Deck of the Week : Sign-up Thread: Week 282 : December 24 - December 30

Green Faerie

I've had some lovely readings this week! I did a Pumpkin Spread and a Winter Solstice spread for myself with the Victorian Fairy Tarot, and read for several relatives with the VFT as well. I got, as always, very insightful readings. I also had time to do a deck interview with the Tarot of the Hidden Realm, which was interesting. My being drawn to the Wands suit of that deck wasn't by chance, apparently. I pulled ten cards in the deck interview, and fully half were Wands, so obviously this is going to be a deck of action, and a deck in which the Wands suit and I are going to get better acquainted. :)


Here I am, the 10 o'clock scholar, arriving at noon! :p

Please sign me up this week and next with the Alchemical Tarot.

It's never too late to jump in Madame Squee. :p

I've been enjoying my time with the Archeon this month, and this weeks extra deck , the Natural World majors, is really nice. I wouldn't mind getting it in a 78 card version. :) The Archeon though, has a nice depth and balance to it, and is becoming one of my favorite Thoth-y decks.

Looking forward to some new decks for the New Year, although my wanted list is pretty small - much smaller than in past years.


I'm so happy you're having such a great time with your choices, I'd never even heard of the Christmas Tarot before you mentioned it. I can't remember if I saw you mention it here or the Sacred Days of Yule thread first though. Speaking of which, I'm so glad I chose to use my Gilded deck for that, it's simple, beautiful, familiar and not stressing me out at all (unlike my cat who is walking across me right now) even though it gave me The Tower card today.

Thanks! The Christmas Tarot is available on The Game Crafter site. It is, by far, my favorite deck for the Yule season.

The Gilded Tarot sounds like a wonderful choice for the Sacred Days of Yule thread, simple and familiar as you said, and also full of glowing holiday colors!

I'm enjoying reading about everyone's deck experiences this week. And thanks for the Yule link, RRD. I'd like to do that next year.
The week is going well with my Pagan Cats. While both my previous DoTW decks (Crow's Magick and Deviant Moon) had a few cards I just didn't like, I'm finding I like all the Pagan Cats. They kind of remind me of Beatrix Potter's art, and they read really well. Very RWS with a few little twists of their own. Low stress, for sure. I think if I continue to click with these I might eventually invest in the full size deck. But maybe the mini is part of the charm for me. It's my first gift deck, so this makes it special too. Have any of you moved from a mini to full size or vice versa? Any thoughts on this?

Yes, do join in next year for the Sacred Days of Yule thread! It is a lovely reminder during the hectic holiday season to take a brief time-out for yourself and indulge in a reading.

As for mini decks, I most often move from a mini to a full size deck. Mostly, it is a matter of aging: :eek: Now that I am in my forties, I don't like having to squint or use my reading glasses to look at a deck. Also, the larger size decks feel so luxurious to me, and I don't mind handling them since I usually overhand shuffle. The only time I have moved from a large size deck to a mini was for a Baba Studios deck, but that is because I collect them and find them to be ridiculously beautiful.

page of wands

Sorry. I changed my mind. But I don't know how to delete this. >.<

page of wands

We're here when you're ready. :cool2:

lol thanks. i don't really understand how it works. you sign up to do a week, and then you post each day for that week in the daily section or you do it here?

sorry for being so dim. :(


lol thanks. i don't really understand how it works. you sign up to do a week, and then you post each day for that week in the daily section or you do it here?

sorry for being so dim. :(

You aren't dim, you're new. :D New is good.

I sent you a pm in reply to yours - but you can post about your deck here - you can do it in the daily section (that one kind of ebbs and flows as far as participation goes). You can talk about how you're getting on with your deck and participate in the conversation as much or as little as you like. You can switch decks if the one you have isn't working for you.

This is the No Rules Thread, LOL.

I start a new thread every Friday (usually) and write down the names of each participant and the deck(s) they are using for the weeks. People can join at any time, however as the DOTW mistress I am more online Friday-Sunday and less online the other days, so participants or deck changes may not be added to the list as fast during the weekdays , although I do try to check in here and there.

The only rules are have fun, and enjoy your decks, and be kind to one another. :)

page of wands

Ok. I get that. I was wondering why in the daily section from months July - December there weren't a lot more daily entries. xD

I think I'll post in the weekly one instead.

page of wands

I am not signed up for this week, and I realize this is the last day of the week.

I would like to be signed up for next week. I'm using the Gilded deck.

I did sort of a silly spread. It may seem silly to others. It was a spread for my cat.

It was really interesting. I had an incredibly hard time with the last card which was "what message does she have for me?" I kept having trouble shuffling. I laughed to myself because she doesn't speak, so of course it can be hard to communicate to me. And she is very vocal. She is obviously trying to tell me something. Then when I drew the card I had trouble understanding what the message was. Perhaps that is the message. Difficulty with me understanding her.

1. Are you happy?
9 of swords, reverse. No, she is worried about something.

2. Do you feel well?
Temperance, reverse. No, she is out of balance. I need to focus on her eating well, and playing with her for exercise and fun.

3. What do you enjoy?
Strength, reverse. There is a lion on my card with a female. She enjoys being with me and my mom.

4. What do you need?
5 of cups. She needs time to grieve when she has been disappointed.

5. What makes you sad?
5 of swords, reverse. She feels sad when she has power struggles with one of us or any sort of conflict.

6. Do you know I love you?
3 of swords. It seems like she doesn't know. She misses me when I am gone.

7. Your message to me.
7 of swords, reverse. I have no idea. Does she think I'm stealing something?! xD


So the Cat Tarot has proved to be an utterly bonkers deck that is absolutely useless for serious readings. At a small party of close girlfriends last night it was a great talking point and source of some hilarity and fascination. Everyone wanted a reading with it but none of them made any real sense to anyone. However it very successfully created a light-hearted mood that made it much easier to read for some people who were unsure and tentative. More reliable for solid readings have been Dame Darcy Mermaids, Druidcraft and Distant Past decks. So Cat Tarot. A fun side show. Perhaps useful but only as a daily draw maybe.

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