Help! Questions about being empathic....


I'm not sure anyone can help me, but it has been a very rough couple
of days and I need to share what has happened.

I've suspected for quite some time that I am an empath, but is it possible
to be affected by the feelings of people who are not physically in my

Here is what happened: For the past couple of days, I have been feeling
nauseous, worried, a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, constant anxiety
and fearfulness, feelings of dread and impending doom. I just knew something
bad was going to happen, or was in the process of happening, but I had no
real basis for these fears. Today, I found out one of my neighbors had to
admit their 8-year-old son to a psychiatric facility for psychotic behavior (need
to keep the details private but, trust me, they are horrible). And another
neighbor has been suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor, and has only been
given months to live. After I found these things out, the feelings of sickness
and anxiety have started to lessen. it possible to get crushed and sandwiched in by the emotions of my
neighbors, even though they are not physically with me? If so, are the "usual"
methods of self-protection effective for instances like that? I was scared by
how powerless I felt, not knowing which direction the energy was coming from.

I would welcome any suggestions, or even a virtual hug would be nice. I am
exhausted, and need to know I am not crazy...


I think it is definitely possible to pick up on the emotions around us. I'm pretty sure my mood is being affected by what's going on in the wider world at the moment. I also notice a change in atmosphere in certain suburbs, which I'm sure must be to do with the collective experience/mood of the people living there. I'm sorry I don't know of anything protective you can do except maybe get out a bit more, away from the energy of your neighbours. Take care.


I'm not sure anyone can help me, but it has been a very rough couple
of days and I need to share what has happened.

I've suspected for quite some time that I am an empath, but is it possible
to be affected by the feelings of people who are not physically in my
Yes, of course it is.

Here is what happened: For the past couple of days, I have been feeling
nauseous, worried, a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, constant anxiety
and fearfulness, feelings of dread and impending doom. I just knew something
bad was going to happen, or was in the process of happening, but I had no
real basis for these fears. Today, I found out one of my neighbors had to
admit their 8-year-old son to a psychiatric facility for psychotic behavior (need
to keep the details private but, trust me, they are horrible). And another
neighbor has been suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor, and has only been
given months to live. After I found these things out, the feelings of sickness
and anxiety have started to lessen.
first of all, I'm so sorry to hear such sad things for these two families and wish them all well. and then, yes, this is totally possible that you did 'feel' this as you are connected to them as nieghbors/friends. It can also happen in other ways w/o the connection too. I will share below what I am talking about. it possible to get crushed and sandwiched in by the emotions of my
neighbors, even though they are not physically with me? If so, are the "usual"
methods of self-protection effective for instances like that? I was scared by
how powerless I felt, not knowing which direction the energy was coming from.

I would welcome any suggestions, or even a virtual hug would be nice. I am
exhausted, and need to know I am not crazy...
Yes, sometimes you can ground and protect yourself more, (carry black stones with you-to help, and/or perhaps a clear quartz crystal to also energize you, etc.)

I recently just read the tarot cards for our cousin, who is visiting here. I picked up on her boss at work, whom I have never met and do not even know her name or what she looks like. I was able to pick up all kinds of things this woman is going through and describe it well to my cousin.

I can often pick up the vibes of other people connected to my customers like this--or to my family. I not only can pick up their pains, such as if they have a bad shoulder or heart problem, ect. but also can get their personality down well too.

It can be very difficult to shake when you are an empath, RRD. You need to learn how to protect yourself well. I sometimes will imagine a white protective light enveloping me - like I was inside of an egg. I can see myself in this, and all negative energies/feelings from others will bounce right off me (the outside of the egg shell) and go back to the person with love and healing energies. This way, its not like I am ignoring their pain and suffering--but I am not allowing it to wear me down.

Meditation is also great for this. This is why I pray every day and remember to mention that my prayers are for the good and healing of the people I have encountered who need them. That they may find healing and peace in their lives. I use to write everyone down in a notebook and what it was they needed, a new job, help with a failing relationship, help with health, etc. and I'd have that book beside me when I prayed my rosary meditations every day. But, overtime the book would be filled and a new one started, and also I'd forget to add people whom I said I would pray for. It became too much. So, now I just say at teh start of my meditation that my prayers are to help all those who need it and whom I promised to pray for. I feel that htis is sufficient and my prayerful energies get to where it is required, whether or not I promised to pray for them.

I think the acknowledgement is good enough in this way--and you do not necessarily need to 'feel' it yourself. It can take some time to get use to being able to do this--but do try. Its essential if you are an empath.

Also, do some gentle exercising, such as yoga, tai chi, a walk outside or in the woods, etc. It can do WONDERS for your body and spirit.

Also, when you need to--jump into the shower and stand directly under it and allow the cleansing water to wash it all away and go down into the drain to be cleansed as well. All this will help you as well as those you love and want to help too.

Various crystals can help you as well. If I am going to the mall or into an area that I know will be difficult for me--I carry specific crystals with me to help. The black stones are generally great for protecting us from these energies. Other stones can also help to send loving energies to those who need it and also to yourself, when you need it-such as a rose quartz. Seek out the crystals for their protective qualities and see which ones you feel could help you.

oops, eta: no, you are NOT crazy! and here are some virtual hugs too--((:)heart:)))


I'll add in a rec for carrying certain stones to mitigate some of this. Hospitals can be a nightmare for poorly shielded (or unknowing) empaths. I've always had problems with them, and I spent huge chunks of time in one last year with my husband's cancer. I generally routinely carry some sort of worry stone around when stressed, but never chose them based on anything other than "ooh, pretty rock"--I knew nothing about their properties.

When I started carrying labradorite around the beginning of this adventure in health care, the heavy weight of energies at the hospital disappeared...though as my brain was pretty preoccupied, it took me quite a while to recognize it as being the work of that crystal. I've done tests since (is it really a test when you're just kinda forgetful? LOL) and it's interesting to see the difference with and without the stone in my pocket--without, my anxiety level skyrockets, I get snippy, I drink more coffee, I can't sit still, I need to walk--preferably outside the walls. With the crystal present, being there is like being most other not-too-crowded places; I'm aware of the crushing pain and grief and fear around me, but I'm more detached from it instead of overwhelmed by it. I can focus and I'm a lot calmer. Again, I knew zip-all about using crystals when this started, so no special knowledge or ritual is required unless you prefer to use one.

This article might be of use (some of her others may too--like celticnoodle, she's a pretty strong empath). It talks about using smoky quartz and labradorite to mitigate the impact of others' energies on you, and why pants pockets are an excellent place for carrying them.

Healing wishes to your neighbors, and hugs to you!


I think it is definitely possible to pick up on the emotions around us. I'm pretty sure my mood is being affected by what's going on in the wider world at the moment. I also notice a change in atmosphere in certain suburbs, which I'm sure must be to do with the collective experience/mood of the people living there. I'm sorry I don't know of anything protective you can do except maybe get out a bit more, away from the energy of your neighbours. Take care.

Thank you for posting and for sharing your own experience. Unfortunately,
the bad feelings I was having were rather relentless; it didn't seem to matter
if I was in my house or away from it. That's what made me wonder if it was
an empathic experience after all, or if it was premonition, or something else
entirely (such as me losing my marbles!). Thanks again.


I've suspected for quite some time that I am an empath, but is it possible
to be affected by the feelings of people who are not physically in my

This past month (the 21st of August to be exact) I was feeling gloomy all day. It was nearly unbearable. It was a strong sense of... nothing. Just nothing. An overwhelming sense of the lack of positivity. My husband came home from work and asked what was wrong with me. I didn't know. I said, "I feel like I need a really good laugh." We watched some stand-up comedy on Netflix, and this dark and heavy feeling subsided a bit and I went to bed.

The next morning, I was abruptly awakened by my husband saying, "Babe- Ally died in a car crash last night." I jerked up from my sleep alarmed, but not totally registering; I heard 'died' and 'car crash' -- my thoughts went to my best friend's baby girl Allyn but no, my husband said it was his friend's girlfriend, Ally.

I only met the girl a couple of times; she was a beautiful soul and a free spirited individual. She was usually drunk a lot of the time, and thought my name was Megan for some reason. LOL But still, total Fool + Sun energies, this one. A pleasure to be around.

I had not visited with this girl in months and she was no where near me when she died. I wasn't even the first one to put my feelings and the situation together, it was my husband. I felt horrible about what happened after he told me; she was only 26 years old and I was saying these things and my husband is like, "Well, yeah -- now we know why you were feeling so off yesterday."

According to my husband, weird stuff like this with my moods happens all the time- this was just the first time he really made a point with it.. it kind of struck me and opened my eyes a bit because I recalled having an internal conversation with myself about why the hell I was feeling so bad that day. There was no reason. It just washed over me, and I couldn't shake it off.

This was probably the worst I've ever felt though, and I can only rationalize that it was the result of the snuffing out of a very, very bright light within a person. Ally is a friend on my Facebook page and for days people were talking to her via posts to her wall just in complete mourning and shock. It was such a huge outpouring of grief and love, and I'm still seeing some posts... what was worse is that apparently she and my husband's friend were trying to have a baby and the autopsy revealed that she was 3 months pregnant. No one, including Ally, knew that she was pregnant.

I have no idea why I would feel things as strongly as I did. We were not especially close, hadn't visited with her in months and she was no where near me when she died.

I don't really have answers for you, but if you are crazy, then you're not alone. What happened to me was not 'normal' by any means; telling others about it might lead them to believe I was just insanely depressed and the death of someone I knew on the same day was a coincidence. Honestly though, the way I felt, you'd think I was plugged right in to the grim reaper's energy. I sincerely hope I don't have to experience that energy or those feelings again... because now I think I would know what to expect with them when they come, and that scares the hell out of me.


Yes, of course it is.

first of all, I'm so sorry to hear such sad things for these two families and wish them all well. and then, yes, this is totally possible that you did 'feel' this as you are connected to them as nieghbors/friends. It can also happen in other ways w/o the connection too. I will share below what I am talking about.

Yes, sometimes you can ground and protect yourself more, (carry black stones with you-to help, and/or perhaps a clear quartz crystal to also energize you, etc.)

I recently just read the tarot cards for our cousin, who is visiting here. I picked up on her boss at work, whom I have never met and do not even know her name or what she looks like. I was able to pick up all kinds of things this woman is going through and describe it well to my cousin.

I can often pick up the vibes of other people connected to my customers like this--or to my family. I not only can pick up their pains, such as if they have a bad shoulder or heart problem, ect. but also can get their personality down well too.

It can be very difficult to shake when you are an empath, RRD. You need to learn how to protect yourself well. I sometimes will imagine a white protective light enveloping me - like I was inside of an egg. I can see myself in this, and all negative energies/feelings from others will bounce right off me (the outside of the egg shell) and go back to the person with love and healing energies. This way, its not like I am ignoring their pain and suffering--but I am not allowing it to wear me down.

Meditation is also great for this. This is why I pray every day and remember to mention that my prayers are for the good and healing of the people I have encountered who need them. That they may find healing and peace in their lives. I use to write everyone down in a notebook and what it was they needed, a new job, help with a failing relationship, help with health, etc. and I'd have that book beside me when I prayed my rosary meditations every day. But, overtime the book would be filled and a new one started, and also I'd forget to add people whom I said I would pray for. It became too much. So, now I just say at teh start of my meditation that my prayers are to help all those who need it and whom I promised to pray for. I feel that htis is sufficient and my prayerful energies get to where it is required, whether or not I promised to pray for them.

I think the acknowledgement is good enough in this way--and you do not necessarily need to 'feel' it yourself. It can take some time to get use to being able to do this--but do try. Its essential if you are an empath.

Also, do some gentle exercising, such as yoga, tai chi, a walk outside or in the woods, etc. It can do WONDERS for your body and spirit.

Also, when you need to--jump into the shower and stand directly under it and allow the cleansing water to wash it all away and go down into the drain to be cleansed as well. All this will help you as well as those you love and want to help too.

Various crystals can help you as well. If I am going to the mall or into an area that I know will be difficult for me--I carry specific crystals with me to help. The black stones are generally great for protecting us from these energies. Other stones can also help to send loving energies to those who need it and also to yourself, when you need it-such as a rose quartz. Seek out the crystals for their protective qualities and see which ones you feel could help you.

oops, eta: no, you are NOT crazy! and here are some virtual hugs too--((:)heart:)))

CN, I really appreciate the time you took to post all of this!

Reading about your personal experiences reassures me and helps to validate
that yes, I was picking up on my neighbors' emotions and no, they didn't have
to be in the same room with me for that to happen. That was particularly
distressing to me. I didn't have to be anywhere near my house or neighborhood
in order to feel this stuff.

Thank you for your many suggestions for self-protection. Sadly, I have gotten
away from meditation and praying lately, but I have no doubt that getting back
into a regular practice would help immensely. I had forgotten about black
stones. I have a lovely, smooth black stone in my bowl of crystals that I can
use. Thanks for the reminder! I like the idea of the shower as well.

Very grateful for your well wishes for my neighbors and for your virtual
hugs. :)


I'll add in a rec for carrying certain stones to mitigate some of this. Hospitals can be a nightmare for poorly shielded (or unknowing) empaths. I've always had problems with them, and I spent huge chunks of time in one last year with my husband's cancer. I generally routinely carry some sort of worry stone around when stressed, but never chose them based on anything other than "ooh, pretty rock"--I knew nothing about their properties.

When I started carrying labradorite around the beginning of this adventure in health care, the heavy weight of energies at the hospital disappeared...though as my brain was pretty preoccupied, it took me quite a while to recognize it as being the work of that crystal. I've done tests since (is it really a test when you're just kinda forgetful? LOL) and it's interesting to see the difference with and without the stone in my pocket--without, my anxiety level skyrockets, I get snippy, I drink more coffee, I can't sit still, I need to walk--preferably outside the walls. With the crystal present, being there is like being most other not-too-crowded places; I'm aware of the crushing pain and grief and fear around me, but I'm more detached from it instead of overwhelmed by it. I can focus and I'm a lot calmer. Again, I knew zip-all about using crystals when this started, so no special knowledge or ritual is required unless you prefer to use one.

This article might be of use (some of her others may too--like celticnoodle, she's a pretty strong empath). It talks about using smoky quartz and labradorite to mitigate the impact of others' energies on you, and why pants pockets are an excellent place for carrying them.

Healing wishes to your neighbors, and hugs to you!

Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry you had to go through something so scary
with your husband.

I agree that stones can be extremely helpful; I had forgotten about that.
CN's post reminded me of a lovely, smooth black stone I have that I can use.
Your post reminds me that I actually used that black stone during a time my
sister was very sick, in and out of the hospital. You are right, when I had the
stone it didn't make all the bad feelings go away, but I felt more settled and
grounded, and more able to deal with what I was feeling.

Will definitely check out the link you provided.

Thanks for your healing wishes and hugs!!


This past month (the 21st of August to be exact) I was feeling gloomy all day. It was nearly unbearable. It was a strong sense of... nothing. Just nothing. An overwhelming sense of the lack of positivity. My husband came home from work and asked what was wrong with me. I didn't know. I said, "I feel like I need a really good laugh." We watched some stand-up comedy on Netflix, and this dark and heavy feeling subsided a bit and I went to bed.

The next morning, I was abruptly awakened by my husband saying, "Babe- Ally died in a car crash last night." I jerked up from my sleep alarmed, but not totally registering; I heard 'died' and 'car crash' -- my thoughts went to my best friend's baby girl Allyn but no, my husband said it was his friend's girlfriend, Ally.

I only met the girl a couple of times; she was a beautiful soul and a free spirited individual. She was usually drunk a lot of the time, and thought my name was Megan for some reason. LOL But still, total Fool + Sun energies, this one. A pleasure to be around.

I had not visited with this girl in months and she was no where near me when she died. I wasn't even the first one to put my feelings and the situation together, it was my husband. I felt horrible about what happened after he told me; she was only 26 years old and I was saying these things and my husband is like, "Well, yeah -- now we know why you were feeling so off yesterday."

According to my husband, weird stuff like this with my moods happens all the time- this was just the first time he really made a point with it.. it kind of struck me and opened my eyes a bit because I recalled having an internal conversation with myself about why the hell I was feeling so bad that day. There was no reason. It just washed over me, and I couldn't shake it off.

This was probably the worst I've ever felt though, and I can only rationalize that it was the result of the snuffing out of a very, very bright light within a person. Ally is a friend on my Facebook page and for days people were talking to her via posts to her wall just in complete mourning and shock. It was such a huge outpouring of grief and love, and I'm still seeing some posts... what was worse is that apparently she and my husband's friend were trying to have a baby and the autopsy revealed that she was 3 months pregnant. No one, including Ally, knew that she was pregnant.

I have no idea why I would feel things as strongly as I did. We were not especially close, hadn't visited with her in months and she was no where near me when she died.

I don't really have answers for you, but if you are crazy, then you're not alone. What happened to me was not 'normal' by any means; telling others about it might lead them to believe I was just insanely depressed and the death of someone I knew on the same day was a coincidence. Honestly though, the way I felt, you'd think I was plugged right in to the grim reaper's energy. I sincerely hope I don't have to experience that energy or those feelings again... because now I think I would know what to expect with them when they come, and that scares the hell out of me.

Thank you for sharing your story, Amanda, though I am sorry you had to
experience that. What happened to Ally is so horribly sad.

I guess we don't necessarily have to be a close friend with someone in order
to have experiences like this. In my own situation, the neighbors and I are
"neighborly", but we are not close enough to know each other very well.

And I agree...the thought of having these feelings again and already knowing
what they portend is very scary.


I have the same thing only it is most intense for world events...hurricanes, earth quakes, tornados, terrorists attacks...stuff like that.
But it does happen for things closer to home.
My husband crashed my car last week and I was a basket case or days before hand.
The wheel card kept coming up over and over when I asked what the feeling was about...and he lost control of the steering wheel...hydroplaning in fresh rain.

I get this heavy stone in my stomach feeling...feels like there is no air in the room.
I sometimes feel like I have to walk around aimlessly...restless...can't settle down.
This feeling lasts until I hear about or see the event.
Then this strange calm comes over me and I know instantly this was it...and the feeling is released.

I once asked my guides why I if can't do anything about it do I know before hand these things are going to happen???

I was told it is a courtesy that is extended to me because I have offered myself to be of service to others as a reader/medium.

Have you in someway made a similar offer to be of service to others?...
Just are actually one of the few people I have come across who has this same feeling.