8/8/08:any numerology experts in the house?


Are there any numerology experts that can explain the significance of the 8/8/08? I would really appreciate more in-depth information about this. I know Glynis McCant will be on Coast to Coast Am tonight discussing it, but that is hours away in my time zone. Thank you!


I thought it only had significance for the chinese, not westerners.

Haunted Wood

I've wondered this myself, and I don't know much about numerology but from what I understand it's only really 'lucky' in chinese culture. Outside of that, I think because it looks like the infinity symbol on its side some think that the number eight is related to 'infinity'. Whether it really is or not is a bit unclear. But I mean, I am sure 8 is no luckier than any other number. One can find significance in any number really. It's just the novelty of 8/8/08 I think...just like last year there were a whole lot of people who got married on 7/7/07, and the year before that people said bad stuff would surely happen on the 6/6/06.
Good ol' wikipedia, not the best of sources but hey, interesting at least. Wish I understood half of that article on infinity.


I was under the impression that 8 is lucky because it meant prosperity. So maybe 08/08/08 is supposed to be an extra prosperous day ;) (mind you I wouldn't have known that, if it wasn't for the fact that they mentioned it in regards to the opening ceremony for the Olympic games)


7 is lucky......8 can be to do with responsibility and spirituality....

It rules the 8th sign Scorpio....so think of the Plutonian energy when you see the number 8
