seven stars

MG I just knew you'd like them. NOW.....if you have time, if you would possibly be so kind.....would anyone who gets this stuff that likes it please leave feedback on the bottom left corner of my FEEDBACK page on the website? I just recently installed that app. Even if there's stuff you didn't like about it, it's all good, it's like, in Tarot readings sometimes bad news is good to know ahead of time.


Feel better soon, MoonGypsy. I'm so glad you got your package.

My mail man is late today so I don't know if it will come today or not. I actually thought I would get it yesterday for some reason-then I read that you thought it, too. Anyway- I can't wait to see all the goodies. I decided I might put that particular mirror on my Ancestral Altar this year. I think my mother in law would have really loved these mirrors, so I'll put it next to her pic and have a little talk about it with her when the time comes:)


Seven, do you give a tracking number with your packages? Just so I know if I should be keeping a close eye on the mail or if I'll have a tracking label to trust. Your email reply said it would be here in a few weeks, which your decks are worth the wait. Knowing me though I may forget I have something coming my way in that time.


I'm out of town until Sat or Sun, trying to get back to S Fl before the storm Erika hits. No way of knowing if my package has been delivered but I'm hopeful it will be there waiting on me! It will keep me occupied if we have to deal with a bad storm and lose electricity, candles and Lenormand works well together!



I know I keep thinking what do "I" want for Halloween that I could make, LOL.....my Lenormand set I have on the end table & it's like a little Halloween shrine or something.

Could you make vintage pocket watches with the same sort of art ideas you have for the mirrors? IDK I saw a pocket watch on tv just now and thought that might be kinda cool??? Especially for Halloween shrines.


MG I just knew you'd like them. NOW.....if you have time, if you would possibly be so kind.....would anyone who gets this stuff that likes it please leave feedback on the bottom left corner of my FEEDBACK page on the website? I just recently installed that app. Even if there's stuff you didn't like about it, it's all good, it's like, in Tarot readings sometimes bad news is good to know ahead of time.

Feedback left, dear...:* i wish there was an editing function, though, to correct my
typos. :laugh:

seven stars

Things are slowing down a little, so I'm going to take the discount coupon code down on Saturday. JUST to let y'all know.

Before it's over though......I made some new backs just for AT. I wouldn't mind putting these backs on any of the decks for you but they're "from" the Samhain Lenormand deck. I'm not going to post these anywhere but here. No extra charge for these backs.

Also.....just so you know, I'm going to be making Grand Tableau mats soon. I'll make a preview tomorrow & if any of you want one, pm me & I'll let you use the discount coupon code when they ARE ready. Probly won't be ready by Saturday, though, and I don't want to send out another bunch of mailers right on the tail of the last one. The mats will be 28" x 23.5" & they're the same as the mini 3 card mats - fabric face, rubber back. I'm making them for tarot, too - especially for people who do online readings. This is probably too much info but I'm a little bleary eyed right now & I'm turning off the computer & hiding it for the night so I don't get back on & edit something, lol.....


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ohhh cooool backs!

And just for us ATers, even better :). I see a back I'm partial to!

Can't wait to see the mats! Was that a typo, Seven? Are they REALLY 28 X 23.5? I'm sure readers who do larger spreads will love these.


Awe. I love those backs and now it's too late for me :(

GD, it's probably a huge mat if it's for a Grand Tableau? I'll stick to my 3 cards which I'm still learning :)

My mail person didn't come yesterday? How strange.

Aster Breo

Oooh! The GT mats sound really interesting.

Do you know what kinds of designs you'll use for them?