A dream about the black lotus


I admit, it's years since I saw this dream, but in my opinion it's one of the most fascinating dreams which I've seen. The black lotus flowers in this dream always pondered me. What did they symbolize? If any one of you know about a lotus flower as a dream symbol (and if there's dream symbol interpretation for a black lotus) I'd gladly hear about it! :)

In this dream I was in the courtyard of my old elementary school. The entrance to the school was dark and a wind was blowing loudly from inside.
The place seemed abandoned and forgotten, but I stepped in anyway.

There were many lightly and naturally illuminated corridors inside, but one of them was dark. That was where the wind was blowing from. Curiously, I ventured further inside the structure.

The corridor was really dark, I couldn't see almost anything. Eventually I reached the end of the corridor, and entered a large, cavern-like place.

It was wondrous!

The floor of this hall, or cavern, was filled with black lotus flowers with a hint of gold among the edge of their pedals. The small natural light which illuminated to this place reflected from these flowers, increasing the light multifold. Or perhaps the flowers itself were illuminating - I couldn't really tell. Anyways, it was a beautiful golden light, and I was truly amazed by it.

The wind blew from the back of the cavern, to where I couldn't see at all due to the dim lighting of the place. I didn't also see the roof of the cavern, so large was this place.

Then, out of the dark, came crashing down something huge. Like a great pillar it fell towards me and I jumped to the side in order to avoid it.
It crashed to the floor in great volume and the whole place was filled with dust. As the dust settled, I realized it was a giant sun flower.

Then I woke.

What was the message of the dream? I didn't know it back then, and the dream has intrigued me ever since!

- Meditarot