Cycle of Your Day Spread


I created this simple, five card daily spread for when you want to know more about how your day will go rather than doing a one card spread. I hope you all enjoy it.

Cycle of Your Day Spread.


1.) Main situation you will encounter today.
2.) High point of your day.
3.) Low point of your day.
4.) Something unexpected that will happen today.
5.) This sums up your day.



Hi, Azarial.

I really like the idea of drawing a card for the high point in the day and the low point in the day.

I'll give your spread a try and report back. :)



hey this spread sounds really cool.... will try it tomorrow.. thanks....


I posted my spread on this just now. I will let y'all know how the day went.

Things on tap for today?

Movie, Bird Show, Talking to friends about a baby. :) I can see some cards already giving me hints! The most interesting card for me was the High Point of the day.LOL!


Azarial, you have a real talent for creating wonderful spreads. :)

I've tried this the last couple of days and it's been spot on. I really like the low point..............understanding what that may mean helps one to prepare to deal with it.

Thanks for sharing .


What a wonderful spread.

Thank you for sharing.




Great Spread

This is a great spread. I use this spread daily and so far my cards have been right on the money.

Phantom Goddess

this looks very interesting, do you mind if i jot it down in my journal?


This looks interesting! I'm going to add it to my journal to try out tomorrow or the near future. It does seem like it will provide a more accurate reading than a simple one card, or three card spread.



I did this spread a couple days ago and then looked back at it before I went to bed and it was very accurate! Thanks for posting it. :)