10 of swords and awarness of pain


How do you see 10 of swords when asking if someone feels pain about something?
I asked if some person is aware of his cruelty and being hard and this way hurting another - and I got 10 of swords.

I would say that the person is aware of the distress and harshness that he or she created and also that it was like an 'overkill' (the reacion was very harsh and brutal, also cutting off the person).

So, would you say the person knows, is aware of the hurt he or she caused?


This is a yes no question, which I personally stay away from. This ten for me is over kill, to get the maximum drama. Pain is this card, is it the pain of this situation, is this how he is feeling? Or how he is making others feel? Perhaps asking of his intentions in this situation would have been a better question for tarot. Yes/No questions make too many assumptions.


yes, it is a yes/no indeed - but I don't read it as yes-no, this only serves as a frame and in fact I read it as you proposed, in the sense of what he felt. If bad feeling cards come up, it shows that he did feel pain, if not - he didn't. This is how I read it: )

So, would you say 10 of swords is about pain and devastation?

But definitely good point to ask simply how he feels about the situation.


Yeah, I think they're completely aware of their overkill & how it causes pain. However, they may not be able to help themselves. But when you stab someone in the back, you're usually aware of your actions.


Yeah, I think they're completely aware of their overkill & how it causes pain. However, they may not be able to help themselves. But when you stab someone in the back, you're usually aware of your actions.

yes, this makes sense...also about not being able to help themselves. I guess this shows a destructive pattern that they are aware of.


10 of swords as well as overkill can mean extteme mental states.

Two options could be that they think you are over reacting and should toughen up; not taking ownership for their behaviour.

or in line with extreme mental states they personally/emotionally gain something by causing the pain. Their reaction to causing a person pain is not what you would expect of a rational balanced normal person. If that is the case step back and stop playing their game by giving them the satisfactionbof seeing their impact.


The Ten of Swords is the last Swords card, furthest from the purity of the Ace, and as a result is almost completely degraded. In terms of thoughts and the mind, it shows them as completely unfocused, wayward, ruined and haphazard. Perhaps the person does know, does feel guilt and also feels bad, but ultimately feels they have no control of the situation, as they have their own feelings/agenda about the situation. An example of this is someone saying "I feel bad about it but that's the way I am and can't change." I don't think any subterfuge is implied nor cruel intent, but confusion, fear, reactionary thinking.


10 of swords as well as overkill can mean extteme mental states.

I was thinking this also but was hesitant to bring it up because there's really no reading ie surrounding cards, positional meanings, etc. But yeah, this card can reflect that. I often got this card regarding my paranoid schizophrenic mother. She tried to pretend that she really didn't try to kill me; God & the angels talked her into it, which completely justified her actions in her mind, I suppose because she was helping to save my soul. weehah


The 'I can't help it' attitude totally resonates in my case...being destructive, but saying 'this is the way I am'.


How do you see 10 of swords when asking if someone feels pain about something?
I asked if some person is aware of his cruelty and being hard and this way hurting another - and I got 10 of swords. ?

My immediate reaction is that he sees that he's causing upset, but doesn't take it seriously -- he thinks the other person is being a drama queen, making a big deal out of nothing.