O'Neill's "Tarot Symbolism" - get it from the library


I just returned from my local library with a copy of this much-discussed book. No, it wasn't on the shelf; I got it through an inter-library loan, and I thought I'd post the details here for others who'd want to do the same.

The book was in the stacks of the Cleveland Public Library coded <BF1879.T2 049 1986>. The ISBN is 0895369362. Any public library in the US (and possibly Canada) can request an inter-library loan for you; ask at the reference desk and they'll give you the paperwork. It cost me $10 for expenses (though I was told originally that I would be charged $20) which seemed cheap to me as I've never seen it priced at less than $50 when I could find it at all.

A brief page through convinced me that this is the meatiest book on Tarot I've ever seen, well worth any price you might pay. So I fully intend to follow through with my preorder of the Australian Tarot Association reprint; this book just has too much information to be absorbed in the two weeks I'll have it and is an essential reference for tarotmaniacs.

Mine will go back to the Cleveland Public Library on August 18; there are probably other libraries in the US that have it too.


Great Tip Fireflye,

I've been looking for this book for a long time, and didn't know that this kind of exchange could be done. I know for sure that the Libraries in my county don't have the book, but I'll definitely try to get this book (and others too!)

Phantom Goddess

A detailed look at using inter library loans from a tarotist who works in a library

I actually work in a library and I have dealt with ILLs (Inter Library Loans) before. There are a couple of things that you might want to concider before doing this.

1) There is the chance that it will take months for the book to come in. The last time I checked through worldcat (The program for ILLs) I saw there was less than 20 copies listed anywhere. The lower number of libraries that carry this book the harder and longer it will be for you to get it.

2) You'll also have to pay a pretty price for just the use of the book for a couple of weeks, like Fyreflye did. I've done IILLs before and didn't have to pay anything for it. That also goes for people who do not work in the library.

When you request an ILL, in my county anyway, you do not fill out any paperwork, the librarian will ask you your information, much as your name library card ## and other information needed for the process. Make sure that you specifically name which library you want to pick up the book. I did an ILL and it was sent to the wrong library in the system. The entire process is done completely through the computer and the request is sent directly through the ILL Worldcat. The system will automatically look for the closest library that has the book and work its way from there.

I hope this was at least a little bit informative on using the ILLs program. I didn't mean to preach, only teach ;)


In my county (and every other in Caliifornia that I've lived in) you fill out a postcard with your mailing address on one side and the name of the book, author and year of publication on the other (I write the ISBN into any available blank space.) In signing at the bottom you agree to pay up to a maximum of $10 to get the book. The book always goes to the branch where you filled out the card, and when it arrives they mail you the card. It took about a month to get Tarot Symbolism and that's been about standard for ILL's. You can also use you own computer to look for books in a catalogue embracing the library systems of four or five adjoining Northern California counties and order any book not in your own county's system to be delivered to the local branch of your choice. Not yet perfect, but better than the old card system.

Phantom Goddess

fyreflye said:
In my county (and every other in Caliifornia that I've lived in) you fill out a postcard with your mailing address on one side and the name of the book, author and year of publication on the other (I write the ISBN into any available blank space.) In signing at the bottom you agree to pay up to a maximum of $10 to get the book. The book always goes to the branch where you filled out the card, and when it arrives they mail you the card. It took about a month to get Tarot Symbolism and that's been about standard for ILL's. You can also use you own computer to look for books in a catalogue embracing the library systems of four or five adjoining Northern California counties and order any book not in your own county's system to be delivered to the local branch of your choice. Not yet perfect, but better than the old card system.

I guess its done in different ways all over the country. I can only speak for the county I work in. I guess its different in Cali than in Florida.