The Devil


How would you read The Devil as something unexpected or unknown? I've been getting The Devil alot in readings about my sister. Either as the outcome card, or as something unexpected or unknown. I know The Devil is never any good news. I don't think that she is addicted to any drugs or anything. I know that she isn't in a bad relationship. I just don't have a good feelings about this.


Could be an unexpected limitation of some kind, or boundaries she defines for others in her life, or others define for her. Perhaps even a feeling that she can never get ahead. The Devil is considered by many to represent Capricorn or Saturn, which is about sternness and limitations. There could also be unexpected blunt honesty about something, possibly hurtful to someone not expecting it. Sometimes it just represents someone with Sun in Capricorn.



It would depend upon what question/situation how one would interpret the Devil as describing the outcome. To me, the Devil seems to show up when hedonistic tendencies are present, that is, when people/situations are more focussed on earthly or base pleasures rather than higher or more "spiritual" events etc.

The esoteric function of the Devil is laughter. Is she having a wild life, seeking pleasure/fun for its own sake?

Just some thoughts.

Demon Goddess

Azarial said:
How would you read The Devil as something unexpected or unknown? I've been getting The Devil alot in readings about my sister. Either as the outcome card, or as something unexpected or unknown. I know The Devil is never any good news. I don't think that she is addicted to any drugs or anything. I know that she isn't in a bad relationship. I just don't have a good feelings about this.

Drug addiction, I would think, would be more of a King of Cups (Rx).

The Devil might show up if she were using drugs recreationally, but not addicted or being harmful about it. Whatever it is that she turns out to be "into", know that the devil dictates that she is doing it "voluntarily".



Maybe I am dismissing the drug thing too readily. The Devil was in the outcome position in one spread. There were actually three cards for the outcome position Seven of Cups, Four of Wands rx., The Devil. The Devil just seems to show up in every spread I ask about her in.


There are so many meanings about the devil: lack of change, unsatisfactory relationship, being obsessed, ignorance, lacking faith, strange exerience, unexpected failure....these are a few that come to mind when I look into the card. These could just be a state of mind. Unsatisfactory relationship dose not mean a "bad" relationship, perhaps it is holding her back. Do you place cards on the Devil to give you more insight?


My opinions: :)

One can be addicted or obsessed with anything--including drugs, alcohol, food, money, another person, sex, etc. I think the Devil can describe that type of personality--like, "if one is good, two is better..." or someone always on the lookout for the next cool thing to come along to "seduce" her.

It can also describe the basic animal nature of humans--because, after all, we are animals first, and we need certain things to survive--including food, sex, etc. But sometimes those lines get blurred and we overdo it in our quest to survive and live on as a species. I think the Devil addresses those kinds of issues, too, to remind us that our basic instincts will always be there, no matter how "civilized" we become.

As far as your readings about your sister that keep having the Devil show up--if the position is for something unexpected (something you don't know about her), and that's where he appears, it could mean a lot of different things that you don't know about her that may surprise you. That's why he appears in the unexpected slot--she could be obsessed with something you have no idea about (and that she has successfully kept under wraps from you.) We all have our secrets, I guess. Maybe she is just in closer tune with her basic animal instincts than you think she is.

On the other side of the coin, the Devil showing up in one of those positions may be warning you not to become obsessed with knowing whatever her secrets are...that you already know what you are entitled to know. Or something to that effect.

Demon Goddess

starrystarrynight said:
On the other side of the coin, the Devil showing up in one of those positions may be warning you not to become obsessed with knowing whatever her secrets are...that you already know what you are entitled to know. Or something to that effect.

If to be read like that, I believe the words would be "none of your freakin' business" hehe

I haven't gotten this card for that, but it fits.


Literal Interpretation here..

I think the devil might represent your sister being tied to something so powerful and scary that she is perhaps unable to release herself on her own. The Devil is a scary card and it is Fear Itself. Overwhelming fear that many at times one cannot even pinpoint where its coming from.


DemonGoddess said:
If to be read like that, I believe the words would be "none of your freakin' business" hehe
Oh, I've had this card jump right up out of the deck and shout those words in my face! Fer sure... :D

(And it was right--it was none of my business. hehe)