11 Card Overall Physical Health Spread


In allegory to the Crucifixion of Christ, this is the organist's traditional prayer:

"The head (1), the heart (2), the hands (3 & 4), the sides (5 & 6), the knees (7 & 8), the breast (9), the feet (10 & 11)..."


(1) How do you think you feel?
(2) How do you know you feel?
(3 & 4) What (3) unseen and (4) visible things are you doing about your health?
(5 & 6) What are the (5) unseen and (6) visible infuences on your health?
(7 & 8) What are your (7) subconcious and (8) conscious hopes and fears regarding your health?
(9) Overall state of your health
(10 & 11) What are your (10) internal and (11) external states of physical health?

Sonia Doris

thank you for this spread, I've been looking for something like this!! :D


Thank you! Great spread!
The 8 of pents for my external state of physical health...think that must be cos ive been sloggin it out at the gym the last coupla weeks lol workin hard and all that!

Barbaras Ahajusts

I'll be darn

I just did this with the Thoth. Not only did it work perfectly, but it made me re focus on the stress that I am doing to myself.
No one else is making me stressed out, well they are, but no one can change how I accept it. Thats up to me and the cards are exactly correct!

Thank you so much KK. A very nice spread!
