he may come out of your past/present? because you look to the future that is bright but the past is darker blue...and the man is in shadow and seems to have a face of great strain as one does that is over coming obstacles...
-So this may be some one that you already know... because to climb the mountain and meet you on equal footing will take time... so it may be that some one is already working towards that goal...
-though curiously I saw his back to you as well... so he may at this time not appear to be actively working toward pursuing you. But I feel he IS in your life at this time.
-and it may be true that another woman stands in the way..
-maybe not actively she knows whats going on...but just by her presences she keeps him from pursuing you...
-I'm thinking also that I may be seeing "You" in a darker form... That the "You" that he brings out of you is your darker side .. your gritter shadow side... -a thought-
-so it may be that YOU are the one not acknowledging him?
-Look around... reevaluate...
2. cutiecutie, What makes cutiecutie attractive?
3. Ethereal, What can you see about Ethereals ex-lover communicating with her?


X lover communicate with me?

Ethereal, I look at this ball today with fresh eyes and the first thing I see is a young oval faced woman, with dark, straight hair that seems to fall to at least her chin if not longer. She seems to have an astonished look on her face. Above her to the right of the ball, and behind her face, is the head of an eagle. I can only make out the head, but it looks like an eagle who is flying and intent on moving forward. In fact, he seems to be heading towards but slightly above a white ball of light on the far right of the ball. The color white is a healing color and so it feels to me he is heading in the right direction, but needs to ground himself before he can actually heal with the white light.

I know that the eagle can be symbolic of freedom, vision and determination and focus. But, I still googled for its symbolism to see what else it could mean besides the above. I was surprised to see the eagle is known as a rain bringer, and also symbolic of cleansing and transformation. So, I learned something new. :)

I also see a frog swimming in the water, with his hind legs extended out as he pushes himself forward. Now, the frog being in water is really grabbing my attention since the eagle I've just found out is a rain bringer/symbolic of cleansing and transformation. So, googling the frog,

The frog is symbolic of transitions also! It suggests an incredible opportunity for you to transform yourself and heal yourself. The most INTERESTING thing I read here is this:

As a Celtic symbol meaning, the Frog was deemed lord over all the earth, and the Celts believed it represented curative or healing powers because of its connection with water and cleansing rains.
which was found at this site:

now---I find that especially exciting as the eagle is also a rain bringer! It also mentions at the bottom of the page that the frog will help you when:

You need to easily swim through some tough life-transitions
You need a little assurance while traveling
You are working to enhance your intuition, and strengthen your connection with the spirit world

So, it seems to me so far, that both the eagle and the frog are telling you to move forward and not worry about whether or not Mr. Ex is going to communicate with you or not--or if he does what it is he will communicate. Possibly it is telling you if he DOES try to communicate with you--to move on. Don't look back but keep moving forward.

I also see another person, could be a woman, who seems to be looking to the far left of the ball. She is in green color of the ball, and looking at the left of the ball, where I can also see two initials, B and A, which are also in green coloring. These letters are to the far left, and underneath the "B' letter is a bright white (nearly round) light.

I am not sure if the initials "B" or "A" mean anything to you, but I had to include it as I see it plainly. the white light I feel is like a door for you to be enlightened to the issues at hand for you.

The color white is symbolic of cleansing, healing (as mentioned above), new beginnings, purity and innocence, and coldness. (think snow--:eek:) It is also a cleansing color. however, too much white can also cause health issues, such as blindness and severe headaches and eye aches.

From all of this, all I can think this reading is telling you is to not allow your ex to cause you headaches if he does communicate with you. Don't wait around for him to do so and do not encourage him to do so. Forget about him. Move forward and cleanse yourself of him. Move forward and live for the present and not in the past when the two of you were together. It appears to me that any communication with him may upset you and keep you in the past, which won't be healthy for you. You will need to cleanse yourself of this relationship, not worry about any possible communication with him and allow yourself to heal so you can move on in your life.

So, back to the astonished woman I saw first. I don't know if it is saying you, (if you are that woman I saw) will be astonished with what is picked up here from all of our scrying, or if you will be astonished with your ex communicating with you/or not--or what he communicates. At any rate, I do feel it is time for you to stop worrying about the ex in any capacity. Allow yourself to heal and move forward. Be strong like the eagle and live for your future, not your past.

I hope this makes sense to you. Thanks for putting in your question.


Porcupines -

I saw a butterfly opening its wings and start to flutter - like it was the first time doing it. I saw a majestic tree with a lot of substantial branches - maybe like a cypress tree (but was not in a swamp). I way a city skyline at night, but there was a lot of soft moonlight.

From this I will say that there is something beatuiful and long-lasting in the near future. You will now know it when it emerges from its "coccoon".


I saw a leprechuan, a brown bear's face, and a cuddly teddy bear.

I have not been able to figure the leprechuan, maybe it means something to you. I believe you are very loveable and that is what makes you attractive, but you also have a fierce side if someone were to "do you wrong".


I saw a woman with her hands clasped and up at her face - maybe in a position of praying or pleading. I saw a blue sphere. I saw a bull horn. I also saw another horn - a musical instrument - it was straight and had a fluted end - I would guess maybe a foot long. I do not know what instrument this is, sorry. I saw a moustached man - his moustache was very long and he was very wise looking.

From this I will surmise that you are wanting to hear something. Because of the blue sphere you are thinking of it. Since this is all new to me - I cannot figure out what the horns or moustache man are pointing to - but maybe you will have some insight. I keep getting the feeling that there is a message that has either already been delivered or is forthcoming that is "loud and clear".