

I've been able to see auras although not all the time since I was attuned to Reiki just over a year ago.
During the attunement weekend we had to give another group member a full Reiki treatment, I was using a small treatment room and the lights were dimmed. I noticed that the lady who was receiving the treatment had a yellowy green halo around her head and when i stepped back I could see it around her whole body, the colours were changing and mingling.
I only have Reiki 1 at the moment and so only treat friends and family. I see my daughters aura whenever I give her Reiki but with other people it's more sporadic.

Love and light

Sulis xx


Hi, Dead Star,

Auras - well I do "see" tham in a certain way, although no colours (or rarely). I sense the vibrations and a dissonance in the vibrations in the region where there is an "illness" or problem.

Sometimes I do have a flash of coulours though, but most often it's just something I sense. I can feel the aura with my hands, too and detect the same things as those I see...

Light and love

Aura Wolf

Thanks guys. I'm very interested to know what colours my aura is...


My friend and I practice looking at each other's auras. We do it in dim/soft lighting. I usually see blue and green in hers. I only focus around her head and shoulders, because it's easier for me this way. We also have been seeing little balls of purple floating around in each others energy field.

The other day we were at a coffee shop and my friend was able to see that I was not fully in my body. My energy body was up and to the left, just hanging out. So I pulled my energy back in my body and she was able to watch as it went in. I thought this was pretty cool.

There's a book called Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan. If you like looking at illustrations of peoples auras, this book has a lot of interesting pictures. For instance, it shows the aura of a person that always wears a certain color, the aura of a drug user, the aura of a person who's really passionate about what they're talking about etc.


Hi everyone,
I tried to learn to see aura sometime in the past and now I think I'll go back to it. I only know how to regualte my chakras. I'm planning to get a book on how to work with energies so maybe I'll find out more. Also, I'll have a picture taken when such opportunity arrives. I want to have one...just like ros, for learning :)



This is just too interesting. A few months ago, when my 8 year old son was getting his eyes checked, we brought up one of his "complaints" that there are "rainbows" "kind of wavy" around things, everything, all the time. So the optomotrist checked very carefully and did a few extra tests because other than being extremely farsighted, his eyes are healthy, and was baffled as was I until reading this thread and the link about auras and children seeing them naturally.

I don't remember seeing them as a kid, but do remember "flying" and realized after I was all grown up that I had been having out of body experiences until around puberty.

Aura Wolf

Ah yes. Children are so innocent :)


Hi WalesWoman,
That's so exciting about your son! Have you talked to him about auras yet? This may be your opportunity to help him to continue seeing auras into adulthood. :)


I haven't talked to him yet, since he was sleeping when I discovered this thread last night...but you can bet I will. I'd hate for him to lose this gift, especially since I lost that ability to spiral myself and "fly" anywhere I wanted in the stars and in the world.

The closest thing I've experienced since was landing on my head doing a flip on a trampoline in gymnastics class and seeing myself lying there and everyone looking at me from high in the corner of the room. Then this gorgeous guy I was ga-ga over leaped up onto the trampoline and bent down, like he was going to kiss me. I just had to find out if that was what he was doing and the next instant I felt increadible pain, drawing in a ragged breath! I think he did kiss me, only it's called mouth to mouth resusitation. The trippy part is I also think I saw an aura, because it felt so dark and he was a golden glow when I first opened my eyes, then I sort "woke up" and started crying. I was so mortified that I never did ask what happened or what he'd done.