the Y(why) spread

Forest Fox Hefif

this is my spread to explain an action or event. just ask: "why..." and envision the action or event while you shuffle.


1. explanation
2. explanation
3. elaboration
4. elaboration

enjoy :)


nice first post :) welcome .

Barbaras Ahajusts

Example reading using Thoth/Need more input on spread please.

I know we have to put our readings in another thread, but using this spread I want to share this to get some feedback on this spread. I will move it if I am told to, or a moddie can :D:D!

The question is,
"Why does this have to happen, what is my lesson in it?"

1. Knight of Wands...this is a reoccuring card in this situation. I believe this covers one of the partys whom I will call P, the male. Hardheaded and wants to get what he perceives as perfection in a matter.

2. Hierophant...Ah the stubborn influence. P the male believes in anything that the female, D says. P worrys to much about the future and doesn't focus on the now. D plays into this with much falderah. (She does readings via her spirit guide telling her everything. She trained under Sylvie Browne.)

3. 2 Swords/Peace...My first instinct here is this is the first lesson card. This is for me to stand back and don't react to anything. I see the battle I could jump into, but don't want to. Any and all battles forces P to D. I am reinforcing that bond when I knee jerk with my reactions.

4. 7 Disk/Failure...This is what I am banking on. That this "domination/bond" that D has over P must fail. This is why I must stay silent about D, no matter what. I must not contact D at all. P won't listen to anything wrong about this one due to the fact this one is P's dream female, even though D has rejected him. Only a brother status is given to P.

I added the cards to find a number for a Quint card. Its the Hierophant, #5. I get the wait feeling again. So this reading is all about time. Once things are seen for what they are, and hopefull it isn't a long time, this is a waiting out period, an emotional threesome with D her male & P. P is caught up in something of his own creation. Find another like D, his fantasy.

The base card (bottom of the deck) is the 3 Disk/Works
One of the discripts on this card is working with a Capricorn. LOL. Thats me. All in all this entire reading is a time to wait and see. To let this all work out. My lesson is to leave things be. Allow what must happen, to happen.

Now back on track...this spread. Is it just me, and I admit I can be viewing this from inside my own stuffy box, here...but does this spread need specific questions to work more specifically or should this spread stay fully intuitive & as is? No questions, just "explanations" as you turn the cards? ;)

On the side...With the Knight card meaning this will keep coming back to me and the 7 Disks meaning a week, I see this as a continuing circle that will happen so I can get the lesson down, properly. So my lesson is constantly re-inforced.
