Numerology: 7


Gets tricky here. Is it only because the idea of one thread per number is slowly getting old, so the number of replies goes down - or do people have the same problem as I do - namely that the higher the number, the less interpretations I can offer?

Anyway, what I CAN say:

7 is...

The number of weekdays. Female mixing with male. Soft and hard combined. Urge and relief in one. Combining the opposites. "mud" (earth+water).



7 is the thinker, the mystic, the loner. 7s like to pick things apart and see how they work, they don't accept anything at face value. They are enthralled by art, music and beauty. 7s may appear to be calm and collected, the tend to bury their feelings. "Still waters run deep" is a good description. While they may pick you apart to see how you tick, they will deeply resent it if you try and do this to them. They are very solitary people and they abosolutley can't resist a mystery! 7s need alot of time alone to meditate and think, they get cranky and moody if they are not allowed to do this.

R :)


seven can represent, slow movement and change. growing, but slowly. it can feel like a challenge, struggle and or weakness, or can be seen more as a breakthrough. a need for patience.

sevens can represent inner work, imagination and introspection. it can be about defiance and struggle, or a time of meditation, originality and innergrowth.

there are seven colors in a rainbow.


Wow, right on

Rhiannon's interpretations were right on for me. I'm a 7 by birthdate and a 9 by my name (first name only). Very accurate.


I'm not really into numerology as much as it would appear, but since you're wondering about more posters, here's my seven cents.

Seven is prophecy! Think :T7C here.
Seven is also using your abilities surrepticiously, a la :T7S .
Seven is meditating on your accomplisments - :T7P
And Seven is maintaining a higher ground, like :T7W

But Seven is always a time or cause to reflect.

Sea Sprite

I'm just now learning of numerology and so far I find it to be fascinating! :)


Wonderful insights here, these numerology threads do a _lot_ for me. Continuously learning!

JC, as to the higher numbers/less posters, its not a complaint - I'm curious if it's only me who seems to have an inner formula like "the lower the number, the more I can relate to the corresponding card".

Will do a seperate thread in one of the Tarot fora, I'm really interested in that!



Here are some bits on seven I wrote for a book that should be coming out next year, fingers crossed!!

A sense of fulfilment pervades seven because it brings together the elemental world (four, as in four elements) with the spiritual world (three, as in the God & Goddess issuing forth from the unknowable source of zero). Seven is also the number of the Moon and all her feminine mysteries, because 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 equals twenty-eight, the number of days it takes for the Moon to complete her cycle, and the number of days in the menstrual cycle.

Seven is also barren like the Moon, in that it is not generated (it cannot be created by any figures in the decad, & therefore universe, by multiplication), and doesn’t generate anything in the universe (i.e. nothing in the decad is made by a number multiplied by seven). Due to its unfruitful nature the number seven is virginal, clean and pure, and furthermore outside of time, as a result seven becomes regent over time itself. The link with time is seen in the week, where after seven days the week is renewed, and in the musical scale where after seven notes we reach the eighth, which is the same as the first. Both of these examples furnish us with the means by which we may see how seven comes to influence fulfilment, progress and change.




I live in the 7th county of Wyoming. It has the most churches in square mile and the Northplatte river. The vertical center is 104.20(1+4+2=7) minutes west, the horizontal center is 42.05(4+2+5=9).

I know that 7 has a high vibration and can amplify the energy being projected in such ways that it cannot be blocked (so its a very touchy number at that.


Rhiannon, you've just described me to a tee, well done, and Martin: That was interesting what you said about the Moon, as I am a typical Cancerian born in July = cyclically moody and intense.
The Chariot is also the Major 7 which is Cancer, both of us with our good old armour plating.
You mention also Martin about 7- 4(elements) = 3(spiritual), because I was born on the 3rd day of the 7th Month (year:'61 (6 +1=7).
I'm actually a 9 life path number tho', but I have no idea about what numbers my name adds up to (allison jayne coley - birthname, allison jayne beaumont - divorcedname *LOL*, in case anyone can enlighten me!)

Interesting number, for me anyway ;)
