Help! Questions about being empathic....


(((Amanda))) how awful for you and all of this womans family and friends to have lost such a sweet sounding soul. And, not just one, but two precious souls, lost in such a horrible way. I will keep you all and that woman in my prayers, Amanda. Sending healing energies your way as well.

Lark, I am so sorry to hear what happened to your husband, as well! I do hope all is well with him, that he wasn't hurt badly in this accident? Adding him to my list of prayers as well! Do take care, my friend!

RRD, you are most welcome, of course.

Yes, it can be a scary feeling to have, especially as Amanda and Lark have also shared. When the feelings first come on and you have no idea where--it can be a scary experience. I remember one scary time when I just 'knew', through both the feelings I was experiencing and through a dream I had that an impending death was coming soon. I thought I knew who was to pass away--and this person was elderly, but not in any grave danger of dying. I didn't know what to do and it made it all the worse for me tbh. I asked my guides also in this instance how I should handle the information and was told that I could do nothing more then pray for them--as this is life. It was horrific for me, and I cried, because I wanted to tell them, but how do you do that? Thank God, I didn't say anything to them--because I was 'slightly' wrong. It was NOT that persons physical death that occurred, but she did lose someone who was very, very close to her--as a result of a heart attack. The person who passed, did so quickly, with little pain and was also quite elderly. He lived a good long and fulfilling life, but it ended quickly. I didn't see HIM in this dream at all--only this woman close to him.

This woman did also 'die' a bit after his death. A part of her died with him. They were not a couple--just extremely close and closely related. The woman still lives today, but is preparing herself and ready to join all those who went before her. It is sad to witness, really. It even took me a few months to realize that what I dreamed of was not HER physical death--but her 'mental' one in a sense. She and this man were the 'last' ones of their group. And, now, she is all that is left. Of course she feels left behind and wants to go too. She sometimes feels she has nothing to live for and that is very sad--but common for elderly people. But, it also taught me a great lesson and I am so glad I didn't mention anything about my feelings--because I was wrong. However, in my dreams, all the people were mourning--and when I went to this man's funeral, it was all the same people--the same things there as in my dreams. I never saw this woman I felt would pass away--'there' at the funeral--but I did see her face only - very strongly in my minds eye--and she was so heavy feeling--like death--so I jumped to the conclusion that it was HER death.

So, as an empath, we are given this information at times, but we also have to be very careful what we do with it. We can jump to the wrong conclusions and while death is a very diffcult and hard thing to experience, it is also a natural part of living.

btw, the man who did pass away came to me a few times since his death--including at his own funeral! He was pain free and very happy to be with his loved ones on the other side and still very much in tune with us still on this side of the veil. He felt nothing when he passed, he told me. And, I am still keeping this other woman in my prayers. He was one of the lucky ones.


I have the same thing only it is most intense for world events...hurricanes, earth quakes, tornados, terrorists attacks...stuff like that.
But it does happen for things closer to home.
My husband crashed my car last week and I was a basket case or days before hand.
The wheel card kept coming up over and over when I asked what the feeling was about...and he lost control of the steering wheel...hydroplaning in fresh rain.

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I hope he is okay!

I get this heavy stone in my stomach feeling...feels like there is no air in the room.
I sometimes feel like I have to walk around aimlessly...restless...can't settle down.
This feeling lasts until I hear about or see the event.
Then this strange calm comes over me and I know instantly this was it...and the feeling is released.

Wow, lark, your description is completely spot on. This is EXACTLY how
I felt.

I once asked my guides why I if can't do anything about it do I know before hand these things are going to happen???

I was told it is a courtesy that is extended to me because I have offered myself to be of service to others as a reader/medium.

Have you in someway made a similar offer to be of service to others?...
Just are actually one of the few people I have come across who has this same feeling.

Very interesting because, yes, I have offered myself to be of service to others,
but not as a psychic or medium. I spent thirteen years as a registered nurse,
and spent the past ten as a massage therapist and Reiki practitioner. Maybe
this gift of "knowing" is something we are meant to develop. (??) Because,
like you, I only get the feelings, then only realize what they were referring to
after the event has happened.


Good advice from everybody RRD, find a way that works for you and close down. I picture a door in my mind and I just close it. Or else ask for this sense to be taken away..

Aster Breo

One of the very best ways to protect yourself energetically is through the use of effective shielding. This site is a great place to get started or expand your current knowledge about shielding:

Click on "Energetic Self Care", though the other subsections will provide important foundational info.

(Just FYI: This is a site aimed at pagans, but the energetic techniques are relevant regardless of your spirituality and are presented without much of a religious context. So, I think at least the energy section is comfortably usable for people of any religion. Other sections of the site, like the section on ritual, obviously include more religious discussion.)


(((Amanda))) how awful for you and all of this womans family and friends to have lost such a sweet sounding soul. And, not just one, but two precious souls, lost in such a horrible way. I will keep you all and that woman in my prayers, Amanda. Sending healing energies your way as well.

I appreciate that cn, thank you :heart:


Aster, what a great site! thank you for sharing that. I am going to continue reading through there, but so far, enjoying what I am reading. Very resourceful info there.

Amanda, of course. I am so saddened to think about such a beautiful and young life being wiped out. But, the short time she was here it seems she did touch the souls of many with her inner beauty and light. Still sad to lose a precious person like her. :heart:


As an empath and reiki healer l do also get those feelings of heaviness, fluttery stomach (sacral chakra), l have got used to the feelings now. l ask the Universe to please surround and help the person who is needing help even though l never know who it is until later. l also ask the Universe and my Guardian angels to lift the feeling from me and thank them for allowing me to pray for whoever it is.
It can be distressing having all these symptoms suddenly wave over you but when you understand its your help that is needed, push out the prayer then ask for symptoms to be lifted from you.

Lots of ((((hugs)) :heart:))) RiverRunsDeep

Everyone here has given good advice and for those who have suffered traumatic happenings l send all love and healing ((:)heart:)))

Disa it possible to get crushed and sandwiched in by the emotions of my
neighbors, even though they are not physically with me? If so, are the "usual"
methods of self-protection effective for instances like that? I was scared by
how powerless I felt, not knowing which direction the energy was coming from.

I would welcome any suggestions, or even a virtual hug would be nice. I am
exhausted, and need to know I am not crazy...

(:)heart:)) This is a terrifying feeling, I know. I'm glad you opened this thread because I have experienced similar things to what many have posted here. I appreciate everyone's input and suggestions. It's helped me, too.

I was on vacation in another state once. My husband and daughter and I were to be going on one of our very first vacations for a few days and we were so excited to be able to afford it. The entire time I was gone, I had the feelings like lark described. Mine was more in my chest, an intense anxiety and feeling of dread. Complete restlessness and I couldn't settle down- for days.... I just had this extreme feeling of impending doom and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what or who it was about, didn't know what I should do about it, had no clue. I could seriously not enjoy my vacation. When I got back home I had messages from one of my longest and best friends. We had lost touch for many years and recently reconnected. She told me her brother, who I grew up with but had not seen in probably 10-15 years, had fallen off a balcony to his death while I was away on vacation. He was 29. As soon as she told me, though I felt grief and sadness for her loss (and her mother's loss of a child)- the feeling of doom and the anxiety completely went away.

I have had many experiences like this, usually related to someone I know, sometimes related to a world event. A huge feeling of impending doom washes over me for no reason that I can see, and completely dissipates once a tragedy has occurred.

I once asked my guides why I if can't do anything about it do I know before hand these things are going to happen???

I was told it is a courtesy that is extended to me because I have offered myself to be of service to others as a reader/medium.

Have you in someway made a similar offer to be of service to others?...
Just are actually one of the few people I have come across who has this same feeling.

I have asked this many, many times myself- why do we see and feel things if there's nothing we can do about it. I have actually made 2 intentional requests to the universe to be of service to others. But it was after some of these events had happened to me.

l ask the Universe to please surround and help the person who is needing help even though l never know who it is until later. l also ask the Universe and my Guardian angels to lift the feeling from me and thank them for allowing me to pray for whoever it is.
It can be distressing having all these symptoms suddenly wave over you but when you understand its your help that is needed, push out the prayer then ask for symptoms to be lifted from you.

Thank you for this suggestion, Thoughtful. I will try to remember it when the time comes.

CN, as usual I really appreciate all you have taken the time to write. Many times your words provide helpful insight and validation to me when I need it. You help many of us who read your posts, even if they aren't directly to us:)

Obviously RiverRunsDeep, if you HAVE lost your marbles, then you have a lot of company :)


Remember too - this isn't to the OP in particular just anybody who experiences this - that once you learn how to deal with this, once you learn the right way of handling it, then it goes and doesn't come back. Working mediums do not get this stuff. Not unless they are doing something wrong! So if you have this extra sense and want to use it for the good of others, then that is what to do. Get some training. :)


Good advice from everybody RRD, find a way that works for you and close down. I picture a door in my mind and I just close it. Or else ask for this sense to be taken away..

I like this visual. The idea of closing a door has a certain finality to it.

One of the very best ways to protect yourself energetically is through the use of effective shielding. This site is a great place to get started or expand your current knowledge about shielding:

Thank you for posting that link!

As an empath and reiki healer l do also get those feelings of heaviness, fluttery stomach (sacral chakra), l have got used to the feelings now. l ask the Universe to please surround and help the person who is needing help even though l never know who it is until later. l also ask the Universe and my Guardian angels to lift the feeling from me and thank them for allowing me to pray for whoever it is.
It can be distressing having all these symptoms suddenly wave over you but when you understand its your help that is needed, push out the prayer then ask for symptoms to be lifted from you.

Lots of ((((hugs)) :heart:))) RiverRunsDeep

I like your ideas, Thoughtful. Sounds like an empowering way to deal with the
situation. And thanks for the hugs. :)

I have had many experiences like this, usually related to someone I know, sometimes related to a world event. A huge feeling of imending doom washes over me for no reason that I can see, and completely dissipates once a tragedy has occurred.

Thank you for sharing your story, Disa.

Obviously RiverRunsDeep, if you HAVE lost your marbles, then you have a lot of company :)


Remember too - this isn't to the OP in particular just anybody who experiences this - that once you learn how to deal with this, once you learn the right way of handling it, then it goes and doesn't come back. Working mediums do not get this stuff. Not unless they are doing something wrong! So if you have this extra sense and want to use it for the good of others, then that is what to do. Get some training. :)

I'm so grateful for all the suggestions offered in this thread, because it would
be GREAT for feelings like that to go away and not come back. The thought
of getting training is.....interesting. :)