Let's define "accuracy"


I thought it would be interesting if we shared what we consider to be "accurate" when we're doing readings. It occurred to me that different people may have different ideas of what they consider accuracy to be in readings. There's no right or wrong answer here. I just thought it would be interesting to compare ideas.


I think accuracy only comes into play when/if one is doing predictive readings. I rarely do those types of readings, instead focusing on readings that provide insight into situations or issues. For those types of readings, accuracy isn't an issue for me. :)


It's hard for me to define it because accuracy isn't what I'm striving for. What I want to achieve is a true interpretation of the information and advice the Universe is sending through the cards and then to relay that information in a clear, compassionate and empathetic way to the sitter.


As usual, I blame the sitter:)
Most people do not want psychological/feelings readings other than the wonderful people here at AT (who are much easier to read for than people who do not read).
So for the sitters that do not read, most demand accuracy: "Within three days you will hear that you will get a job promotion", etc. That is all that interests them. It puts pressure on me to be accurate, and I do not like looking for these specific predictions. I just like to read what is there. And more often than not, I see a lot of psy/emo stuff. But no one wants to hear it:(
In conclusion: I hate the pressure of having to make accurate predictions.:)


Grizabella said:
It's hard for me to define it because accuracy isn't what I'm striving for. What I want to achieve is a true interpretation of the information and advice the Universe is sending through the cards and then to relay that information in a clear, compassionate and empathetic way to the sitter.
So you're not asking about to what degree what you tell the sitter is correct, but more about to what degree you're able to articulate that which is given to you by/through the cards? That one I have no answer for....



Accuracy for me is wither or not I am able to read the cards correctly and the sitter can validate the info. If the reading does not make sense to the sitter then I am not accurate in my view of the cards.


Alpha-Omega said:
Accuracy for me is wither or not I am able to read the cards correctly and the sitter can validate the info. If the reading does not make sense to the sitter then I am not accurate in my view of the cards.
I'm with you. This is a breathtaking definition.

If you are stuttering and tongue-tied and making up meaning on the fly because you're not "getting" any, and/or if you talk to a skydiver about their phobia of heights, then we have an accuracy problem.

But also, accuracy isn't the be-all-and-end-all. Quite often people already know what's going on in their lives (it is their life, after all), so I rarely throw cards for the past and don't spend a huge amount of time on cards for the present. What does interest me, is possibilities, probabilities, pitfalls, opportunities, and their inner, emotional life.

The intention of a reading is not to map their future life out in concrete or steel, in firm structures that will come true to teh letter. The intention is to indentify opportunities, and find out how best to capitalise on them, or to identify areas of risk and work out how best to avoid them.

As I'm fond if saying, when "difficult" cards come up for clients: "I'd much rather you listened to me and did XYZ and come back in three months and tell me I was wrong, then listen to me and do nothing and come back on crutches telling me what a great reader I am!" (or words to that effect, depending on the cards and person in front of me).

So sometimes depending on the fall of the cards, I'm quite happy to look for things like the potential for accidents or arguments in someone's future, then spend time with them and the cards working out the best way of trying to make sure it *doesn't* happen.

Calculated, deliberate inaccuracy, if you will.


rwcarter said:
So you're not asking about to what degree what you tell the sitter is correct, but more about to what degree you're able to articulate that which is given to you by/through the cards? That one I have no answer for....


I was just saying what I think accuracy is for myself. I know what I think it is, but people so often say here "I blew them away with my accuracy" or "I've got such and such a degree of accuracy" or "My readings are highly accurate" so I hoped we'd get some statements here of what people mean by that. My post was just my contribution to that.

In my opinion, a high degree of accuracy wouldn't necessarily be something you could gauge right on the spot because the things you'd come up with on the spot could be good guesses, in all likelihood. For instance, saying, "You're having trouble in your relationship." because if a person has been in a relationship for more than a month, there are probably at least minor problems cropping up. Or saying, "You're under stress at work" is a statement that 99% of people who have a job would find to be true. So that wouldn't be a very true barometer of your reading ability. The term "accuracy" would mean statements or predictions that would come true later on, right? A reader wouldn't necessarily be purposely saying such things with the intent to be dishonest by making those guesses. They could be amazing themselves right along with the sitter with their "accuracy". But accuracy for me wouldn't be something like that, it would be things you predict or things about the person's life that go a lot deeper than generalities.

A reader who sees a past abortion or rape or the death of a fiance or something like this could be said to be "accurate". Or who sees that a sitter is planning to murder someone when they haven't said anything to the reader that would touch on the desire to do that could then be said to be "accurate" at the time of the reading (extreme example---probably few people actually see something so drastic, even though it could happen). If they touched on those things without being given any clues, then I think the reading could be said to be "accurate" at the time it was given. Otherwise, you can't really determine on the spot that you're accurate, can you?


Alpha-Omega said:
Accuracy for me is wither or not I am able to read the cards correctly and the sitter can validate the info. If the reading does not make sense to the sitter then I am not accurate in my view of the cards.
Well, yes.

But there is a BUT.

I recall doing readings (one even for myself, as part of an exercise here) where the reading made no sense at all - AT THE TIME.

Now - here, we tend to come back and say, hey guess what; you know you said x y z and I said no it isn't ? Well, all of a sudden....

Out there in the world of reading for money etc - - I wouldn't know - but to those who do - DO people come back and say hey, I know I said you were off, but it turns out you weren't ? I would bet not; most people wouldn't make the time ? So - we may at times be accurate even when at the time we do the reading, it may genuinely seem that we aren't.

Validation may be a delayed commodity, and we may never receive it.

le fey

I don't think in terms of accuracy, but in terms of helpfulness... if the reading gives the subject something to think about that helps them get a handle on their situation, that's a good reading.

And OH yea... the biggest revelations don't happen when you're sitting there looking at the card... it comes when you stew on it a couple days, or weeks, and *wham* the meaning comes clear.

And even for the sitter, I think that moment is tons more valuable than then *nod nod that sounds about right* that happens during a reading.

But...accuracy... that is a word that requires measureable results, so except for those few that seriously track and follow up on every reading they do, it's pretty much impossible for anyone to claim how accurate they are (%98 accurate!!!! that claim alone is enough to have me walk on to another reader). And I guess accuracy refers to predictions (how? if it happens? If it happens when they said it would happen? if it happens when they said, but not the way they said? aiii....) and in personalities... that is, if they can 'accurately' analyze what sort of people are involved, then that might help give the readee more confidence to pay attention to the rest of the reading.