Numerology: 7


In the Norse/Teutonic worlds, Seven is the number of death and passive contact with the other worlds.


I will associate seven with wisdom, morality divine justice, fate and supernatural powers, for example there are seven virtues and seven deadly sins; the seven sistersand the seven pillars of wisdom. Seven is a very mystcal and magical number.


7 has been by far the "lucky" number in my life, countless examples....

Silly me, I only noticed these numerology threads tonight. I usually read the Tarot threads and subscriber chat, new members, etc. These are great, I'm glad I finally noticed them!


Rhiannon said:
7 is the thinker, the mystic, the loner. 7s like to pick things apart and see how they work, they don't accept anything at face value. They are enthralled by art, music and beauty. 7s may appear to be calm and collected, the tend to bury their feelings. "Still waters run deep" is a good description. While they may pick you apart to see how you tick, they will deeply resent it if you try and do this to them. They are very solitary people and they abosolutley can't resist a mystery! 7s need alot of time alone to meditate and think, they get cranky and moody if they are not allowed to do this.

haha, whoa, that sounds exactly like me!


When 7 is the reduction of 16, it's associated with the Tower card in Tarot. Collapse, Rebirth, Delays,...


Perhaps the numeral seven is considered the most mystical
of all numbers because it is the one number which cannot
be divided evenly into the circle...

The Mystical Number Seven by Dusty Bunker

I see 7 as visionary and analytical
~ a mysteriously thinking number.

Phoenix Rising

Hi guys nice to back.......

Anyway yes 7 does play a major part in my life too. Born in a 7 year, birthday and month add to a 7, soul No is a 7 and Destiny No is also a 7. All my boyfriends and best friends have all been born on a 7 day or have a life lesson No7.

But I must say that I certainly need my space, and I think that I would probably be a spincter. Nuns and high priestesses were influenced under the No 7. 7's just love to read books and have a appetite to learn and always searching. But it is also of the mind!
I just didn't think much on the No 7 until this thread. i actually used to think that having all those 7's in my chart was quite bloody boring. Because it also represented health, recuperation and regeneration, I saw it as a inactive number, because 7's can be lazy buggers too. And think too much and analyze everything, then break it down, oh just so confusing. So yeah I didn't think much of the 7 at all. So I might not be too critical of it in future.


you left out one little detail

paradoxx said:
I live in the 7th county of Wyoming. It has the most churches in square mile and the Northplatte river. The vertical center is 104.20(1+4+2=7) minutes west, the horizontal center is 42.05(4+2+5=9).

I know that 7 has a high vibration and can amplify the energy being projected in such ways that it cannot be blocked (so its a very touchy number at that.

ig you add the 7 and the nine it comes to 16 which reduces down to 7 again :)


It most definetly means that the 7 energy cannot be blocked, it is also overwhealming at times, i live in unit 52 (5+2=7) @ 1620 East I street (1+6+2+0=9, thus amplified again,e speically with I being the 9th letter of the alphabet.) :suprise: In fact it is so perfect that it won't let me go, i can't get away from my home.

Ironically, the niegboring #53 seems to be on the downhill slide, although better than it was, people who live there seem to lose some of their moementum after about two years, wonder what causes that. (1608 East I Street #53)

Then of course there are the 7 sins, the 7 seals, and the 7 heads of the biblical dragon, etc . . . as some more 7 numerology. In the TArot the 7th card of the major arcania is the Chariot, while the 7's of the minors tend to deal more with hard work (pentacles), choices and dellusion (cups), defensiviness (wands), and sneakiness (swords). (All of which are very present in my county now that I think about it.)

In the Norse/Teutonic worlds, Seven is the number of death and passive contact with the other worlds.

Ft. Laramie, which resides in my county, is very very haunted with energy from the netherworld, soilders and natives continue to fight and regroup, forever restless fighting a war that should never have been fought, and with hidden intentions from their superiors they continue to battle one another following their last orders, not knowing if it was just.


Rhiannon said:
7 is the thinker, the mystic, the loner. 7s like to pick things apart and see how they work, they don't accept anything at face value. They are enthralled by art, music and beauty. 7s may appear to be calm and collected, the tend to bury their feelings. "Still waters run deep" is a good description. While they may pick you apart to see how you tick, they will deeply resent it if you try and do this to them. They are very solitary people and they abosolutley can't resist a mystery! 7s need alot of time alone to meditate and think, they get cranky and moody if they are not allowed to do this.

R :)

I'm just starting to explore this but it sounds like you're describing me... I'm a 7 by birth date.