

I find there's 3 kinds of mediums - or 3 kinds of people who are mediums :)
One group watch the TV mediums and want that glamour and fame and money.
One group are good working mediums, make a living at it working the psychic fayres and doing readings for sitters.
The last group (like me) have no ambition or desire to work the churches or the platforms but are content to work online, to help beginners and sit in circles.
I think groups 2 & 3 put in the time and the work and will progress their mediumship... but I've seen so many of group 1 start off well - then crash and burn lol. They say mediumship is 30% natural ability and 70% hard work, and it's true.
Be interested to hear your views on this - and so glad to be back in Aecletic again!


What about accidental mediums? When you've had no desire to go anywhere near the dearly departed, and they just pop up unexpectedly one day during a perfectly normal reading.


LOL yes :) well the spirit person must have had a real desire to get a message through, and just grabbed the nearest sensitive person lol. A wee tarot reader, sitting doing cards minding their own business lolol - Magic I love it!


yep. ditto what ming posted.

queenxofxwands, it does happen 'accidentally' often. I have been seeing dead people/spirits- since I was a child. My mother was/is a medium, as was her mom, and so on down the line. My siblings also could see and hear dead people/spirits. My daughter also saw them since she was at least 3 years of age, that I know of. Perhaps younger, but before she was 3, I don't really think I knew she was seeing them. She thought they were her 'play mates'. My oldest granddaughter also saw them as a little toddler. However, now at the age of 07 years, she doesn't seem to see them anymore, at least she doesn't say anything. My neighbors son is the same way--use to see them all the time, talk about them, (some we were able to identify as they were known to the family) and now at age 07, he never speaks of any spirits now. For myself and our daughter, it came back as we were older. So, if this is how it was for you--or someone you know, it is very common.

Now, one thing that seems to be the common denominator, at least in my family, (and others I know)- is that those of us who see spirits were all born with a 'veil' over our face. At least my maternal gm always said that about my mother, who said it about me--my pediatrician for our daughter mentioned it to me in front of my mother, and I was at the birth of my oldest granddaughter & saw hers. I'm not sure if EVERYONE who sees spirits as children are born this way, (with the veil or what it is), but, it seems a lot of people who have this ability also say they were born with the veil over their face.

Also, as ming mentioned, when a person also gets involved in other forms of divination or even involved in deep prayer or meditation and are open to this--spirit can and often will appear or be heard, etc.

If Spirit wants to make contact, they will--or at least they will do their darndest to do so. However, some people refuse to listen to or notice the signs. So, in order to develop, one will need to truly open themselves up to the possibility and pay attention to their gut feelings and be confident in themselves.


ah yes, it been a while

channelling is broader now , to incorporate everything from jesus, to aliens, to animals.
while mediumship is focused on one thing aspect of it,, the talking to spirit people who have passed. and it may seem a limited world but within that world you got lots of specalitites..
john Edwards, james van pragh who work with those mostly crossed over and came back.
those work work in clearing houses like the rescue mediums.

I think even in our popular culture we got different hings,, like you have Melinda Gordon, who can only talk to the decease, and see them like people but isn't psychic,, and then you have medium who is very psychic yes if I recall correctly rarely talks directly to the deceased.

as for you ming,, we did talk a lot about mediumship back in our day when we used to chat online a lot and already we had different opnions back then and that is perfectly natural for we were on two continents, two different races and so had different approaches to it.
since you start this thread , may I ask you to share how your view on mediumship, has changed since say 2008 on the subject ?
for I am interested.

as for
certificates, and training, I think not everyone who goes for training applies It.
and I also think that there is quite a bit of difference from a weekend course to say actually going to a psychic school, or mediumship school.
and with that in mind, while training can help a person grow,, it can limite them,, aka "they weren't taught that "so it isnt' true,, or possible,

to get away from mediumship for a second,, in native traditional teachings, if they arent' taught it,, some refuse to see it as possible. as they must be true to "teachings " and I think some leave the school , or training and get stuck in that mind set.

also mediumship can be subjective I think, just because a person hasn't had that experience of say , a hunted house,, or restless spirit doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I actually went for a mediumship reading with my mom, and she was an older lady,, and for me it wasn't that good.
then I went for a reading with her student, she used the lemond oracle,,and the psychic part of the reading was mostly palmisty based.
so I felt ripped off there.
it is an eye opener for while I had readings before I hadn't got a real reading at the psychic fairs before and seriously I felt like both my mom and I have wasted our 100 bucks plus each for this.

there was interesting idea I wanted to explore,,
in the tv mediumship that we see,, we open to receive to receive message rather then direct energies to get message.
the lady had a pen and paper and was trying to almost scry for the message.
it remeinded me of the older lady off the others who was using automatic writing for her séance.. but in this case it wasn't automatic writing..

I know when I used to channel the messages would come fast, so perhaps that is what she was doing, but I felt the messages weren't good in this case for my mom and I . \

it is an interesting idea for me that I am exploring in my thinking to ask directly of a spirit ,, "who killed you, where are you,, where is the money " rather then open it up to whatever the spirit want to say.
it is actually an idea I been exploring in my own the last two weeks . (exploring meaning I just sit here thinking of what I wrote, saw,, experience,, and let it go into my fanasy, imagination, and subsconsciousness. here ands there as opposed as say poring through all my medium books for it )


HIIII Holmes !! lovely to see you again! :) :)
I've been working hard at my mediumship in the past few years, been to a few courses and learned a lot more, and am going to a week long course in August with James Van Praagh. I'm still focused on pure evidential mediumship - along with psychic reading of all kinds.
I think you are right in what you say about learning and taking courses in one thing and then staying fixed in that rut. It's a huge subject and covers many aspects - and many people are confused. Even the SNU here, the gold standard of mediumship, is to my eyes anyway, a wee bit rigid in their view. I have seen things that before, I would never have believed. But I still refuse to believe a thing until I've experienced it personally.
But you ask how my views have changed - well now I'm on facebook I see all these mediums lol, it's like a rash of them all over the pages. Many of them I know personally have only been doing it for less than a year. I do hate the trend of people taking a course, then announcing themselves "So-and-So - Psychic Medium" and charging money. It takes years, and a lot of hard work and even harder thinking.
But if you're going to do a thing then why not do it well, and for the right reasons... it's not a way to glory or easy money as some seem to think. So nice to talk to you again Holmesy!
And yes, ask them questions, have a conversation. Why not!


Holmes, good to see you back here again. Haven't seen you around much lately-or we've been going to different threads.

I haven't had any formal training, really--unless you count the numerous psychic circles where I 'practiced' with other beginners and some well seasoned psychic mediums. I don't think a formal education in this ability is a requirement to develop and become a good psychic-medium. However, if you can get the chance to take a course under someone whom you feel is a great medium--do so!

Ming, I'd LOVE to even sit and listen to James Van Pragh! Lucky You!!! He and John Edward are two of my favorites, except John does speak to fast and I have a hard time keeping up with him! :laugh: But, I also love their books! Keep us informed of how that class with him goes. :thumbsup:

I've been to a few psychic-mediums myself, and there is one I go to, who is very good with bringing my deceased loved ones through--but mostly she gets only the message that they (spirit) wants to give to me. When I do psychic-medium work, its much the same way. I can ask the spirit a specific question, but it doesn't always get answered, depends on whether or not the spirit wants to answer it.

I've been in psychic-medium circles with mingbop that ran for years, on a bi-weekly basis and it was very helpful as well as a lot of fun. Can't wait to restart those circles, Ming. Holmes, again, very nice to see you posting here again! :)



thanks for sharing ming.

one thing I wanted to talk about last night was talent/ability/vs training possibly vs skill exp.

why does there has to be a vs ,,and not work together ? I think most mediums in their books talk about at least a teacher/mentor if not workshops, training they took to get where they want. so I think ideally they should all work together.

I can think of some possible situations where a person who has training,, and from that training gain experience, and could be quite skilled yet may have very low talent. and vice versa where a person who has no all the talent in the world yet may meet some situations they could mess up due to lack of training, or open mind to possblities.

I used the analogy of singing here in the forum where everyone can have singing classes and may will improve , and there are some who go really far,, and then there is those who with even great singing can go further.
the singing Madonna came to mind where she took singing lessons for evita and improved her singing and that was for years after she became famous.

so I think ideally the talented, will go far from workshops, school and the rest will be medicore.

ah ming let me share where I am at with that.
I am actually not far with it,, I think at this point I am more of a scholar who reads the works of others, I love a good mediumship book, one that shares a lot of how they grow,, insteads of just a person sharing stories of giving readings now in my life.


I see so many new mediums, all over FB and the internet. They take a course, get a wee certificate and tadaaa they are a medium.

What?! There's a certificate to join the club and I didn't get one?!?!? Aww nuts! Like I tell people I get messages for, it's trying at times being a medium because there's no orientation handbook. It's a learn as you go thing. :p

On a serious note, there are plenty of fakes out there and I don't blame people for being skeptical when I tell them I'm a medium.
No certificate would make someone believe that I hear or see their loved ones. The best and only "certification" I have is the authenticity of the spirits coming through. The detail in the messages is the validation to recipients that this is in fact their loved one communicating. It's "certification" enough for them to trust that my gift is real.

Like CN, the gifts run on my mother's side of the family. I hope, if I have a child one day, he/she will inherit this gift.


Agree Holmes, I think we all have the ability to sing or play the piano but the ones who put in the time and the work will eventually be better at it than the rest. A few of us in here have been plugging away at it for a while now :)
I was told that you can only go so far on your own - and once you join with others in a good class with a good teacher, then that teacher can draw stuff out of you that you didn't know you had. I do believe that now. Before, I was sort of stuck- living where I do it's hard for me to get to a circle, so I had to look online. But there are so many fakes and money grabbers, it's sad.
The main thing to me is that this is fun, it's worthwhile doing, it gives you such a high to be able to make people smile :)
Absolutely MissNine - solid evidential mediumship. Accept nothing less lol