A vision about an old friend...


That is a very interesting experience..
For me personally when that happens, its usually a premonition to seeing the person.

I will dream about someone, usually a few times and then with in days/weeks I will all of a sudden see them somewhere... or I will get important news about them.

The connection definitely comes for a reason. sometimes you have to just sit back a watch/wait for it with a keen open eye :).

Hope you have your answer soon. Personally, I know I cant' stop thinking about it until they reveal themselves or the purpose.

Ugh! I hope I don't see him!! lol I know that sounds kind of mean but he was someone that was really hard to get out of my life. I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens...keep my eyes open AND my guard UP.

Thank you!


Sorry to hear that this was a difficult relationship. Sounds like you know best what to do...best wishes :heart:

Thanks, dear. I guess it's a wait and see what happens situation...I hate those. LOL


I had a second vision about this...exactly the same as the first only...after his last statement about there being more to life than that, I thought "He knows he's dead. He just hasn't accepted it yet."

Wtheck! lol


I had a second vision about this...exactly the same as the first only...after his last statement about there being more to life than that, I thought "He knows he's dead. He just hasn't accepted it yet."

Wtheck! lol

oh my! did you try googling around to find out anything? he came to you to help him cross maybe??

Starri Knytes

My initial thought is that he doesn't want to be thought of in the past tense.

Often people who've been cut off from society are spoken of as if they were dead. You know in that, "remember good old X we had such good times back in the day" sort of way.

Perhaps he feels invisible or like life has left him behind. He's a bit bitter about that.

This feel right, whichever realm he's in, "He wants his life back."

That's just off the top of my head though sweetie. Very similar to what LittleOne see's here.

I could try delving a little deeper if you like, or you could pull a few cards and see if there's a message from him.


My initial thought is that he doesn't want to be thought of in the past tense.

Often people who've been cut off from society are spoken of as if they were dead. You know in that, "remember good old X we had such good times back in the day" sort of way.

Perhaps he feels invisible or like life has left him behind. He's a bit bitter about that.

This feel right, whichever realm he's in, "He wants his life back."

That's just off the top of my head though sweetie. Very similar to what LittleOne see's here.

I could try delving a little deeper if you like, or you could pull a few cards and see if there's a message from him.

Good take on this. Maybe he's sick of everyone thinking only of his past actions (the jail time) and he wants to move forward. If you would like to look into it, that would be great. I will probably pull some cards if this keeps coming up. Another thing I thought of was "spiritually dead" or "metaphorically dead"...like he's just dead inside, not realizing that he's the one living in past even though it angers him when others think of him that way.

I can imagine that his future isn't looking too bright to him. He has to register as a "violent offender" for like 20 years. Probably not great for job prospects and moving forward.

Thanks so much! :)

Starri Knytes

Good take on this. Maybe he's sick of everyone thinking only of his past actions (the jail time) and he wants to move forward. If you would like to look into it, that would be great. I will probably pull some cards if this keeps coming up. Another thing I thought of was "spiritually dead" or "metaphorically dead"...like he's just dead inside, not realizing that he's the one living in past even though it angers him when others think of him that way.

I can imagine that his future isn't looking too bright to him. He has to register as a "violent offender" for like 20 years. Probably not great for job prospects and moving forward.

Thanks so much! :)
Alright sweetie this is what I've found.

Your friend is not dead.
He has been sulking. Spending time reflecting on happy carefree days of youth, and wishing he could go back and undo what has been done. Wishing he would have made better decisions.

Because he is so deeply into his own reflection, he does not see that he is at the precipice between the light of possibility in front of him and the dark of the past behind him.

He is at the door...
It's open to him...
All he needs to do is walk through it to begin anew .

I know a big part of your question is why you? Why have you been chosen to receive this message and what are you to do with it?

I have these moments often. ;)

What I'm shown in regard to this is...

Everything is written.
Some look into the sky and see stars.
Some look into the sky and see answers they cannot understand.
Others are evolved enough to see what is written, understand and retain that message.

You did not receive this message because he had initiated contact on a subconscious level, nor did you initiate this message by thinking of him.

You have connected with the Supreme Consciousness.

Someone who have had a connection with needs to be surrounded by the light of love to help him take the next step forward. The Supreme Consciousness/Higher Power, however you wish to refer to it, has placed a call to all who are able to receive it. To help this person who is in need.

It doesn't have to be actual physical contact or messaging. Help can be give in the same way you received this message. Through healing thoughts and meditation. All that matters at this moment is, that he be surrounded by light to help him take that first step through that door to a better life.


If I'm not mistaken, this is Empress Arwen. This is you. You have the power to make a difference.

I hope that this makes sense to you and helps you in some way.


First off, thank you so much for doing this! I'm blown away. I will comment on everything below.

Alright sweetie this is what I've found.

Your friend is not dead.
He has been sulking. Spending time reflecting on happy carefree days of youth, and wishing he could go back and undo what has been done. Wishing he would have made better decisions.

This makes a lot of sense. It's been a long time since I've seen him but in the past, as I mentioned, he was very obsessive and not just about me but everything. He would get stuck inside his own head.and just stew there.

Because he is so deeply into his own reflection, he does not see that he is at the precipice between the light of possibility in front of him and the dark of the past behind him.

He is at the door...
It's open to him...
All he needs to do is walk through it to begin anew .

I hope he does that, begins anew. He was always intelligent, funny, and could be very kind. Hopefully, he will see that and move forward.

I know a big part of your question is why you? Why have you been chosen to receive this message and what are you to do with it?

I have these moments often. ;)

What I'm shown in regard to this is...

Everything is written.
Some look into the sky and see stars.
Some look into the sky and see answers they cannot understand.
Others are evolved enough to see what is written, understand and retain that message.

You did not receive this message because he had initiated contact on a subconscious level, nor did you initiate this message by thinking of him.

You have connected with the Supreme Consciousness.

Someone who have had a connection with needs to be surrounded by the light of love to help him take the next step forward. The Supreme Consciousness/Higher Power, however you wish to refer to it, has placed a call to all who are able to receive it. To help this person who is in need.

Talk about synchronicity! I recently watched a doc that spoke of something very similar. I believeit was referred to as the 8th Chakra...the universal connection to the Supreme. This is something I've been actively opening up to. To hear those calls, to understand how to answer...to connect my small part to the whole of everything. If that makes sense. lol

It doesn't have to be actual physical contact or messaging. Help can be give in the same way you received this message. Through healing thoughts and meditation. All that matters at this moment is, that he be surrounded by light to help him take that first step through that door to a better life.

Perfect! I will do this. I truly do wish him the best. I will send him a message of sorts (through meditation) hopefully he won't feel alone.


If I'm not mistaken, this is Empress Arwen. This is you. You have the power to make a difference.

I hope that this makes sense to you and helps you in some way.

You are amazing! :) Thank you so much for all of your help and your knowledge that you have shared with me. I truly appreciate it. I will send him light and love.

Thanks again!

Starri Knytes

It's always a pleasure to be able to help.

I'll be interested in hearing the results of your reading on this if you decide to do one.


Interesting thread! Thanks for sharing.

When I read your first post, I just got a kinda... apathetic / depressed feel from your friend and what stood out for me was the fact you were at your deceased grandmothers house...
the themes that everyone has discussed about a new beginning / a rebirth stuff fits...

I think you'll probably hear about your friend soon enough from someone else, just some confirmation stuff for you... You know, synchronicity kinda stuff and you'll be able to connect all the dots...
