4 Batons - how may it be read?


The four oft represents, for me, a sense of stableness.

Here, what would seem to suggest itself outside of a completed image are the railings of an equestrian paddock - yet the image rendered is more tightly placed.

In other words, what we have are not simply four sticks forming a square, but rather a pair intersecting another pair.

This intersection of pairs could suggest that allowing other ideas to mingle with current ones are suggested or at hand. Also, the floral patterns seem to suggest some growth arising from the point at which these batons intermingle, rather than from some other location.

The red point in the centre (on the Dodal and some Conver) further suggests that therein - right in the centre of the intermingling - is the seed for new development towards greater stable emergings.

Attached is the Payen version.


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In this card I see a more settled energy than in the preceding card. Whereas the 3 of Batons has a newly formed central baton which stands behind the other two but also separate from them, this is the first card in the series which shows all the batons interlocked and becoming one piece, and therefore stronger, more solid and unmovable. Fours represent structure as well as stability it's as though the batons are bracing themselves for the flowers to also interlock and become the fifth baton.

In a reading I would take into account the strength of energy that this card represents as well as matters which are in order and neat. It could be telling us to settle down and relax, or to calm our excitement and enthusiasm, to gather strength before continuing. In creative projects it could also mean that the basic structure has now been decided on in order to move forward.


Hmmm...I typed my whole response and

Poof! Hit a button and it is gone...

This baton, the four (looking at my Grimaud) is like the big X that warns us to stop, take stock, rest, not move forward until one has assessed the status of a project, or creation....

...yet the symmetry of the beautiful flowers above and below, already in bloom, along with the budding ones alongside the wands, suggest that whatever it is one is working on, is moving along quite nicely...

...perhaps it is time to take rest before the order and disarray of the fives.

Only the two of wands have an "X" configuration clearly in the center...the others have other shapes....and by the ten of baton, we have a diamond in the center where the wands cross (two triangles)...

Such perfect symmetry of the wands...and if one were to remove them visually, such symmetry of the flowers....Passion takes form...rest but

beware of inertia....of loss of one's vision....one could feel that the job is done as indicated by the surrounding of the flowers....two stones striking against each other give rise to fire...energy...but two stones sitting apart, can do nothing.

A good place to rest, but not for long...the stones...(foundation of the this work) must strike each other to rekindle the fire of creativity.



  • Grimaud.jpg
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Spanish Tarot.

The four has a fat closed seed-pod at the bottom of the card and an opening one at the top, it's seeds are still enclosed in inner sections of membrane.

Makes me think of something with lot's of potential, but no clue as to what!
A steady, measured unfolding. Not ready to release yet. It's going to take it's time - all will be shown/displayed when IT's ready. Not before. Can't hurry it.

Bee :)


A nexus --- a common point from which all things grow.

Ideally, in the Four of Wands, energy becomes tamed, dependable, reliable, steady. It's something you can count on. Its cousin the four of Swords creates a defended space for a cut flower; here, though two have been harvested, more are growing. The Four of Wands is an engine that runs steady and doesn't wear out. While whatever it makes may not be all that exciting or different, it's something you can count on.


Hello ihcoyc,

The Four of Wands is an engine that runs steady and doesn't wear out. While whatever it makes may not be all that exciting or different, it's something you can count on.
Yes, that's the sense I get with this card :)

What deck are you using?

Bee :)


The suit of wands are usually linked to the career & with the #4 being associated with stability & to the L'Empereur card you could also read this card as a work project that will be very successful. You might also read this card as someone who is in a supervisory or management position possibly even the boss. Look at the legs of L'Empereur they form the #4 also it is the
L'Empereur who carries out & puts into action the ideas of L'Imperatrice so that they will manifest on the material plane.


Hi anubis77,

Yes I can see where you're coming from. Kwaw has posted re. the pip/trump associations, with a chart. It's a system that's complete in itself for the tarot isn't it.

But for these card-by-card explorations, I'm just selecting the card and trying to sense what it feels like. Different decks impart a different feel - even though it might be a small diffference.

Bee :)

I find that all these ideas are helpful for building up an in-depth meaning for the cards.


The specific card I had in front of me is the LS Mini-Marseille (Burdel based, I think) which I keep in my desk.


Hi ihcoyc,

I have this deck (like you, the mini), just got it out to have a look.

Yes, it's very nexus-like!

Bee :)