21 Ways To Read A Tarot Card -- step ONE


21 Ways - Steampunk

Step ONE: Steampunk (Moore), 5 of Wands

The 3 cards I drew were 6 of Cups, Temperance, 5 of Wands

I like the first 2 cards, but was particularly drawn in by the last one. Also, when I did a deck interview with my Steampunk a few days ago the 5 of Wands is a card that came up. I had some difficulty interpreting it (though got help here!). Seeing it show up again now seemed like a sign, so that's the card for me.

This card depicts 5 people standing in a circle and holding wands. Each person is dressed quite differently, and each wand is distinct. The people appear aggressive towards each other and the sky is stormy.


Step 1

3 of Swords, Sharman-Caselli

We see a glass stained window. The red heart seems to be trapped within it. On the outskirts butterflies surround the picture, like a frame. Butterflies relate to the element of air and transformation, here they are imprisoned by steel bars. Below the heart a flock of birds fly in the cloud. Also relating to the element air. The heart is pierced by 3 swords. On the outside of the glass window, there are 2 separate pictures with 2 birds in them. They are not trapped behind bars like the rest of the picture.


Step ONE: Shadowscapes Tarot

Step ONE: Shadowscapes Tarot, Queen of wands.

The 3 cards my deck chose for me were 10 of cups, King of swords and Queen of wands.
I chose the last one cause of the beauty and serenity I feel whenever I see it.

A woman is playing a harp that is part of a tree, feeling the music with her eyes closed. The foxes, fairies and a black bird around her seem to be listen carefully, while some white birds are flying away.

Link to the artist’s website with a larger version of the card: http://www.shadowscapes.com/Tarot/cards.php?suit=1&card=12


21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card: Step One

Step One: Mandala Astrological Tarot--Cup Queen (Cancer Throne)

My deck does not depict pictures of people. It based on the symbols in astrology with colors and Hebrew letters. Also, the cards are square so can face in any of the four directions.

The circle in the middle of the card is a golden color. In the middle of that circle is a throne with golden cancer sitting on top with a golden goblet and a silver scepter shaped like a flower (or maybe just a silver flower?). The throne is adorned with a golden oyster shell on the base and a green crab on the back. The back is framed in a cerulean type of blue with a blue cross on top. On the left of the circle is a silver crescent moon and on the right is a deep blue/indigo jupiter.

Wow, I got a whole paragraph from a fairly simple card design!


21 ways to read a tarot: step one, Mystic Dreamer

Step one: Mystic Dreamer Ace of Swords

With a background that starts off dark at the ground and brightens as you reach the sky; you can see mountains and a tree (which looks like a midwinter tree). Birds in the sky at the top of the mountains, and above a moon which hangs low in the sky. At the forefront of the card a woman sits kneeling down next to a large boulder that is covered in moss. Sticking out of the top of the boulder is a large bright silver sword that is wrapped in red roses and adorned with a bright red crown. at the top of the crown is a cross that has two halos around it. This woman has a head-dress on which is made up of black jewels. She is reaching her hand out to touch the sword and as she does there is a bright spark coming from her hand. On the other side of the boulder are 3 deep maroon flowers which seem to be too large to be real. They seem to be closer to you than the woman, yet they are not.


STEP ONE: Witches Tarot, V The High Priest

In this card the High Priest sits on a stone bench in front of two large columns. His right hand showing two fingers up and two fingers down representing balance between the physical and spiritual worlds. In his left hand he holds a wooden staff with three cross sections representing the upper world, middle work, and under world. Hovering in front of him is two skeleton keys. One of silver depicting the moon and one of gold depicting the sun. These keys portray yin/yang, masculine/feminine energies and balance. He is a Wise One giving the feeling of a great counselor or advisor.


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Lucas Prince of Cats

Rider-Waite, Moon
The sky is clearly seen. The horizon is lit up, and the high sky is dark, filled by the moon, and it appears as a sleeping face and a crescent in a glowing sphere of light. In the darkness are stars. On the ground are two pillars, and one appears in a more far off valley. In the mundane valley is a wolf and dog who howl at the moon alike, and a path through the mundane and further valley separates them. In between both of them, a shell-fish rises from the waters.
The lighting moon of the Rider-Waite.


Step ONE: Rider-Waite, The Hierophant

A young looking man sitting high upon a throne, between two pillars. He is adorned in a red robe, white shirt and white shoes. He's holding a golden rod and wearing a large golden crown with the letter 'w' on top.
He holds his hand up as to signify a prayer, blessing or an agreement, acknowledgment.
At his feet, two golden keys.
In front of the stage/throne, are two men (both bald or wearing a Kippah)
