Best Tarot Practices, by Marcia Masino


I've been checking this book out on eBay lately but couldn't buy it yet, I'm not so sure about its content and usefulness (Is that even a word? haha)

Does it include excercises? If so, what kind of exercises? Would you recommend it? Is it a book for beginners?

Well, any opinions on this particular book, or the author will be greatly appreciated :D I'm really curious about it.

Thank you guys! :love:
Brightest Blessings~


I can't speak to the book because I don't have it, but I have a serious disinclination to buying anything that advertises itself as "Best" anything when it comes to tarot. The title alone makes me not want to even pick up the book to thumb through it to see if it's a worthwhile purchase. (Yes, I know about not judging a book by its cover....)


P.S. Yes, usefulness is a word. :)


There is a forward by Rachel Pollack (which, to me, means that it's at least decent).

I also don't like superlatives like "best" and "everything" but I think in this case, the author is alluding to the fact that she attempted to include everything one could possibly think of when it comes to learning and reading tarot (for self and others).

I think this is a good, basic, get-your-feet-wet kind of book that will raise some interesting points at least to be aware of.
For example, there is a section on ''Handling Challenging Seekers": The Needy, the Greedy, The Manipulators, The Superstitious, The Hostile, The Unresolved, The Spy.
Different ways to interpret cards.
An opportunity to develop your own keywords for card meanings.
Various spreads.
New meanings and meditations for the majors and minors.


KafkasGhost said:
I also don't like superlatives like "best" and "everything" but I think in this case, the author is alluding to the fact that she attempted to include everything one could possibly think of when it comes to learning and reading tarot (for self and others).
If she's including "everything one could possibly think of" then it can't really be the "best" can it? More like the "Everything But the Kitchen Sink Tarot Practices" but I guess that's unwieldy as a title.... :D

Thanks for the overview of the contents though. If I find it at a deal I'm sure it'll end up in my 400+ tarot book collection.



"Kitchen Sink" probably does not belong in the pantheon of tarot parlance so I'm guessing she decided not to go with the title for that reason. :p

Here is first paragraph of Introduction:

**Best Tarot Practices** provides everything you need to know to read cards for personal insight and spiritual growth. The book, dedicated to the Tarot reader, tackles all aspects of Tarot interpretation, making it a great resource guide. You'll discover interesting information about surprising subjects, like how to determine the way your psychic ability functions when reading the cards. The book guides readers through challenging situations, and offers simple new streamlined card interpretations to try. You'll explore unconventional ways to learn the cards' meanings, and discover the joys of Tarot reading and how it can help you to develop spiritually. Reading Best Tarot Practices is like having an expert teaching you the best Tarot techniques in the comfort of your own home.

Hmmm...when I first started studying tarot I did read it cover to cover and found it pretty helpful. It made me aware of some things I would not have otherwise known if I hadn't read the book and attempted to teach myself how to read at the get-go. I would say it is more nuts and bolts than "78 Degrees of Wisdom." I like book exercises with blank spaces to put my own thoughts.


Sounds pretty good :D
Thank you so much for your inputs, dear ladies.
I'll post my own opinion as soon as I get this book.



Hi Jime,

This is a good reference book which also includes a number of good meditations linked to each of the major arcana. She also includes meditations to go deeper into what she calls the "challenge cards" such as the 5 of Cups and the 3 of Swords.

The book is actually much better than the title would suggest. I'm very glad I purchased it and would recommend it to you.



Most titles are not selected by the authors but by the publishers - and the author has little or no say in the final decision. It is considered a marketing factor. Please, don't blame the author for any title (unless it is self-published).

Marcia is very knowledgeable and has some good practical approaches as well as excellent meditations. I do have a few quibbles about some of her suggestions for readers—things that I put in the category of *warning signs* when looking for an ethical reader—like claiming (without the research) that your readings are 85 or 90% accurate. I was shocked to see that. But, then, no book is perfect for everyone.


Teheuti said:
Most titles are not selected by the authors but by the publishers - and the author has little or no say in the final decision. It is considered a marketing factor. Please, don't blame the author for any title (unless it is self-published).
That's good info to know. Thanks. And it's not too surprising considering how I've just read today that one publisher completely changed the border color and box design of a deck they'll soon be publishing without ever informing the artist....

Teheuti said:
Marcia is very knowledgeable and has some good practical approaches as well as excellent meditations. I do have a few quibbles about some of her suggestions for readers—things that I put in the category of *warning signs* when looking for an ethical reader—like claiming (without the research) that your readings are 85 or 90% accurate. I was shocked to see that. But, then, no book is perfect for everyone.
Yeah, that would make my raise an eyebrow (or two) also.



rwcarter said:
That's good info to know. Thanks. And it's not too surprising considering how I've just read today that one publisher completely changed the border color and box design of a deck they'll soon be publishing without ever informing the artist....

I was astonished to read about that, too! :bugeyed:

That doesn't surprise me, then, about the title selection for MM's book.