Ever been realllly SCARED Scrying?


I tried with a little crystal ball, nothing, nada. But that was just one time. I think I would do better with a mirror, but I know I have to be prepared not only for what I might not see, but also by what I might.

Has anyone here ever been really freaked out by a scrying session or just seen something that was very real to them?

I know when one seeks, one has to be prepared for what one may find.


oh, I have scared the pants off myself several times over the years doing these sorts of things - to the point where I leave it alone now. As you said, one must be prepared - and willing to live with the consequences if there are any!


this thought came up: What you fear gets focussed on more by your eh creationfocus. So a chance that you will attract what your thinking/feeling off is more likely. So if your really i feel it in my bones brrr scared, then you could have the risk of that! So ehm in other words try to maybe get more clear on it in feeling too, so that your not too muddy about the subject! Speaking from my own feeling right now.

i hope this will make a little sense! Before i felt like saying something but what i had to add at that moment didn't feel important enough, so this must has been it!! LOL I wanted to say it before i forgot or get scared to say lol. Well ehr.. your welcome! ;) haha *runs*


not yet : )

I haven't done much scrying and I'm spending more time lately trying to find objects to scry in..... so for now the answer is no. But I do find it totally fascinating to be able to stare at an object and see images come through : )



Yes, that's true. I was a psychology major (which is how I wound up here actually) and we can manifest in our heads what we fear, whether real or not. Also if we go looking for something scary, we may just find it because we're open to it. Actually I would think one would manifest something scary if they were open to it, more than if they were afraid to let anything in, but could go either way. I also believe in facing my fears, so if I were scrying I would have to be prepared to face anything I came across. I go into scrying with really no expectations. Not that I will see something, not that I won't see something.


I cannot scry for that reason. Fear.

It' something I hope to overcome one day. Don't laugh, but when I was a kid I used to be scared of the devil, and I was sure I'd see him in any reflections in the dark. Even if I tell myself nowadays that the devil doesn't exist (or can't harm me), I still have the irrational reaction to looking at reflective surfaces (mirror, water, glasses, crystal ball etc.) in the dark. I can't do it.

Rationally I know that it's all in my mind, but a strong part of me is SURE that I'll see something terrifying, something evil. :( And it does not matter if I pray to 'good Gods', it's as if They cannot do anything against the evil I'll see. Very scary. Saying it like that it sounds just stupid, I know, but living it is no very nice...

I have no idea how this fear originated in my childhood, only that I'm 23 and it is still here. I really wanted to practice this kind of divination, but as soon as I dim the lights, the fear settles in my heart and I cannot do it.

If anyone knows a cure for that, please share! :laugh:


Maybe scrying isn't for everyone

Marina, maybe scrying, like tarot or anything else, just isn't everyone's cup of tea. If we see tarot as scary, it's scary, if we see scrying as scary, it's scary. But there is a different component to things like scrying and ouija boards, it's like trying to conjure up something or someone. Some people think things like that are better left alone. I'm still on the fence, which is maybe why scrying hasn't called to me all that much. I tend to pick up on energy. I remember as a kid thinking my great aunt's antiques were, if not scary, kind of creepy. I just thought of them mostly as dead people's things basically. I didn't feel that way about all of them, maybe some gave off a vibe I didn't understand as a child. But if something makes you uncomfortable, maybe it's best left alone for you. It's not that easy to get rid of ingrained fears and sometimes there are reasons for our fears. A kind of self-preservation. Maybe our inner self is telling us something. Maybe not everyone is meant for everything.


when I try scrying (I've been using a glass or quartz ball.) I just ask to see what I'm suppose to see. I've seen some weird stuff but nothing scary (knock on wood) yet.
But after moving to a new (to me) house, I'm quite leary of trying it. I guess the fear of calling up something beyond my control is in the back of my mind. I'll wait till I feel totally comfortable before I try it again.... Maybe. ;)


I hear ya, glitterbird!

You never know who will come callin when you open a door.....


I really wanted to practice this kind of divination, but as soon as I dim the lights, the fear settles in my heart and I cannot do it.

I've tried scrying with dim lights but LOL I can't see anything. I was able to scry with natural daylight and also with the light turned on at night.