3 OLD Decks given to me by a friend

Laura Borealis

I have a lot of catching up to do. ;)


I agree, give them back to her, perhaps she has a second person she would give them to who can use them. I have several very old decks, if the person I gave the deck to did not want them or did not use them, I would like the chance to give them to someone who would love to have and use them.

Laura Borealis

That's a very good point. I'm sure the giver would rather have them returned than passed on to some random stranger, even if it was me. *sad face*

In all seriousness, I'd just wait a while and see how you feel. Your friend gave you a wonderful gift! And those decks will always remind you of her. She sounds like a pretty cool lady.

I actually wondered if she was the warm, friendly shop owner I talked to for a while when I visited the French Quarter several years ago (before Katrina). It was a voodoo shop, but not one of the cheesy tourist traps. I can't remember the name though.


I suggest you make no decision by yourself. Talk with your friend about it. Let her help you decide whether to "cleanse" them or pass them on. I'm sure she will understand your feelings and have input on what she would prefer and think is right. Perhaps you can even do a reading together on the issue.


If you wanted to keep them I'd unwrap them, maybe one at a time for space reasons - and spread them out on a different cloth to "air"
Put some quartz there too maybe.

Keeping them wrapped just keeps it all in - whatever "it" is.


Maybe ask the cards themselves how they're feeling? why they are making you feel this way?what do they want?



Maybe they have served their purpose in this world and it is time to send them back to the elements?

I would do a ritual 'goodbye and thank you for all your service' by burying them in a special place or letting them go in a river or the ocean (yes, there is an issue of pollution, but really, it's a drop in the ocean).

Obviously i would only do that with the consent of the original owner, or maybe she would rather do it herself.

there is the chance that unconsciously she is asking you to be a caretaker for her decks, maybe she will want them back to play with again at some time in the future.... however, you do not have to take that responsibility if it doesn't suit you. if she doesn't want you to let go of them she can always take them back.

wishing you all the best with this situation.


If selling or returning them is not an option, then I'd take the decks out and had a serious talk with them. Maybe, they just don't want to be retired just yet. :D

Even if you don't plan to use them for readings, it might be important that they become 'yours'. You could try dedicating one day per each deck to get familiar with it and ask it a number of simple one-card questions, e.g.

- What would you like me to do with you?
- What's your primary energy/character?
- Why are you giving me a bad vibe?
- How can we cooperate best? etc.

And, of course, do keep us updated. ;)


Maybe they have served their purpose in this world and it is time to send them back to the elements?

I would do a ritual 'goodbye and thank you for all your service' by burying them in a special place or letting them go in a river or the ocean (yes, there is an issue of pollution, but really, it's a drop in the ocean).

yeah, sorry, major disagreement here ~~

the ocean is made up of drops, yes; but three decks of cards are more than a drop. if we all took such liberties, the ocean would be full of a lot more "drops" than that.

there have already been several interested parties (somewhat sarcastic, but definitely serious!) in this thread, and if there's a possibility of these storied cards living on, appreciated and used, i think that's a far better destiny than the landfill, or the soil that feeds us, or the ocean that is already terribly polluted.

just my two cents. :)

Pam O

Maybe they have served their purpose in this world and it is time to send them back to the elements?

I would do a ritual 'goodbye and thank you for all your service' by burying them in a special place or letting them go in a river or the ocean (yes, there is an issue of pollution, but really, it's a drop in the ocean).
I too was having issues with this suggestion. These decks are getting an immense amount of :heart:love:heart: in this thread. Since you are so torn, the idea to confirm with the giver to pass them on to another home. Maybe show her this thread? Maybe posting here was what the cards inspired you to so they could get to their new home?! Good luck to all!