3 Card spread, judge my interpretation


The situation:

Over the past few weeks I’ve had less and less time to devote to study of the tarot, and Thelema, and this has been the cause of a great stress in my life, as it is very important to me. I work 10+ hours a day with ever growing responsibilities (I’m in the Navy, just picked up E-5, and as I was already qualified at an E5 level, I’m being pressured to pursue E6 level qualifications), I’m going to college as well (just finished my AA), and between just those two I’ve had so little time to do the most basic things like go to the gym, or go to the grocery store, much less sit for an hour or two a day in study of the Great Work. Then all the normal holiday stress just compounds it. I mention to a few friends that I’m feelings spread too thin across all work, and one friend even went so far as to pull me aside to tell me they worry I’m charging too hard and that I’m on the verge of burning myself out, with which I would have to agree. I think the HGA has funny ways of speaking to us when we live below Tiphereth, that are often just written off as coincidence, but should we open our ears we might hear something very relevant to our lives, and as such I was watching Parks and Recreation just a night or two ago, and one character says to another, “Never half ass two things, when you can whole ass one thing”; this was my first ‘Aha!’ moment. I realize I need to throttle back in one place or another if I’m to do any of these things fully. The question in my mind then is of all the work I have before more, which one if any is not in accordance with my will?


I began my work by invoking the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, and then shuffled the cards as I contemplated my predicament and the question of what is my will, and what would behoove me in working toward the Great Work.
I drew three cards a follows:

Center: 8 of Disks – Prudence
Left: The Hermit
Right: 7 of Swords – Futility


8 of Disks – Prudence –

Sol in Virgo
Hod of Assiah
Hod is ruled by Mercury, who rules virgo, an earth sign. Earth is in Assiah, and thus disks. The sun energizes all these aspects, and they all mesh nicely. Hod is low on the tree and sits off the middle pillar.
Duquette writes of the card “It is calculating. Plant and wait. Wait and see...” A.C. writes of the card “signifies intelligence loving applied to material matters, especially those of the agriculturists, the artificer and the engineer.” And “There is a strength in doing nothing at all” “sow the seed, sit back, and wait for harvest” “it represents an element of calculation” Again, speaking of Sol, Virgo/Mercury, and Earth, we are referring to the seed of the great work in this context.

The Hermit –

Virgo - Earth
Mercury Rules – Mercury Exalted
Letter: Yod (hand)
Path 20 joining chesed to Tiphareth
The hermit caries the lantern of the sun, and being attributed to Virgo, tells me this card has a special relationship with the 8 of Disks. The spermatozoa and the egg bring to mind the ideas of creation and reproduction, fulfillment of prophecy. If the 8 of disks is sitting back to watch the seed grow, then the hermit is the hand the sow the seeds of the Great Work.

The 7 of Swords – Futility -

Moon in Aquarius
Netzach of Yetzirah
The card illustrates a planetary battle: six planets versus the sun. This card has a passive planet. A.C writes the card embodies a wish to compromise but is in doubt so long as there exists violent uncompromising forces which take it as a natural prey. It is incapable of sustained labor; its energy would run out far too quick. The illustration of the planets aligned against the sun seems speaks to me about the struggle of being spread too thin, the forces opposing the attack are doomed should they not concentrate their forces.
A.C. writes again and again about the “mode of fulfillment of the Great Work” being found in the three keys of Sol, Mercury, and Earth, the three keys prevalent in the first two cards here. The hermit and Prudence complement each other well. They are very well dignified together. Futility on the other hand being a sword does not sit well next to a disk. It is passive. The moon is just the opposite of the sun. This card is very poorly dignified next to other two.


As I said before if prudence is watching the seed grow, the hermit is the hand that sow the seed of the great work. They reinforce each other, and in my mind refer to the question at hand well. It would seem to say that I’m on the path of attainment, and not to stray, that I’ve sow the seeds thus far, and that if I’m vigilant in the work I’m pursuing as it is, I won’t burn out, that perhaps this is just the steepest part of the road up the mountain, and the summit is close by, or a cliff side for a brief rest before continuing the path. Futility speaks to me about being spread to thin. By itself I would interpret it to mean that I’m half assing too many things, and need to concentrate my forces, pick my battles more wisely; it is the burn out of psychological energy. Ill dignified, I want to say that it means the opposite, that is to say that the division of energy across the different avenues is in balance. The ultimate message of hold fast, the storm will pass. Further, the idea of having 8 (well dignified) next to a 7 (ill dignified) in a 3 card spread seems to correspond to the path of attainment; we move from Hod to Netzach on the Tree, placing us closer in the path to Tiphareth.

Past – the Hermit - the seed of the Great Work is planted

Present – Prudence – watch the seed grow, you are on the right path

Future – Futility (Ill dignified) - Overcome adversity through vigilance and balance.

Any more experienced readers have any input? How would you have interpreted the 3 cards?


Past – the Hermit - the seed of the Great Work is planted

Present – Prudence – watch the seed grow, you are on the right path

Future – Futility (Ill dignified) - Overcome adversity through vigilance and balance.

IMO the interpretation of the first two cards is fine. The seed has been planted and is growing and developing gradually at it's own pace. Where I think you might be missing something is the final card. You mentioned that you're getting stressed out because you want to devote more time to your studies. But the 7's are all cards of Desire. In the 7 of Swords it's desire that disperses and dissipates of the focus of the mind. That fact that you're getting stressed ties in with this card perfectly.

It also seem at odds with the first two cards. If you've ever grown anything you will know you can't force the pace, you can only provide the right conditions and then let nature take it's course. The fact that earth predominates in the spread suggests that maybe practical matters should be a priority at this time.

To sum up: the ground work has been done, the seed planted. Things are moving along at their own pace. But if you try to force it you might spread yourself too thin and end up expending a lot of energy for very little return.


Past: The Hermit
Present: 8 of Disks – Prudence
Future: 7 of Swords – Futility

The Hermit and the 8 of Disks are both very earthy, fertile cards. The energy of the world of form/Earth/Assiah is slow moving so any impatience to progress, or lust of result, is likely to result in the 7 of Swords - wasted mental activity.

The Hermit is connected to Yod, the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It's position in 10 is another connection to Malkuth/Earth. Yod is a flame - the Hermit's lamp - which reminds me that Kether is in Malkuth and Malkuth is in Kether. You might be labouring in Malkuth, but you are also working in Kether even though you may not perceive it. The Hermit's lamp encourages you to continue on the path of Return, even though you may only see one step ahead at a time and the fruits of your labour seem long in coming.

Let's look at some definitions of Prudence.

1: the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason
2: sagacity or shrewdness in the management of affairs
3: skill and good judgment in the use of resources
4: caution or circumspection as to danger or risk

I suggest that the advice of Prudence is to use your judgement about the best place to be putting your time and energy right now. It might well be that you need to be focusing on the material plane and the world of Form, rather than higher spiritual matters. The Great Work requires balance. The balance you need right now might be mindful attention to your material affairs. You can still have a baseline practice - daily Resh, for eg - rather than a time consuming schedule of ritual and study when you are in busy periods of your life. Prudence requires you to use your best judgement about your best use of time and resources.

It's normal for there to be an ebb and flow in your conscious magickal and spiritual work. It's not a constant, linear progression. Sometimes you need to sit back and let it all simmer around in your subconscious and sometimes you need to more actively engage with it.

I suggest the advice the cards are giving you at present is to let the work you have done so far settle and give it time to bear fruit. Focus on the material tasks at hand and don't waste mental energy agonising over what you think you SHOULD be doing. Look at your progress over months and years, not days and weeks. Over time the balance will be there if you just keep moving forward at whatever pace is realistic and possible for you at any given time. Despair due to not having a neatly organised schedule of which you are in control at all times is .... futile :)


I wonder about your question and spread saneisjus. You asked "which is not in accordance with my will" and drew three cards. I wonder if you had it in your mind for each card to represent some aspect or example of the things competing for your attention? I agree very much with the comments made so far, but just wondered if there was some avenue for comparing and contrasting the cards as if 'options' or if it was intended more as overall commentary.



Yes, you did actually ask two questions. In my experience as a reader, the difficulty with useful interpretation begins with not asking the question properly or clearly enough

One large or multi-issued question can be broken down into sub-squestions. Eg, if you were to ask "Should I move to London or Paris?", good luck getting a comprehensible answer from Tarot using one card or most spreads. A better approach is to pull a card for each option and see which one looks more promising. There are also decision-based spreads you could use, but you'd still have to be clear about what you were deciding between and they get tricky if you have more than 2 options.

>The question in my mind then is of all the work I have before more, which one if any is not in accordance with my will?

You could list all the things on your plate and pull a card for each one to determine it's current level of importance to your path.

Just playing Devil's advocate, what is the answer was your work or your relationship are not in accordance with your Will? Would you then really throw them aside? In my mind, shuch a situation raises a further question. What positive action can I take to bring them in line with my True Will.

>I began my work by invoking the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, and then shuffled the cards as I contemplated my predicament and the question of what is my will, and what would behoove me in working toward the Great Work.

I took this 2nd question as the one to focus on for the reading I did.


I had t thought of it in terms of options, but more was just looking for general guidance.

Jellybean, perhaps I should have been more specific before dealing as to what my question was, but as poorly worded as it might have been, general guidance in the path of the great work was what I was looking for. Had the answer been "your job is in the way of your will", I would be willing to throttle back there, perhaps even take one or more bad evaluations in the process. You bring up a great point, because I had been considering not enrolling in another term of school in January to have a little more free time, perhaps I should have asked about that specifically.

Thanks for all the feedback everyone.



No on can tell you what your Will is, not even the best tarot reader in the world. That's something only you can discern.

Feel absolutely free to break your questions down to a very granular level and we can look at each specific question or aspect in more detail.

I have discovered that the broader the question, the broader the answer will be. Sometimes we ask broad questions because we can't articulate or discern the finer detail, or smaller questions within a large question. I can take time to delve down to that level of granularity.


What do you think would be a good strategy? Distill a list of priorities and ask in separate spreads if that particular one is in accordance with my will?


Sorry to chime in a bit late!

Just wanted to point out that your spread is a numerological reverse progression: 9 (Hermit), 8 Pents, 7 Swords; and it adds up to 6 (Lovers).

To me this would indicate a need to scale down your efforts, perhaps reverse your drive for a while.

The total (6 Lovers): having to discriminate between several pursuits/passions/courses of action.

I am not (yet) educated on the Tree of Life, but from my perspective I would read the Hermit and 8 Pents together as taking a prudent break/absence from some of your pursuits.

If you consider the Hermit's persona, he is not the spiritual archetype that subscribes to schedules, fixed rituals, and higher learning institutions -- that would be the Hierophant!

I think the Hermit's approach is much more organic and free-form, as noted earlier an "ebb-and flow" approach to spirituality; the Hermit takes time out to wander, to "smell the flowers", having patience and faith that he is on the right path..