Orphalese Software (very) Beginner Question


I`ve just heard about Orphalese and I would like to give it a try.

My problem is that I could not find yet a "prohalese for dummies" sort of introduction, to understand exactly how it works. I found a lot of threads about software but everything is discusses already in depth and I have now idea where can I check if the decks I want are possible on this program.

I would like to have some specific decks (Anna K, Wheel of Change Tarot, Symbolon / Oracles, Secret Tarot, Buckland Romani Tarot, Tarot of the 78 Doors, Druidcraft and Lover's Path Tarot) for creative writing. If I cannot find them , then it is no use for me to download the program.

I saw that few, one or two, not at all the ones I am interested in, are available when downloading. Probably I have to get it somehow in other way. Could somebody explain whether or how I could get the virtual decks I am interested in?

Thanks for patience for a non-skilled computer user. :)


I believe that Orphalese comes with a "standard" set of decks in the free version. To upload specific versions of decks, you'll need to purchase the software. (That reminds me that I have the program on my computer but have yet to play with it.... :|)



rwcarter said:
I believe that Orphalese comes with a "standard" set of decks in the free version. To upload specific versions of decks, you'll need to purchase the software. (That reminds me that I have the program on my computer but have yet to play with it.... :|)


Do you have any idea how can I find out if they have the decks I am interested in?


Orphalese Decks

If you search around on the site www.orphalese.net, then click on the downloads button in the left column. There's a list with pics of what's available with each selection. I think the free trial download has either two or four decks with it. I tried it out a couple of years ago, but didn't care for the decks offered in the free version and didn't want to pay to download my choice.

Good Luck


HedgeWriter said:
If you search around on the site www.orphalese.net, then click on the downloads button in the left column. There's a list with pics of what's available with each selection. I think the free trial download has either two or four decks with it. I tried it out a couple of years ago, but didn't care for the decks offered in the free version and didn't want to pay to download my choice.

Good Luck

Thank you for letting me know what is all about.

I also would not chose to pay just for seeing virtual tarot decks.

I prefer to buy them slowly, one by one, instead.


They very likely don't "have" the decks you want; there is the copyright issue here ! IN fact - looking at your list - am am certain that it doesn't "have" all of those.

I have several of my own that I scanned in to use - and it is very easy to add them - but to use more than three at a time you would have to register.


gregory said:
They very likely don't "have" the decks you want; there is the copyright issue here ! IN fact - looking at your list - am am certain that it doesn't "have" all of those.

I have several of my own that I scanned in to use - and it is very easy to add them - but to use more than three at a time you would have to register.

Thanks for clarifying this. Then, it is not a choice for me.


Just to let you know as I am an Orphalese user, they have well over 1,000 decks to choose from; but,...you have to buy the software. Using it on the freebie method won't give you access to them. It's worth the investment.

ETA: Plus Orphalese is easy to use. It has all the instructions right there.


daphne said:
Thanks for clarifying this. Then, it is not a choice for me.
It's a great programme - but unless you are into peer to peer exchange of copyrighted decks that are circulating in breach of copyright (and a lot of those listed ARE) then - indeed it isn't. That's why I scan my own when I want them !


gregory said:
That's why I scan my own when I want them !
Gregory, I downloaded the free software (Tarot of Dreams edition), and poked around in the instructions but didn't see exactly how to scan my decks. I am 95% likely to pay for the full version, but I had a question about the process of scanning before I pay. Maybe the Help section gets more complete after you pay, or maybe I just missed the topic I am interested in. Perhaps you can help me understand?

Here's the specific question I have: do you scan each and every card separately, and the software "knows" how to crop it to look like a card, or do you have to draw a rectangle around it to crop it?

The other side to that question would be: can you scan in a bunch of cards side by side on a scanner and crop them to separate images?