Numerology and Astrology... threads please

Dark Eyes

Hi y'all,
Have always been mostly interested in Palmistry and tarot reading, passionate for many many years about them both. Just recently however, i have become very interested in Astrology and Numerology. they both fascinate me, but i'm finding it difficult to get many books on the subjects. can aybody direct me to threads on these subjects, I am especially interested in numerology and the types of tables one can draw up. I was told about a pythagoras triangle which incorporates certain numbers from ones birthdate and birthname. Can anybody help me with this, i would appreciate any information. i am hoping to incorporate these new areas of study into my very passionate and personal hand analysis and tarot readings.
Thankyou in anticipation.....
Blessings and good health
Dark Eyes.

Dark Eyes

Thanks Zorya,
I appreciate your help greatly. I will attack those threads now and see how I go. So good to be able to get access to this sort of stuff. Again, thanks heaps.
Regards Dark Eyes.


In terms of books - you might look out for Javane and Bunker's Numerology and the Divine Triangle - it is probably just what you want.

Dark Eyes

Thanks Minderwiz,
It does sound like what I'm looking for.I will check out the bookstores, perhaps they can order it in for me. Thank you for your kindness and interest.
Regards Dark Eyes. ;)