3 cards a day...


Lee, thank you so much for sorting the picture out for me. Would you mind sending me a pm to explain how you fixed it? I really tried everything I could think off and had to admit defeat. :)
You have a pm :)


I do think it's an interesting exercise to cast ourselves as different characters on a card and see how that changes our perspective. This might be something I might try on a regular basis -- shift my identification to a different part of a card, just to get a different viewpoint.

I thought about this idea to cast myself as different characters in a set of cards quite a lot - and then this morning I did a quick three card draw. It has been so busy the last days that shuffling the card, concentrating on myself, emptying my mind, cutting them, putting three cards on the table and turning them, all this little ritual, felt like a mini holiday. Here are the cards I came up with - and I will only tell you that I cast myself as all three, in the next post! (cliffhanger! but maybe someone wants to say what he or she saw in these, or who you are!)

No specific question asked. General reading about my life right now.

Reine de Coupes - Valet de Coupes - VIII La Justice



Staring at the cards I thought: This is about my love life. All these cups and emotions and people. Then I had three different ideas, depending on who I am in these three.

1. I am the Valet - going towards the Queen. My cup is covered, but hers is tightly closed. I am protecting my emotions, because I am afraid they will not be returned. No specific person involved, just the fear that the next one will not open up to me and react to my feelings, so I keep them under cover, control them. But I am on the way. Turning my back on Justice with her sword and her scale who symbolizes my habit of overanalyzing everything.

2. I am the Queen. Sitting there patiently, waiting for the valet to bring me a second cup to my one lonely cup - then there will be balance, duality, as promised by the scales of La Justice. I can't see him yet, but he is on his way and if I am receptive and pay attention I will be complete soon.

3. I am Justice. A close friend of mine is very freshly in love with a girl who lives in New York (he is in Paris), he told me a lot about her and is all sweet talk on the phone and text messages all the time... i spent a few days with him lately and while I am very happy for him, I also sometimes had a hard time not being a bit jealous. So Justice is me, turning my back on this love action and concentrating on my own life, keeping it balanced, not letting it affect me in a negative way.

I think all three are a bit true. Will be interesting to see what you people here think!


Okay....what I find interesting about the cards is that they move you from a seemingly more mature place, to a less mature place and then to an even more mature place.

I know you didn't throw them as a spread....but the sense of expansion, contraction, and superexpansion is really just screaming at me.

Like....Life is always one step forward, three steps back, six steps forward.

To me this throw speaks of someone who is being almost forced to grow up, but doing so very reluctantly and yet gracefully.

The head postions are all in line...first card and third card the head position is so close they just seem like the same person, but a major growth spurt occurred in the middle position.

IN the first card the expression is so sad to me....but in the third card the expression is now more relaxed and confident.

The story is in the middle. The kid has a CD in his hand...so apparently his music maker is broken. But he carries his music with him, and he also carries....a cup and a strange third arm. LOL. I do know that this is some kind of scarf or cloth, but there appears to be fingers on the end.

I think you are looking for the music of your soul. A CD is a disc that you load data onto...and you carry this with you. It may have music on it, it may be empty, it may be that the CD is a symbol for the things you have learned in your life, life lessons that you carry with you and feel good about. You've gotten this far, and you are proud of what you have learned.

The other thing I see her is passive-active-passive but with determination and readiness in the third and final? position. Your feet are visible here...you are ready...for what though?

Something has occurred to make you more ready for the next part of your journey.

Your cup and CD become a sword and pendulum?
You move from emotions to intellect? but the CD was a kind of cup in a way...it can hold something...data....but the data becomes that strange spoonlike pendulum thing. A flash drive? :) See you stepped up again! You store things in a cup, then on a CD, now on a flash drive...what next?

With wings we see in the third position your connection to the divine and to yourself is forged...you are prepared now to fly when you need to, but until you do have to fly, you amuse yourself with your pursuits, and wiggle around that flash drive.

And you wait.

There is a watchful state of readiness here.

I know I didn't play the game....but I had to sort of talk about what I saw. I seem to be in a phase where I'm really connecting to the Marseille. Weird.



I'm very stressed about a situation involving another person, but I'm aware that it might be my skewed perception that's causing the stress, and I might not be seeing the reality of the situation.

What is important for me to know about the situation?

Vieville Tarot

Chariot - Papesse - Bateleur

Believe it or not, I find an all-Majors draw quite difficult to read. But what I see that someone is keeping a tight lid on their emotions (Chariot), that a lot remains hidden as a consequence (Papesse). The Bateleur is telling me that someone is trying to manipulate the situation to their advantage.

I'm a bit lost :(


le charior, this is my take on your three cards. Forgive the simplicity.

Go forth with openness, honesty, truth and fairness in your heart and you will find what you seek.

I believe that that is what the knave holds so carefully in his cup. He appears to have taken the lid off his own cup.

Quite a deep message in those three cards.


le charior, this is my take on your three cards. Forgive the simplicity.

Go forth with openness, honesty, truth and fairness in your heart and you will find what you seek.

I believe that that is what the knave holds so carefully in his cup. He appears to have taken the lid off his own cup.

Quite a deep message in those three cards.

Lol, moonbear, for a moment I thought this was my message and I was happy.

But with regard to le charior's cards, yes, I'd agree. Also, I see the two courts as two people perhaps, if that applies to your situation. Do you know a person who is like the queen and who keeps her cup/heart closed? In which case the candid approach of the knave may indeed shift things back into balance. Alternatively, you may be too much like the queen and are encouraged to act more like the knave.


No excuses, Satori, there is no game to play, there are no rules! A big huge thanks instead!

Your reading made me laugh out loud, the whole CD idea is hilarious and so creative! And the third arm! Never seen the card like that, but from now on it will be there, these ideas! At the same time a very deep and meaningful way of seeing it, I love the sense of development, one step back, two ahead, that seems very me :) And I am looking forward to my cool flash drive life!

I seem to be in a phase where I'm really connecting to the Marseille. Weird.

You are really amazing, I think! A pleasure to read and see what you think about it!


le charior, this is my take on your three cards. Forgive the simplicity.

Go forth with openness, honesty, truth and fairness in your heart and you will find what you seek.

I believe that that is what the knave holds so carefully in his cup. He appears to have taken the lid off his own cup.

Quite a deep message in those three cards.

Thanks for your take, moonbear, I like it a lot!

Do you come to your understanding more intuitively while looking at all cards, or is there a one by one card reading involved that lead you to this interpretation? Me personally I always look at the interactions, but also the cards by themselves, and then ususally I write a long sermon quite intuitively what comes to my mind that I then cut down (more or less...;)) to the actual reading.

I think it is fascinating to see different people's approaches to the cards and truly enrichening.


Sorry about that BrightEye. It was a nice message though wasn't it?!

I'm actually looking at your cards right now. I'm not the fastest of readers lol .... I'll come back with my take on them.