Best Thoth book


Momof3girls said:
There is another book by Banzhaf called Keywords to the Thoth Tarot. Is this one any good? I'm wondering if it would be better than The Handbook to the Cards, Banzhaf's other Crowley book?

Please let me know your thoughts.

Well, I have the "keywords" book and I like it! :)

That said, I don't have the other Banzhaf (tarot) book(s) to compare with! The keywords book does NOT attempt to duplicate what the other books (esp. the Book of Thoth) might do for themselves? It contains, for each card, a list and significance of card symbols (1 page + B/W picture). On a second page there are (typically) 2 to 3 lines on "meaning" of the card in each of these situations: General, Profession, Conciousness, Partnership and also (which I rather like) "Encourages" and "Warns against" - I find these latter more in-keeping with my Thoth-typical non-use of reversals. There are also paragraphs on "card of the day" and "card of the year"... doubtless selected by a rather personal alogorithm? ;)

Introductory chapter(s) contain a good general introduction to Tarot and quite a *large* selection of spreads. My own comment is that Mr. B has mainly "gone his own way" on the meanings and symbolism. He may NOT e.g. always agree with Crowley/Harris but captures the same sort of essence? Again, I'm quite a fan. A lot of original thought but also common sense went into these...

For the Thoth fans, there's also (yours truly's) review of Tarot and the Magus here! This book concentrates in detail on the methods of READING the Thoth cards as inferred in the book of Thoth by Crowley himself. Elemental dignities, card counting etc. If this grabs you or you want to go for that authenticity, then it might indeed be for you. :D


Rusty Neon

hi momof3girls,

Between Banzhaf's _Handbook_ (HB), Ziegler's _Mirror of the Soul_ (MOS), and Banzhaf's _Keywords to the Thoth_ (KW), I'd recommend MOS, followed by HB.

It's true that MOS is less detailed than HB but that's a good thing. I find HB to be quite cluttered with a lot of disparate information. If you just want to get started with the cards, MOS can be the best best of the three books. Its card descriptions and card meanings are quite intuitive and insightful and cut to the chase, without distraction and clutter. Ironically though, I've noticed with a number of the cards in the Thoth deck, MOS endeavours to identify and interpret card details and symbolism that none of HB, KW, Duquette or even Crowley cover.

That said, HB is still a good book (as Emily has noted) and worth getting after you've gotten MOS.

Both Banzhaf and Ziegler "go their own way" (and Arrien really goes her own way). As between MOS and HB, HB tries harder to get into what Crowley may have intended by the card. KW is intuitive like MOS and, in fact, is less detailed than MOS, to the point of being sparse on assistance to the reader. KW is about the same level of faithfulness (i.e., lack thereof) to Crowley's views as MOS. What I find frustrating about KW is that it explains certain details, detail by detail, in separate boxes, without really linking together those details and explanations in one coherent whole.

Hope this helps!