4 of Wands as Rejection


One of the meanings of 4 of wands is 'home', so perhaps the card was implying that you'll stay at home, hence you'll not get the job. Does that apply in your case?

I started to see this card a lot once I quit my job and was forced to spend most of the time at home. I think it also might suggest a period when you need to get some rest, because there's nothing else you can do at the moment.

This is the answer I'd lean toward, too.

Do you use reversed cards? If you don't, then this could be a card to read reversed in this reading in my opinion.


That is interesting, I see the 4 of swords exactly this way. I am from the school of thinking that besides the general meanings of the cards, every reader has a personal twist on the cards

I see 4 of swords as rest, too. But to me all 4s are rest of some kind, because they represent reaching a certain level of stability and control over a situation after which you can actually catch a break. 4 of swords to me is rest after some disappointment or a heartbreak, when you sit with the thought of what happened for awhile and try to process it. And 4 of wands is a rest, after you've achieved something or at least build the base of it. Now you can enjoy creativity and enthusiasm in a safe space. So when I wrote 'rest' about 4 of wands I actually meant the freedom to have fun with creation and going after what you really want. Which rarely is the things that we do to earn a living :)

This is the answer I'd lean toward, too.

Do you use reversed cards? If you don't, then this could be a card to read reversed in this reading in my opinion.

Yes, I do use reversed cards and it came up mainly reversed during that period. :thumbsup:


I too had a moment with the 4 of wands recently, which made me question the accuracy of Tarot ;) The only thing that made *some* sense is that maybe it's saying "you should be glad it didn't happen".


I tend to see 4 of wands as a home-based celebration event such as a family meal or party or even time spent enjoying being with my family doing something nice (perhaps a planned day out). I often spend weekends studying and travel in the week, so when I see 4 of wands it suggests to me I'll get some happy time doing fun things with people I love.

Did the job include travelling or possible long hours? Perhaps the job may have taken you away from home and disrupted your home stability and harmony, or caused some issues with home life.


Hi there,
I recently did a post in Your Readings where I did a simple one card outcome pull for a few job applications I put in this month. For all jobs I asked "What will be the outcome for me in regards to gaining work at *insert company title* as *insert job title*."

I am kind of stumped because for one of the jobs (which is one I really was interested in) I pulled the 4 of Wands. To me, I felt that this could result in a job offer. I usually think pentacles are better to see when it relates to career questions, but I tend to read 4s as stability and moving to the next level. I've read others interpretations which usually say the 4OWs heralds a positive message or congratulations, breaking free of bonds, removing oneself from an oppressive situation, etc... All things that might suggest a job offer or at least an interview.

Well, I received a rejection letter this morning. I wasn't called in for an interview. Now I'm not really sure how the 4OWs relates in my situation. Any ideas?

Perhaps you got the Four of Wands because that was how you were feeling about working in that job. You said it was one you were really interested in and that may have been reflected in the card you pulled. It's possible you were celebrating prematurely because you thought / expected to get that job or an interview ?

I think Tarot cards also work best when read in combination with other cards, sometimes just pulling one card will only give you part of the answer. I've also gotten positive cards in relation to jobs and the opposite has happened so I know how it frustrates you :)