Attack Predictions


It's well known that incidents like this can lead to "copycat" events or can release constraints hitherto felt by others with similar dispositions.

One single disaster can thus have a snowball effect. Or single disasters can be the straw which breaks the camel's back.

People with contextual knowledge and wisdom can then make reasonable predictions about what might happen. I would not see these predictions as divinatory. They are more educated guesses based on context, historical experience and understanding of politics and human behaviour.

How we stop things from getting to this level belongs to a whole other conversation which is probably beyond the bounds of ths thread and the forum generally.


I agree Moongold. However, it has been the general consensus that since 9/11 London would get hit, inevitable unfortunately ... but that doesn't mean to say the thought should rule your life ... otherwise it's letting the perpetrators win.


Like september 11th, my sleeping pattern a few days before this attack was out of sync. If it was a full moon, I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but new moons don't have the same effect on me, but this one flew so by so quickly I didn't have a chance to connect with it.



Yes there is an evil thing in the world. We have become sensitized. The media hype is creating that atmosphere. We have to seek out the good and do good and keep our hearts on minds focused on the Light. There will always be a dark side trying to get us down but we cannot let it have power over us. Or give it power by being fearful or paranoid. There is nothing new under the sun. We should always be cautious in our lives. Keep looking up do good and seek the Light.


I've stated that I haven't been able to remember my dreams for 2-3 years now. For the first time since I remember a dream I had Thursday and Friday night. It was all about some guy I felt I knew but he didn't look familiar. He worried me and I left. I got a flat tire and went back, he was gone. Kind of like "Confront things or else they will go away". I cannot remember what we were discussing, sadly. I didn't think about the London Attack having anything to do with the fact of remembering my dreams until I read a different thread. So I skipped my way to "Divination", to see if anything was brought up. :) I'm going to try to figure this out.

On a side: my senses seem to be high lately.



Keep persepective on things. What you seek you will find. The power of suggestion is indeed powerful. If something is not clear then seek clarity. If there is not clear message then perhaps it is not pertinent.

Lady Tararith

Yesterday I was chatting with my mom about the attacks on London as I live in England (also at the time I was only about 20 miles from London city centre visiting my fiancee's parents) and so it has been really major news over here and I thought to myself, 'I wonder when Birmingham will be next?'. Surely enough while I was at my friend's sister's birthday party their mom come out into the garden and said 'There are bombs in Birmingham', but thank God these were controlled explosions and the city evacuated about 20-30 thousand people.

So were my thoughts coincidence??

Lady Tararith xxx


Our thoughts are so powerful and we all have abilities beyond our own comprehension. When you learn manifestation, you are taught how to bring something about that you particularly desire - a new house, a new job, a life partner . . . whatever. And it works. The other side of the coin, however, is the self-fulfilling prophecy. You can become so sure that something bad is going to happen that it does.

I'm not, of course, denying that people had awful dreams or premonitions before the recent bombings. It must have been very frightening. But, as a psychic friend of mine always says, you cannot foretell the future - you can only see what might happen. And so perhaps what we should do when we have such premonitions is not to dwell on them and to be convinced that they will come true but to use all our energies to manifest a different scenario - one in which the bombs don't go off, in which the police find the perpetrators before they set the bombs, in which no one gets hurt.

We all have enormous power. If we use it together to manifest for a better world, who knows what we could achieve?


Angel Star

I agree with Moongold. Lets gets some perspective here and not give into fear. That can only make things worse and sitting around worrying cause I can be one of the biggest worry wourts does not help at all. Its a waste of energy sometimes. When you have anxiety issues there is only so much the body can take. Well this is MO.

Angel Star

Netz I totally agree with you. I like your attitude. We all do have tremendous power to change things. I loved your post.